The Gatekeeper
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Level III 
February 22, 2011 - Level 3, Issue 5
In This Issue
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Dear CGS Level III Parent,  
The Good Shepherd

The last time I wrote (February 1st) was just moments before the great snowfall of the century.  In that newsletter, I wrote about a series of presentations on Creation.  Sorry for the delay, but I wanted to update parents that we had to really revise the Level 3 presentation plan due to snow cancellations of both Atria and catechist training.


So, we began the Creation work this week with studying the First Account of Creation.  We will study the Second Account on March 1/3/6 and work with Creation Typology on March 15/17/20.


If you missed reading about Creation before, click here for the link to the archived newsletter from 2/1/2011.



The Level III catechist team:

   Sarah Coles on Tuesdays

   Lina Hilko on Thursdays

   Tom Kinsella and Paul Gilmet on Sundays

Other News
It seemed like there would be so much Ordinary Time this year between Christmas and Lent.  But look!  Here we are, and Ash Wednesday is only two weeks away.  Please start to think about what your family can do together to observe Lent.  If you come across something that really inspires you, I'd be very glad to get an e-mail ( on your idea.  I was thinking of perhaps sharing some ideas with the e-news parents if some parents write in.

Unrelated to Lent (because it's actually a long-term planning aspect of our overall ministries), please note that St. Teresa's Food Pantry is exploring the expansion of its ministry by adding one Saturday food distribution per month.  The committee wants to design the details of this offering with people who are interested in such a Saturday volunteer opportunity.  If you think this is a ministry that would fit your schedule - and please note that it is a great, family-friendly service opportunity - please arrange to attend a 30-minute organizational meeting on Saturday, March 5th at 10AM in the Parish Center.

Lastly, please note that St. Teresa's will need new catechists at all levels next year to help our continuing catechists and support our growing, changing programming.  One good way to help your discernment on this ministry is to observe an Atrium.  If you would like to observe at any level (not necessarily your child's level), please contact Sarah Coles to find a good date.  Being a catechist certainly requires time and commitment.  However, the rewards are really great.  It is a very good way to invest in your own spiritual growth while sharing an invaluable gift with St. Teresa's children.
Please feel free to talk to me or email me ( if you have questions or comments about this information.