Sweet Concepts e-Newsletter Header

August 2012
Creating a Family Radio Show
Perspectives in Gamete Donation
ART Discount Extended
Top Doc - Again
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About Us


Specialists in Reproductive Medicine and Surgery, P.A. is a reproductive endocrinology practice providing comprehensive and compassionate reproductive endocrine care. Services include IVF, preimplantation genetic implantation diagnosis (PGD), egg donation, embryo donation, oocyte cryopreservation, gestational surrogacy, conventional surrogacy, cryopreservation of ovarian/testicular cells/tissues, sex selection, gynecology, genetics, endocrinology as well as menopausal diagnostic and treatment services.

Click here to visit our website and learn more!

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 for Dr. Sweet? 
For a list of more frequently asked questions, visit www.dreamababy.com or call 239-275-8118 to make an appointment.  
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Creating a Family Radio Show


Dr. Sweet, founder and medical director of both Specialists in  Reproductive Medicine & Surgery and our sister creating a family organization, Embryo Donation International, recently was a featured guest on the weekly Creating a Family radio show along with reproductive law attorney Stephanie Caballero, Esq.  


Dr. Sweet, Stephanie and host Dawn Davenport discussed medical and legal issues relating to embryo donation. If you missed it, we encourage you to listen online. If you have lingering questions after listening, feel free to email them or share them on our Facebook page


New Blog Post: Perspectives in Gamete Donation 

A follow up to the Active "How Old Should an Egg Donor Be?" Post

As some of you may be aware, Dr. Sweet recently published a blog titled, "How old should a woman be to donate her eggs: An ethical debate." Comments came in from all over and from a variety of perspectives - more than 200, in fact! While we were excited to host the discussion, some of the comments were inflammatory and pulled the discussion a bit off track.


solutions As a result of the somewhat heated discussion, Dr. Sweet decided to publish a follow up post titled, "Compassion, Understanding and Respect are Desperately Needed While We Discuss Three Important Perspectives on Gamete Donation." Just published this week, it addresses the perspectives of the donor, the recipient and ultimately the offspring, highlighting what he believes needs to be done to address some of the difficult issues we find in egg, sperm and embryo donation procedures. This is a highly sensitive topic and one that deserves compassionate attention. We encourage you to visit the blog, review the post and offer your feedback. Remember, we're all working towards the same goal - family building. Dr. Sweet encourages all to "play well in the sandbox with each other," so let's have an open, healthy discussion as we work together towards positive solutions.

ART Discount Extended  
price reduction banner 

Understanding many southwest Floridians are suffering from economic hardship during these challenging times, we are pleased to extend our 15% reduction in fees for nearly all of our Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) procedures including:


  • In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
  • Egg Donation
  • Frozen Embryo Transfers
  • Gestational/Conventional Surrogacy
  • Oocyte (Egg) Cryopreservation


The reduction in fees will take place through December 31, 2012. Please note, anesthesia, laboratory and medication expenses are not included in the discount as they are not under our direct control.


Top Doc - Again!     

Dr. Sweet has once again been honored by US Health News as a "Top Doc!" Based on a peer nomination process, it's top doc truly an honor to be part of the list. U.S. News Top Doctors was developed in collaboration with Castle Connolly Medical Ltd., publisher of America's Top Doctors® and other guides, and was built upon data from Castle Connolly's Top Doctors™. Produced annually, it's produced to help patients "find the doctors who can best address their needs" and "to enlist doctors across the country in sharing their awareness of who among their peers are the most worthy of referral."


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