Lenski Wednesday Announcements
September 8, 2010
September 17
Early Dismissal
1:03 pm
 Kindergarten A.M. 
October 7
General PTO Meeting-6:45 pm
(see flyer for details)
Lenski's Heart for Minds
Give from your Heart today...
and inspire a Mind forever!
Lois Lenski Elem. Website
Lenski Star Newsletter 
September 1 
LPS Mill Levy Information
Website & Flyer 
Lenski Handbook(pdf version)
BoxTops for Edu.
Archived Emails of "Lenski Wednesday Announcements"
Grocery Cards ($25 each)
Car Pool
Mark your calendars...
September 13 - 5th Grade Back to School Night
                       at 6:00 p.m.
September 13 - Cookie Dough/VIP Card Sales end
Lunch on the Lawn
 September 13 - October 8
     Bring a picnic blanket and come join your child for Lunch on the Lawn beginning the week of Sept 13th through Oct 8th!  Click here to find out more and to sign-up as a volunteer. 

Pack 664 Cub Scout Pack Mtg & Join Night September 21 @ 6:45pm

     Do you have a 1st -5th grade son interested in Cub Scouts? Join Pack 664 for our first Pack Meeting on September 21st in the Lenski Multi-Purpose room from 6:45-8:00 pm. Pack leadership will be happy to answer any questions you may have,  while the boys enjoy an interactive performance by "Colorado Disc Dogs". Free admittance, all Lenski families are welcome to attend this special performance.  Hope to see you there!

 Questions?  Contact Kecia Mapp at [email protected].
2010 Fall Fundraiser
August 30 - September 13
Gourmet Cookie Dough and Discount Gold Card
All items $15

Sell the Cookie Dough, Sell the Discount Card,  Sell Both!!!
Ask your friends, neighbors and family to support Lenski!
 Out-of-town friends and family can go to www.360-fundraising.com to support Lenski (School Code 360coll1011).
Students that sell 15 items - Limo Lunch
Top Selling Family - Dinner and Movie Night
Top Selling Class - Pizza Party
All School Goal - Extra Recess and Popsicles
Lets all make "Dough for Lenski."
Questions?  Contact Nancy Seavall at
[email protected].
A Special Thank You
     In last week's LWA, volunteers were recognized for their work at the New Families Ice Cream Social.  In addition to these people, we would also like to thank Elisa Mata for her hard work in getting all the delicious ice cream donated for this event from our local ice cream shop, Liks.  Liks is located close to Lenski on Arapahoe Rd.
     5280 Magazine Article
"Denver's Best Elementary Schools"
     Did you happen to pick up the September issue of 5280 Magazine with the headline "Denver's Best Elementary Schools?"  If so, you probably quickly noticed that Lenski was not on the list.  In fact, only one LPS elementary school made the 5280 list.  Lenski's absence from the 5280 list does not mean our school is not excelling academically.  The article looked at schools in a one-county radius around Denver and made selec-tions based on the Colorado Growth Model which assesses schools according to levels of academic pro-ficiency in math, reading, writing and "growth" - the extent to which schools help kids catch up, keep up or surpass expected levels.  They also gave special consid-eration to schools with higher Free-and-Reduced Lunch numbers.  Lenski is in the "High Achievement, High Growth" zone for reading, writing, and math, which reconfirms what we already know about our school.  In fact, Lenski's proficiency and growth scores were as high or higher than many of the schools on the list!  Check out the growth model tool if you want to view Lenski's results or compare our school to other schools in Colorado.
Order Your New Lenski T-shirts and Hoodie Today

     Don't miss out on the hottest item at Lenski.  Youth and adult t-shirts and hoodies, with the new Lenski logo, are now available for order.  Click here for a printable order form, which is due to the front office by Wed, Sept. 15th.  Also, check out the ladies' fleece vest for the Lenski fashonista!
Sooper Kick-off to Reloadable Grocery Card Program!
The PTO gave all new families a gift: a reusable KS Card

     What's silent, automatic, and generates big bucks for Lois Lenski Elementary School? The King Soopers Reloadable Grocery Card program of course! 
     As many returning Lenski families know, these re-usable cards automatically kick back 5% to our school, funding many important PTO functions. Our loyal users shopped at King Soopers for groceries, gas, and prescriptions over the summer, generating cash for Lenski while school was out. Thank you, families, for raising over $3,000!  Please click here to find out more about this rewarding program!  To place your order, 
please fill out the attached form.
Save the Date - Bingo Night and Raffle October 1
     Raffle Donations now being accepted!   Mark your calendars for Bingo Night, a fun family-oriented Lenski fundraising event!   For those of you who are looking for ways to support the school, please consider making a donation to the Bingo Raffle.  Lenski (along with some lucky students) benefits greatly and directly from your contribution.   Click here for more information. 
Questions?  Call or email Lisa Myers at 303-713-9104/ [email protected], or Marla Garrett at 303-779-0229/ [email protected].
Did You Return Your Pink Form Yet?
     We use the PPF (legal-size pink form pre-printed with your family's contact info) to prepare for school parties, update out e-communications database and publish our school directory.  If you didn't turn yours in yet, please take a moment now to do so - we want to include everyone in these activities and the directory deadline is August 30! 
     If you didn't receive one, or cannot locate it:  Please contact Melanie at [email protected] to request a duplicate .   If you've already turned yours in and have questions:  Please contact Marti Pratt at [email protected]

Lenski Accountability Committee Nominees

     John Kirke and Michael Law have submitted applications for serving on the Lenski Accountability Committee.  Please stop by the LAC table during your child's Curriculum Night and cast your vote.  You may also click here for a copy of the ballot and bring it to Curriculum Night.  Thank you for your participation!

**Peanut-Free Allergy Alert**

    Please remember that there are life threatening food allergies at Lenski.  For the well being of all students, we are asking your support for:
Washing hands before and after eating.  These pro-cedures will also provide precautions for the expected flu season.
Not sharing food because of specific food allergies.
Talking to your classroom teacher about specific food allergies in your child's class.
When bringing in food for your child's class, please discuss safe options with your child's teacher.
     Both the frequency and severity of food allergies for our children are on the rise.  Again, we ask for your support and understanding.  We all need to focus on keeping our Lenski students safe from not only germs, but from the potential of a life threatening reaction from allergies.  Click here for more information.
Lenski PTO is Now Connected! 
     Would you like to know the latest PTO scoop or if Lunch on the Lawn has been cancelled?  Join our new PTO Facebook and Twitter accounts to be the first to know!
   If you have any questions about information in this email, please contact PTO Communications, Gaytral Ackerman ([email protected]), or PTO Co-Presidents, Kimberly Roberson ([email protected]) and Renee Zainer ([email protected]).  For access to past issues of the Lenski Wednesday Announcements, please visit our archives for more information.