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Spring is in the air!
Table of Contents:
For Your Eyes: Eye Care 101
20% off This Month's Featured Products
LOVE IS................................
lil' green Uspa

The Beauty Temple proudly carries Uspa, the natural, botanical range from the pure Australian environment.

Hair - Skin - Body

Sara-ann Goubeaud

sm Head shot

Beauty Temple

4035 Boston Harbor Rd. NE
Olympia, WA  98506

(360) 357-0275

What happens to all of the hair clippings?

It all gets donated to help clean up oils spills! CLICK HERE to read more.

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  Hi ,
Spring is in the air and I've got dirt under my nails! I'm a 'happy camper'! I love this time of year. There is so much magic and beauty all around us. I like to make sure I take time to pause and appreciate the miracles of Spring. One way I do this is by taking cuttings of budding shrubs or trees and putting them in a vase of water in the house. It's so simple yet so magnificent to watch baby leaves and flowers emerge. I am fascinated by the Spring quality of perseverance. The way in which cuttings can bloom even when indoors and how crocuses will bloom even with frost or snow on the ground. We could all use a little inspiration in the perseverance department now and then. Luckily, we don't have to look vary far.  ;-)

sara-ann signature
Dogwood Sprigs Burst

Okay, for those of you who like knowing about the sweet details of my life....Shawn & I celebrated 3yrs on 2/11/10. To celebrate we took a night time hike to the madrona trees that hang out over the cliff in Priest Point Park and ate dark chocolate. This is how we ended our 1st date 3yrs ago! Awww...  ;-)

Beaded Bag kit
Eyes For Your Eyes: Eye Care 101

A little known fact about eyes and wrinkle care is that there are no oil glands on the skin surrounding your eyes. This is the reason most people see their wrinkles there first, usually appearing as smile lines around the eye or gentle creases underneath the eye. You can't stop the process of aging, but with proper care including a daily moisturizing routine, you can keep your eyes looking fresher and younger.


The eye area is often the first part of the face to experience wrinkling. Since our eyes are so expressive, we move the skin around them when we express joy, anger, sadness, excitement and just about any other emotion. The skin around the eyes is seven times thinner than the skin on the rest of the face, making it more susceptible to damage. While some degree of wrinkling is inevitable as we age, there are things you can do to slow the aging process.


Rubbing at your eyes causes damage. With that area being seven times thinner, it acquires damage seven times faster. The next time you go to rub or catch yourself doing it, be gentle.

 When washing or applying anything to the area around the eyes be sure to use very light pressure. Pressure that is too tough will result in lines and wrinkles. Use your middle and/or ring finger.

Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily. The sun's damaging rays are the number one cause of premature aging and skin damage, so it's important to protect your skin daily.


Wear a broad-rimmed hat and large, UV-protective sunglasses if you will be spending excessive time outdoors. Wearing sunglasses also helps avoid wrinkles caused by squinting.


You can be exposed to harsh UVA and UVB rays even on cloudy and rainy days so you should always opt for full sun protection. Since rays reflect off concrete, water, sand and snow, you aren't protected by merely standing in the shade.

Sleep for an average of 8 hours a night. Inadequate sleep can lead to premature wrinkling, particularly in the eye area. Determine the amount of sleep you need nightly to be well-rested, and maintain a regular sleep schedule.

Elevate your head when you sleep to encourage fluid to drain away from the eye area.

Hold a metal spoon under cold running water for a few minutes and then gently press it onto the eye area to soothe, cool and reduce swelling.

A couple slices of cucumber from your fridge and a half hour of quiet rest are good for reducing puffiness and soothing tired, sore eyes.

Soak used tea bags in cold water for around ten minutes (making sure they are really cool) and place them on the puffy area. Start at the outside of the eye and roll them gently inwards.

Place a slice of raw potato underneath your eyes. The potassium in them counteracts dark circles.

(Please do let me know if you have a topic you'd like me to include in upcoming newsletters. I am always open to your questions, ideas and feedback!)

featuredproducts20% Off
March Featured Products

Eye Contor Elixir

A concentrated blend, designed to reduce puffiness, darkness and dryness around your eyes. Use in conjunction with Revital Eyes Eyelift Gel or on its own. Sweet and earthy with a fruity undertone.

