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April showers bring May Flowers.....
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Table of Contents:
Mother's Day SPECIAL
20% off This Month's Featured Products
lil' green Uspa

The Beauty Temple proudly carries Uspa, the natural, botanical range from the pure Australian environment.

Hair - Skin - Body

Sara-ann Goubeaud

sm Head shot

Beauty Temple

4035 Boston Harbor Rd. NE
Olympia, WA  98506

(360) 357-0275

What happens to all of the hair clippings?

It all gets donated to help clean up oils spills! CLICK HERE to read more.

2) BRING ME YOUR OLD nylons & tights!!!
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from the Beauty Temple
  Hi ,
April AND May showers bring May flowers! Flowers, and leaves, and a gorgeous vibrant glow all around us! I LOVE this time of year. If I've got my grubby clothes and garden gloves on, you can rest assured I'm a happy camper!  ;-)

Speaking of grubby.... nasty and toxic to be more specific.... oil spills. Did you know that your hair has played a role in cleaning up oil spills?!? Make sure you check out the article below to learn more - super cool stuff!

Mother's Day is this Sunday! To celebrate, I have chosen some special featured products this month to help Mom feel like the queen she is! You can also treat special mom's in your life with a Gift Certificate for some 'Beauty Temple Love!' Check out my special offer below.

Another way to pamper Mom and other special people in your life, is to schedule back to back appointments. I really enjoy when sisters, mom's and daughters, best friend's, and wedding parties come in together. It's super fun and special - and I can get creative by customizing your visit with bonus treats!
A couple tidbits.....

~ I now ship Uspa products anywhere in the country! If it's a gift, I can custom wrap and even include a special message from you!

~ If you'd like to try a specific Uspa product for your skin, body, or hair, let me know. I am now able to sample just about any product!

In service and gratitude,
sara-ann signature
Mother's Day Special:
Purchase a GIFT CERTIFICATE for a special mom in your life, and she will get to choose an additional treat!

Additional Treat Choices:
- Grounding Footbath
- Hand, Arm & Foot Massage
- Singing Bowl Serenata

Gift certificates must be $45 or more & may be purchased ANY time in May

Hey, you're never too old for Mom to hold you like a baby, right?!?
Uspa mom

Eyes Together we are making a difference.....
Did you know that each time you come get a haircut at the Beauty Temple you're helping to clean up oil spills?!? In fact, right now your hair could be helping clean the water and beaches from the recent Gulf oil spill.

Matter Of Trust is a fantastic non-profit organization based out of San Francisco that collects hair clippings to help clean up nasty oil spills. Pretty awesome, huh?

How does it work? Well, me and many other salons and individuals save all the hair clippings we create, and then box it all up, bring it to the post office, and ship it to the Matter Of Trust warehouse. (I have to say that I usually find it irritating when the postal clerk asks you all those questions about your package: liquid, fragile, explosives, bla, bla, bla......But, in this case I find it amusing and always make sure to say, "Nope, it's just a big box full of hair." !) The hair ends up at a warehouse - or even someone's donated garage space - where volunteers make hair mats using a 'Felt-o-matic' machine. They also stuff old nylons and tights with hair to create booms to contain oil spills. Wow, this is just getting better and better, yeah?

But wait, there's more! Then, as if this isn't cool enough, with the help of local Olympia mushroom expert/wizard, Paul Stamets, of Fungi Perfecti, Matter Of Trust is working on a project to transform the used toxic hair mats into teeming with life, usable compost - WOW!

So, how good are you feeling NOW, knowing that you're part of this awesome grassroots effort?!?
Bet'cha can't wait to get your hair cut! ;-)

- Each time I cut your hair, your helping!
- Give me your old nylons/pantyhose and tights that would otherwise be trash
- Spread the word.....to your friends, other salons, and even dog groomers - they use clean dog hair too!
- Check out the videos below and explore the Matter Of Trust website
- Donate financially to this fantastic non-profit!

Hair Mat In Action - Demo (video) (don't mind the commercial at beginning)
Hair Soaks Up Oil Spills (video)

"Mushrooms Eat Oil" on the news (video)

(Let me know if you have a topic you'd like me to include in upcoming newsletters. I am always open to your questions, ideas and feedback!)

featuredproducts20% Off
May Featured Products.....for you & Mom
Lu'lur is a luxurious ritual from the Royal Palaces of Central Java. It is a ritual that lasts for 40 days prior to a wedding and is given to soften and sweeten the skin.
Treat yourself like the queen that you are!

Lu'lur Rose Bath Soak
This traditional ritual of a milk / yogurt bath soak with rose petals provides softening and relaxation to your entire being for a physical as well as spiritual cleanse. Wonderful in the bathtub or for a nourishing footbath.

bath soak
(reg $36.00  SALE PRICE $28.80)   16.7oz

Traditional Lu'lur Body Moisturizer
Create a balanced climate for your skin with this refreshing body moisturizer. Soft and silky to apply, enriched with Kukui and Neem oils. Designed for daily use, with a gentle formula. Nature's relief for dry skin in a refreshing moisturizer. Highly emollient & quickly absorbed to leave no residue. Complex aroma is soothing to the mind.
lu'lur moist
(reg $36.00  SALE PRICE $28.80)  8.35oz

Lu'lur Coco Cream Body Moisturizer
This nourishing Coco Cream has the consistency of butter and is ideal for dry skin needing extra nourishment. The aroma will take you away to a tropical island. YUM!!!
(reg $30.00  SALE PRICE $24.00)  6.6oz

Traditional Lu'lur Dry Oil
My personal favorite all-over-body moisturizer. It's SUPER silky and smells amazing!
The ultimate high potency vitamin body oil. Uniquely designed for rapid absorption with little oily residue. A nourishing, hydrating oil that utilizes the moisturizing properties of macadamia, camellia and jojoba oils. Marigold oil heals and strengthens the skin.

dry oil
(reg $72.00  SALE PRICE $57.60) 8.35oz

Click here to visit the Uspa website and
check out other products available at the Beauty Temple!