Did You Know... June is Great Outdoors Month?
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"To celebrate the rich blessings of our nation's natural beauty and to renew our commitment to protecting the environment and keeping our country's open spaces beautiful and accessible to our citizens."
"Chases Calendar of Events and Get Caught Reading."
Photo of the Month
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Staff member Rita Cohen holding a 'cupcake cake' made from one of our decorative cake pans, which are available for library patrons to borrow!
New and Forthcoming Books
One Summer
Summer Rental
The Ranger
Long Gone Disturbance Best Staged Plans Quest for Anna Klein The Kingdom Carte Blanche Blood of the Reich Murder One Smokin Seventeen Buried Secrets Folly Beach The Abyss Bones of a Feather Hit List Misery Bay Silver Girl Highway 61 Before Versailles The Ridge When Passion Rules Stagestruck Fort Freak Girl in the Blue Beret English Tea Murder State of Wonder Now You See Her The Profession Devil Colony
New and Forthcoming DVDs
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True Grit
The Company Men
The Eagle
Great Quotes
""I think it's imperative that we realize that libraries are important to the life of this nation." M. T. Anderson
"I love going to the library, and most of the time I don't even use the catalog. I just browse the aisles, looking for books that jump out at me. I always leave with an armful of them."
James Barney
"When I am in a strange city or town with some time to spare, I head for the library. It's a place where I know I'll find peace, refuge, friendly faces, and of course, wonderful books. The time I am there is always well spent."
Warren Berger
Our Location and Hours
Reis Park, Rte 139
Somers, NY 10589
Mon. 1pm - 8pm
Tue. 11am - 6pm
Wed. 10am - 5pm
Thu. 11am - 8pm
Fri. 10am - 5pm
Sat. 10am - 5pm
Please note that June-September, weekend hours are as follows:
Sat. 10pm - 3pm
Somers Library Newsletter Books, Music, Movies and Information June 2011
Director's Corner
Be sure to join the Friends of the Somers Library on Saturday June 18th at 1:00 for the annual meeting. This year, we have a guest murder mystery author, Evelyn David, who will speak about her works. Evelyn David is the author of Murder Off the Books and Murder Takes the Cake, as well as the Brianna Sullivan e-book mysteries. Her program, How to Commit Murder: A Mystery Writer Offers Some Clues, is an engaging, interactive discussion about whodunits, the creative process, and the intriguing mystery of Evelyn David (full of red herrings!). Join us for light refreshments, meet other Library Friends, and find out how the Friends group offers indispensable support to the Library. Open to all current members of the Friends.
Pat Miller
Library Director
Summer Reading Isn't Just For Children!
Book Bingo
Summer Reading Challenge for Adults
►Begins June 24th. For adults over 18. Each registrant will receive a free book for participating (while supplies last.) One entry per person please.
►Fill out a registration form and give to the reference librarian. Receive a game card to take home and keep until you have completed your Book Bingo card.
►Put an 'X' through each completed square on the game card. Try to get a 'Bingo' by completing a full row in any direction. Keep track of all the books you have read, etc. on the back of the game card.
►All game cards must be returned on or before August 31st.
►Once you have completed and turned in your game card, you will be entered into a raffle for a grand prize drawing. The grand prize winner will be selected during the first week of September.
Have fun, try something different, and join with
children and teens in summer reading!
Paperback Romances: Pure Escapism
If you feel like relaxing in the sun with a romance novel, check out the new paperback romance section at the library. We've moved the romances that used to be shelved with fiction, and put them all together in a brand new section across from the circulation desk. Let us know what you think!
Database of the Month
Business and Company Research Center
Detailed company and industry news that includes profiles, company histories, brand information, rankings and investment reports, etc.
- Search for companies by company name, ticker symbol, industry code, etc.
- Search for industries by SIC or NAICS code or by industry description.
- Search for articles via keyword, subject guide, or limit by peer-reviewed journals, etc.
- Search for specific publications and view the editions and articles included.
- For additional searching and refining options, try advanced search.