  • reduces puffiness, darkeness and dryness around eyes
  • firms skin under eyes
  • loosens eye make up for gentle removal
  • encourages healthy eyelashes
Featured Ingredients:

  • Rosehip Oil - gentle and healing (great for sensitive skin types), contains vitamin A,C & E, antioxidants, nurturing. A wonderful eye oil.
  • Jojoba Oil - a gentle light carrier oil
  • Evening Primrose - rich in essential fatty acid (gamma linoleic acid), which assists in the membrane health around the cell.
  • Borage Oil - rich in gamma linoleic acid, ideal for skin disorders like eczema and psoriasis
  • Carrot Seed - a gentle light carrier oil, its fine texture makes it ideal for oily skin
  • Fennel - toning to the skin (great for "slackened" skin tissue), revitalises and clears skin balance
  • Rose (damascena) - aids inflammation, regenerative to aging skin
  • Lavender - soothing, balancing, anti-septic
  • Vitamin E - gentle preservative & essential skin nourisher

Eye Contor Elixir(reg $54.00  SALE PRICE $43.20)   0.51oz

Revital Eyes Eyelift Gel

Fresh and relaxing, this eye contour gel awakens tired eyes and reduces puffiness. Feather-light, it has maximum penetration of the delicate skin around your eyes. Aloe vera and eye bright 'lift' your eyes through their natural firming ability without the tackiness found in other products. Aids in reducing dark circles and helps reduce signs of aging (around the eyes as well as the lines around the mouth). Has a subtle rose aroma.

  • awakens tired eyes
  • reduces puffiness
  • soothes redness and allergies
  • maximum penetration of the delicate skin around eyes
  • aloe vera and eye bright 'lifts' your eyes while reducing dark circles
Featured Ingredients:

  • Eyebright - a soothing herbal extract that firms the eye area
  • Rosehip/Camellia Oils - light plant oils used for there ability to heal and the fact that they are gentle oils which will not react with the eye area.
Beaded Bag kit(reg $66.00   SALE PRICE $52.80)  1oz

Click here to visit the Uspa website and
check out other products available at the Beauty Temple!

hairandskinThanks For Your Responses Last Month!
Love is.....

Love is a bright yellow star amid a myriad of white ones on a clear Winter's night.

Love is a gold-yellow berry left on a small un-named tree at the end of Autumn.

Love is having to get lost before being found.

Love is standing alone at midnight, wishing with all your heart on a clear-skied full Wolf Moon at eight degrees below zero.

Love is being smart enough to know better, but unable to resist when it happens to you.

Love is never finding the rainbow's end... but searching for it.

Love is the captivating swing and sway of hips that first caught me on a mountain trail.

Love is sitting in the hot tub together on a chilly winters night enjoying a clear sky hoping to make a wish on a falling star

Love is the different sounds that snow makes underfoot as the temperature drops.

Love is silently looking into your lover's eyes, and knowing.

Love is overcoming foolish self-preservation and having faith in the word "yes"

Ahhhh Love, sweet and magical.  Its too bad some are so fearful of it.  We should run to love, no matter what the consequences, it will always be worth it !!!

Love is random breakfast in bed

Love is a sweet, soft-spoken love song in the middle of the night, that only two will ever hear.

Love is cuddling with my kitty and giving him belly rubs.

Love is when my husband makes me pancakes on Sunday morning served on a warmed plate smothered with maple syrup and a side of almond butter
Love is finding fresh home made pumpkin bread in my lunch basket
Love is when my honey comes home with fresh flowers
Love is getting a phone call from one of my daughters just to check in and say hello
Love is feeling you've been a good friend
Love is reaching out to someone who just needs a little extra attention
Love is eating the slightly burnt cookies so he can have the good ones
Love is standing in the window waving and blowing a good-bye kiss to my husband as he drives off to work  in the morning

Ways we love ourselves:

- Girlz night! Facials, chocolate, and deep conditioning for the hair.

- Taking time to prepare delicious healthy food even when it's just for myself

- I tango dance 4-7 nights per week. It is an amazing physical release, as well as an

emotional release and I go home feeling satisfied and full.


- Lay in bed reading a good book (the Bloody Jack series is HIGHLY recommended!).

- Putz around in the yard until it's too dark to see

- Taking a nice long shower after working out at the gym

- Sitting on the front steps on a clear crisp morning listening to and watching the birds as I let the sun warm my face

- Take a Me Day where I block off the whole day in my day planner just for me. And then I do

whatever I feel like. Go on a date with myself (theatre, a walk, dinner, something like that)


- Treat myself to a facial

- sit around the house - which is nice for a change.


-I like to get a massage now & again but, mainly I try to take at least one bubble bath a month. I will fill up my garden jacuzzi tub with bubbles or a bath fizzie or nice essential oils. Makes me feel special.

- Having a second cup of coffee and taking time to read the newspaper

- Enjoying a dish of my favorite yogurt and fruit as I sit and gather my thoughts in front of the woodstove

- Taking an afternoon nap on a cool rainy day listening to the raindrops tapping on the metal roof as I drift off to sleep