Lenski Wednesday Announcements

November 2, 2011

  Lenski Star Logo




Lenski Star Newsletter and Events Calendar


Fall Staff Appreciation Breakfast


 Lenski Ladies Luncheon November 17


 Lenski Ladies Luncheon Raffle Donations Needed


Holiday Outreach The Spirit of the Season!


Yearbook Needs your Great Photos...


  Shop the Streets of Southglen


 Lenski PTO now on Facebook and Twitter

Lenski's Heart for Minds

Hearts for Minds without white background

Give from your Heart today...

and inspire a Mind Forever!
Lois Lenski Elem. Website

Lenski Star Newsletter 
 Calendar of Events
Lunch Calendar 
Grocery Cards ($25 each)
 BoxTops for Edu.
Archived Emails of "Lenski Wednesday Announcements"
Mark your calendars... 


November 2-December 7 - Holiday Outreach Program
November 4 - Early Release, Dismissal at 1:03 p.m.
November 4 - AM/PM Kindergarten Field Trip 
                          Littleton Historical Museum
November 9 - PLC Day, Late Start
                          Grades 1-5, 11:06-3:43 p.m. 
                          KAM, 11:06-1:02 p.m.                       
                          KPM, 1:47-3:43 p.m.
November 10 - Staff Appreciation Breakfast
                            8:30-10:00 a.m.
November 17 - Lenski Ladies Luncheon
                            11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
November 21-25 - Thanksgiving Holiday, No School
December 7 - PLC Day, Late Start
                         KAM  11:06-1:02, KPM  1:47-3:43
                         Grades 1-5  11:06-3:43


Lenski Star Newsletter & Events Calendar


    The Lenski Star Newsletter, dated 10/26/11, is now available.  To find out details about the Veteran's Day assembly, signing up for the Heritage Wrestling Club, or recognizing a student, click here to receive your copy.

     Another way to keep abreast of all the activities and school events is through the Events Calendar.  To receive your copy of the Events Calendar, click here.


Fall Staff Appreciation Breakfast

Thursday, November 10


     It's that time of year, to show our wonderful Lenski staff how much we appreciate them, for all their hard work and attention to our kids!   On Thursday, November 11, from 8:30-10:00 a.m, we will be offering made-to-order smoothies, courtesy of Mad Berry's Smoothies, as well as a fantastic assortment of muffins, breads, coffee cake, bagels and coffee.  Please sign up to volunteer at My Sign-Up, to help us celebrate and thank our teachers! 
Questions?  Please contact Charlotte Brady at charlotteolde@yahoo.com, or Peggy McCall at grrmack@aol.com.   


Lenski Ladies' Luncheon

November 17

    Please RSVP for the Lenski Ladies' Luncheon by Friday, November 11th.  Seating will be limited!  We will offer a limited number of awesome raffle prizes.  If you are unable to attend the event, you can still participate by purchasing raffle tickets.  You need not be present to win.  Look for more info on our raffle items later this week.

Questions?  Please contact Beth Kirke at beth.kirke@gmail.com.   


Lenski Ladies Luncheon

Raffle Donations Needed

     A limited number of raffle items will be available at the Ladies Luncheon on November 17th.  Please consider donating an item to the raffle.  Click here to see raffle prize themes and suggested ideas. 


For questions or to make a donation, please contact Erica Mabry at ericamabry@mac.com or Jill Monds at jillbuff@aol.com.


Holiday Outreach

The Spirit of the Season!


     The holidays are fast approaching, and it's time once again for Lenski's Holiday Outreach program, which helps families in need in the Lenski community.  This year the need is even greater than in years past, so please consider a donation to the program.  Your donation of cash or gift card(s), no matter the size, can really make a difference this holiday season.  Donations will be collected from now until December 7.


    Your donations can be dropped off in the school office (look for the gift-wrapped donation box) or sent to school in your child's folder in an envelope marked Holiday Outreach.  Please make checks out to Lois Lenski PTO. These donations will be collected from now until December 7.  Thank you for your generosity, which will bring some holiday cheer to those in the community who most need it!


Questions??? Contact Heather Kelly (hmkelly@gmail.com) or Diane Liberty (familyliberty@yahoo.com).


Yearbook Needs your Great Photos...

      Have you attended one of your kids' great school activities and gotten some good photos?  Please consider sending your photos for consideration in the yearbook. We would love to have photos from your children's classes, after school activities and events such as the Fall Festival.  For instructions and helpful hints on how to upload your photos, click here.
Questions?  Please contact Heidi Elliott at


Shop the Streets of Southglen...

     This fundraiser will run from August 15 to April 30, and Lenski can greatly benefit from these purchases.  To find out more, click here.
Questions?  Contact Holly Malcolm at hollymalcolm@comcast.net or Jan McElhiney at jmcelhiney@ciber.com
Lenski PTO is Now Connected! 


     Would you like to know the latest PTO scoop or if Lunch on the Lawn has been cancelled?  Join our new PTO Facebook and Twitter accounts to be the first to know!
   If you have any questions about information in this email, please contact PTO Communications, Gaytral Ackerman (ackermantg@comcast.net) or PTO Co-Presidents Kimberly Roberson (ksroberson@gmail.com) and Nancy Seavall (nancy@triggtech.com).   For access to past issues of the Lenski Wednesday Announcements, please visit our archives for more information.