The Gatekeeper Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Level III May 4, 2010 - Level 3, Issue 15 |
Dear CGS Level III Parent, |  Level III will wrap-up its study of Moses and the Exodus this week. Our last session of the year will celebrate Pentecost instead of continuing with further Moses study. It will be joyful to end the year celebrating the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
In this week's study, we will read about the people of Israel as they traveled through the desert 40 years. That is a long time! Perhaps it makes you think about long journeys that you have been on. I don't mean road-trips to the Grand Canyon, but rather long life journeys. Did you ever ask God, "How long is this going to go on?" Did you ever wonder if God was listening? I wonder how the people of Israel felt?
Peace and joy, The Level III catechist team: Sarah Coles and Michael Sanem on Tuesdays Lina Hilko and Bernadette Diaz on Thursdays
Sojourn in the Desert
Where we left off in our Bible study last time, the people of Israel were signing because God had led Israel safely through the sea and defeated Pharaoh. Miriam sings (Exodus 15:21):
Sing to the LORD, for he is gloriously triumphant; horse and chariot he has cast into the sea.
This week we pick up right where we left off. Just three days of desert travel have passed, and the people are thirsty and grumbling against Moses, "What are we to drink?" Can't you just picture them saying, "Are we there yet?"
If life in the desert is so very harsh, why did God lead the people in this incredibly long journey, taking 40 years. They definitely didn't travel "the shortest distance between two points." We will read about (Exodus 13:17-18a) and talk about why God didn't lead them through the shortest route. At the time, the northern route was inhabitted by the Philistines, the warring Sea Peoples. God didn't think his newly formed people would survive the instant and experienced attack by the Philistines. Hence, they traveled the long way around, with all the complaints and trials that brought.
And so it goes. We will read about:
All along the journey, we can ask ourselves, "What are the people of Israel learning from their experience in the desert?"
Time and interest permitting, we will read of the death of Moses. God shows Moses the "land which I swore to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that I would give to their descendants." Then God tells Moses, "I have let you feast your eyes upon it, but you shall not cross over." I wonder how that felt after all that Moses had done? Are there other great leaders we know of who take a task so far and never experience what they thought was the final achievement? Why did God do this? I wonder. |
Is It I, Lord?
We are already planning for the 2010/2011 catechetical year. Please consider whether you could serve as a catechist or assistant catechist. The Montessori method of learning requires the help of two or even three adults in each Atrium. This service opportunity also provides you with your own way to grow spiritually as you help to listen to God with the children.
Please feel free to talk to Lina Hilko ( or Sarah Coles ( with your questions, comments or concerns about Level III or this e-newsletter.