Elements of Art: Texture Opens
Elements of Art: Texture is open and will remain a featured exhibition through November 6, 2012. This exhibition is quite an experience!
Still Point Arts Quarterly
The Gallery's publication, Still Point Arts Quarterly , was recently reviewed for NEWPAGES.COM by Mitchell Jarosz. Here are a few excerpts:
"Personally, I believe this is as good as it gets. Poets capturing a moment; writers describing process, painters clearly explaining their work. And a collection that draws one in rather than just publish another issue."
"...this issue of the Still Point Arts Quarterly is like a rainbow: I have to consider one color at a time, step back and look at the whole thing, and forgetfully start looking at one color again."
(read the entire review)
Upcoming Exhibition
Call for Artists
The sacred manifests itself in time and space. Feasts, festivals, ceremonies, and rituals mark a return to sacred time, a separation from ordinary time, a time generally filled with excitement, significance, and transition. Temples, churches, shrines, and special areas in the natural world are sacred spaces, removed from our ordinary everyday environment, thus allowing us to focus on spirit-that which gives meaning to our lives.
This exhibition explores the many expressions of Sacred Time and Sacred Space.
Selected artists will have their work appear in the winter issue of Still Point Arts Quarterly.
Submissions Close (Deadline): October 1, 2012
Online Exhibition Dates: November 7, 2012 to February 5, 2013
Image: Luca Galuzzi, Tibetan Woman With Prayer Wheel, 2006. Wikimedia Commons.
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Gallery Artist - Kajal Zaveri
During every exhibition, a small number of artists are singled out because of the distinctiveness of their work. These Artists of Distinction are selected because their work shows strong evidence of skill with the medium and contributes in a meaningful way to the theme of the exhibition. In addition, these artists are selected because their work is engaging in some special and unique way. Artists of Distinction are offered the opportunity to exhibit more of their art as Gallery Artists. This month we draw attention to painter Kajal Zaveri.
 | Winter Blossom |
Kajal Zaveri's current work is inspired by nature--limitless horizons and wide open landscapes. The amalgamation of life in her native country of India, her international travels, and her life now in beautiful California have exposed her to bounty, beauty, and blessings that have inspired her to dream big and bold. Her paintings evoke the expanses of these beautiful encounters, but, rather than representing a specific place, her abstract portrayals give the viewer only the most essential elements. Zaveri hopes that her work entices viewers to create their own stories and visualizations about the places and subjects of her work.
Zaveri has worked in many mediums--oil, watercolor, charcoal, pastels, pencil and ink--but she particularly enjoys the freedom granted by big, bold, tactile strokes and multilayering of oils. Her style is a mix of abstract and semi-abstract in rich, vibrant colors. She aims for her work to be free flowing, uninhibited, bold, and colorful.
Painting is a manifestation of my innermost feelings and experiences. Painting allows me to capture the mystery and beauty of the world and share that with others. I am also interested in showing the similarities between the East and West, through color, technique, and the universal themes of belonging and belief.
Kajal Zaveri was born in India and has lived in California for the last fifteen years. She holds an M.B.A. in finance and an M.A. in economics, and she has worked in various corporate areas. Currently, she is a full-time mom and painter.
Kajal Zaveri was named an Artist of Distinction in Still Point Art Gallery's exhibition: Still Point IV.
see her work
view her website