Art Exhibit at the Library
June artist, Stanley Gluck, showcases his works done in pen and ink, and markers. Stanley specializes in landscapes of New England, cityscapes of Europe, and historic recreations of New York at the turn of the century. Price list is available at the circulation desk |
Calendar of Events
Register online with our Events Calendar, or call Somers Library at 914-232-5717.
►One-on-One Computer Class for Adults. By appointment only. Learn how to use the mouse, learn basic Internet skills, or learn how to use Email.
►June 6 from 9:00am - 3:00pm. AARP Defensive Driving Course. $12 for AARP members (write membership number on check), $14 for non-members. Call library to register. Your check confirms your registration.
►June 12 at 2:00pm. Sunday Concert Series Featuring Dmitri Kolesnik. Russian bassist/composer Dmitri Kolesnik is a promising talent who is well-versed in both hard bop and post-bop, and is a firm fixture on the jazz scene in New York. Sponsored by the Friends of Somers Library.
►June 18 at 1:00pm. Annual Friends of Somers Library Meeting. Join us for light refreshments and a special visit by local author Evelyn David. Evelyn is the author of Murder Off the Books and Murder Takes the Cake, as well as the Brianna Sullivan e-book mysteries.
►June 20 at 6:00pm. Roth IRA: Using Your Retirement Accounts to Maximize Your Income. Learn about traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, and Roth Conversions as well as other retirement accounts. Find out about the rules and restrictions for retirement accounts as well as how to invest the accounts and plans for withdrawals. Presented by Larry Luxenberg.
►July 30 at 12:30pm. From Garden to Wok. Join us for this highly conversational, interactive and lively cooking demonstration, while learning how to make tasty meals, growing and using Chinese vegetables. We welcome back Norma Chang.
►September 19 at 6:00pm. Returning to the Workforce. Learn the essential elements you need to get back to the workforce after a break of employment. Learn how to rebuild your confidence and update your skills; write a resume to sell yourself in today's market, to a potential employeror prospective client; and much more! Presented by Helen LiMarzi.
►September 26 at 6:30pm. Not for the Wealthy Only: Estate Planning for Everyone. Estate planning is not just for the rich. Learn how and when to write and update your will, life insurance, elder care law, Medicare and Medicaid, guardianships, partnership laws, and more! Presented by Tracy Christen Reimann, Esq.
►October 17 at 6:00pm. Complete History of Architecture: Abridged. This exciting program is an investigation of the three major western architecture movements and how societies created them. Were Socrates, St. Augustine, and Nietzsche really architects? Presented by Michael Molinelli.
►November 21 at 6:00pm. Consultants and the Death of Architecture. A review of the history of architects: where the profession has been, where it is going, and wondering who else cares. Presented by Michael Molinelli.
Children's Department
►Summer Reading Kick-Off! Friday, June 24th at 1:00 pm
It's the last day of school! Jump right into summer with our summer reading kick-off! Our theme this year is "One World Many Stories" and our entertainment will be Global sounds with Chris Merwin.
►Babytime for ages up to 2 years old. Every Tuesday at 10:30 am or 11:30 am. No class June 21. No registration required.
►Toddler Story Hour and Craft (with caregivers) for ages 2 and 3. Every Thursday and Friday at 10:30 am. The same program is given both days - you may choose one class: Thursdays (No class June 23) or Fridays (No class June 24) No registration required.
►Family Story Time Monday June 27 at 6:00 pm No Registration required.
Book Clubs
Book Clubs for all ages and Preschool Story Time will resume in the Fall.
Just for Teens...
►Pizza Party: Teen Summer Reading Challenge Kick-off! Join us on Monday, June 27th from 4pm - 5pm to learn about the teen summer reading challenge and eat pizza. All teens are welcome. Please sign up online by using our Calendar of Events.
Teen Clubs for the Summer
►A.R.G. Club: This is the Anime, Reading, & Gaming Club for Middle and High School students. Join us to watch Anime, play the Nintendo Wii and board games, or talk about what you are reading for the summer. This club will begin on Thursday, July 7th from 3pm - 4:30pm. Keep track of the meeting dates by going to our Calendar of Events. There is no need to register for this event.
For more information, or if you have any questions please contact Jamie Kay at (914) 232-5717, or jkay@wlsmail.org.
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