The Gatekeeper Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Level III
December 1, 2009 - Level 3, Issue 05 |
Dear CGS Level III Parent, |

We are now in the Advent season and have started a new Liturgical Year. Purple is the liturgical color for a season of preparation preceding a great feast. So, we use purple in the season of Advent, as well as in Lent. In Atrium, we will use a purple cloth on our prayer table and arrange on it an Advent wreath. How are you as a family preparing for the joyful feast of Christmas in these weeks of Advent? Consider visiting the web site with your child. The videos and the overall message are very impactful. Discuss together what you have seen. Does it inspire you to make some sort of change? I think in Lent, we hear the call for change and repentance quite clearly. Perhaps it's a bit more subtle during Advent, but the call for change is definitely there. This coming Sunday in the Gospel, we'll hear the words of the prophet Isaiah: "Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths." Filling in valleys and lowering mountains is all about change. Those words "prepare the way of the Lord" are completely in synch with every message in Level III. We are each called to collaborate in God's plan! Level III children all together will receive a presentation about the Sacraments. If there is time and interest, a couple other presentations may be offered. The first-year children may work with a material which opens some doors to typological reading of scripture. The returning children may work again with the Virtues. Peace, The Level III catechist team: Sarah Coles and Michael Sanem on Tuesdays Lina Hilko and Bernadette Diaz on Thursdays
The Holy Bible and the Sacraments |
This presentation has the direct aim of providing the children with a name and definition for each of the seven Sacraments of the Catholic church, along with a symbol that will be used throughout Level III materials to indicate each sacrament. Later this year, we will explore in depth the Sacraments of Baptism and of Reconciliation. Next year, we'll consider deeply the Sacraments of Confirmation and Anointing of the Sick. An overarching message is that the sacraments are the acts through which Jesus, together with people, continues, spreads, and strengthens the union between God and humanity that has been realized through Redemption - Christ's life, death, and resurrection. We know Jesus is the first-fruits of Parousia, and we know that we are each called to contribute positively toward God's plan for cosmic communion. God helps us contribute toward His plan through His Word and the Sacraments.
Creation Typology |
As with the past two newsletters, the topic of Creation Typology is well described in last year's newsletter dated 2/03/2009. Parents of first-year children may choose to read the archived information. |
Virtues - Second Moment |
The 2nd and 3rd year children were introduced to the Cardinal Virtues about a month ago (11/3 or 11/5). Parents of returning children may choose to revisit the list of Virtues in the archived 11/3/2009 newsletter. If time and interest permit, the returning children will work again with the Cardinal Virtues. They will read a scripture passage and use markers to indicate lines of text which exemplify the virtue or show a lack of the virtue. A precursor to practicing virtues in one's own life is to know what they are and be able to discern their practice or lack of practice in external situations. This work has the added benefit of providing the opportunity for children to think about a parable or narrative they have seen before. For instance, we can use the Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids for this work, which naturally allows us to re-read that parable with which we have worked in other ways previously.
Christmas Eve Family Mass |
Planning is well underway for the Christmas Eve Family Mass at 4PM. You should have recently received an e-mail from Sarah Coles explaining opportunities for your child's involvement. Key highlights:
- If your child is interested in a reading/speaking role, let Sarah know by Friday, 12/4.
- Rehearsal at 10AM on Sunday, 12/20.
- Practice singing Silent Night at home.
- If participating, be at church by 3:30 PM on 12/24.
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Please feel free to talk to Lina Hilko ( or Sarah Coles ( with your questions, comments or concerns about Level III or this e-newsletter.