[Similar to, but slightly different from, an article provided in the Level I newsletter.]
Because the focus of Level III this week is on baptism, I want to share thoughts from a favorite book of mine, Mustard Seed Preaching by Ann Garrido (pgs 63-67) . Ms. Garrido ends her book with four samples of preaching (focused toward adult congregations) in a manner guided by the principles of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. The first example is a sermon reflecting on the celebration of the Baptism of Our Lord as a culminating moment of the journey through Advent and Christmas. This coming Sunday's Gospel (from Luke Chapter 3) will tell of the baptism of Jesus and end with these words: "And a voice came from heaven, 'You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.'"
Ms. Garrido reflects on the variety of names we have heard given to Jesus over the many weeks of Advent and Christmas, from the common name Jesus to the grand descriptions such as Emmanuel, Messiah and Lord, The Word Made Flesh, Prince of Peace, and so many others. Ms. Garrido says (pg 66):
"Now, today, we hear one last name. One last key to unlocking this man's identity.
We have heard who he is to us. Now, we hear who he is to God.
He is Beloved. He is Son.
Of all the names we have heard given to Jesus over the last couple of weeks, this alone seems to be the one he heard himself. The one that whispered and boomed and echoed throughout his entire life. The one that shaped his whole person. The one that formed him into who he would become. 'You are my beloved son.'
Would Jesus have been Jesus without this name? Without this knowledge? We can speculate 'no.' The infancy narratives reveal several 'epiphany' events in which Christ's true identity was made known to others. The story of Christ's baptism seems to reveal the 'epiphany' event in which Jesus' true identity became known to himself. 'I am the beloved son of God.'"
Then, Ms. Garrido goes on (pgs 66-67) to the best part, the best news of all!
"It is not his name alone, however. For, in Baptism, each one of us was called 'Beloved' by God. Each one of us was called 'Child.' For each one of us the sky is rent and the Spirit descends."
We can imagine how everything changed for Jesus upon hearing these words, "You are my beloved son." We can imagine that every gift of creation, every rock, plant, animal, and human, was more beautiful. We can imagine that these words opened and lit a path for the rest of his life, for everything he did and everything he became.
A key message of Level III is that each of us is called to collaborate with God in the growth and transformation that culminates in Parousia. Through Baptism, you have been called Beloved Child. Now think to yourself: How do I feel about my name - Beloved Child? How does this name shape who I am?