The Gatekeeper
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Level I 
November 3, 2009 - Level 1, Issue 03
In This Issue
What's This?!
Altar 1
Altar 2
Connecting with Your Child
Feed My Sheep
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Dear CGS Level I Parent,   
The Good Shepherd
This week, Level I children will receive a presentation on the articles, or tangible items, of the mass.  The youngest children will receive fewer articles than the older.  By introducing articles and their proper names and uses, the child feels more connected to the mass.
These presentations will tie nicely to the celebration of mass as a small, intimate community on Thursday, November 19th during the final half of our Atrium time.  Families whose children attend Atrium on days other than Thursday are invited to come to Thursday Atrium that week in order to also enjoy mass.  If you cannot come on Thursday, then please continue to attend on your regular Atrium day.
The Level I catechist team:
   Betsy Peterson, Martha Garcia Barragan on Tues.
   Kathy Murdock, Donny Wallenfang on Wed.
   Anne Edwards, Sylvia Pelini, Erin Walsh on Thurs.
and Lina Hilko (editor)
What's This?!
Having just passed Halloween, I'm reminded of a song from the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas, in which Jack, from Halloween Town, is experiencing Santa's village, snow, and Christmas cheer for the first time, singing enthusiastically, "What's this?!  What's this?!  There's magic in the air ...!"
Young children are this way all the time.  They are in a sensitive period (Montessori term) for language.  As they get to know their world, they simply need vocabulary for all the things around them.  It may not sound fascinating to you, but it's necessary to the Level 1 child.
From Chapter 4 of The Religious Potential of the Child by Sofia Cavalletti, the founder of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, we can read:

"There are various ways in which Christ is present in the midst of mankind, yet the Eucharistic presence has a unique character. ... Therefore, the child who comes to know the Good Shepherd should be initiated into the greatest action in which we meet Him:  the Mass."  (pg. 79)

There are so many rich Level 1 presentations that connect the child with the deepest mysteries of the Mass, with its focus on gifts from God and human response out of love and gratitude.  In fact, last time some children received the rich presentation of the Eucharistic Presence of the Good Shepherd.  However, we can continue to read in RPC, Ch. 4, pgs 90-91:

[The richest content] "is preceded by a number of exercises involving nomenclature and movement that, although poor in meaning, are nevertheless quite useful to the children and prepare the way for more complex work.  The character of this work is sensorial and therefore responds to the child's needs.  The children, using small models of the altar and the articles and priest's vestments associated with the Mass, learn their names and function by means of the three period lesson.  In the first part of the lesson, the catechist indicates the object and says its name, for example, 'This is the chalice'; in the second part the catechist says only the name and asks the child to identify the object, 'Where is the chalice?'; in the last part it is the child who names the object in response to the catechist's question, 'What is this?' "

These three parts are provided over a length of time.  So, the youngest children, receiving this presentation for the first time, only receive the first period of the lesson.
Altar 1
The youngest children will be introduced to the most essential items used in celebrating the mass.  They will gather around a small model of a bare wooden table, the altar.  The catechist will deliberately and slowly take out one item at a time, state its name, state its use, and place the item with care in its appropriate place on the altar.  The items are a white altar cloth; the paten, a plate that holds the bread; the chalice, a beautiful cup which holds the wine; the crucifix, a cross with the crucified Jesus; and two candles in holders.  The crucifix and lit candles remind us of Jesus' death and resurrection.
Once all the items are placed, the catechist lights the candles.  The catechist proclaims, "Jesus died and He is risen."
Children may work with these materials by setting up the altar and restoring it for the next child's use.  There are also pre-cut paper shapes of each article for the child to paste together an altar model as an art response.
Altar 2
The presentation to older children will begin with a review of Altar 1.  Then, the catechist will introduce the tabernacle, a beautiful gold box in which we place, after Communion, extra bread that has been turned into the Body of Christ; and the sanctuary lamp, which is always kept burning near the tabernacle.  We also know that at Mass, Jesus is present in the Bible, in the Word.  The catechist introduces the lectionary, which is a book of God's Word; and the lectern, the stand on which we place the lectionary.
At St. Teresa's, children may not have noticed our tabernacle.  Consider taking your child to that special, prayerful area of the church one day so they can see the tabernacle.  When the Eucharistic minister carries out the ciborium (which is the name of the special container that holds the consecrated Body of Christ that is left over after communion), you can point out to your child that the minister is taking the Body of Christ to the tabernacle.  These are ways a parent can help support catechesis - only you are present at such learning moments.
Connecting with Your Child's Experience
A lot of the work in Level I is manipulative.  Materials exist to provide the 3-6 child, who often cannot yet read or write, the means to continue reflecting on the presentations.  Also, the 3-6 child is driven to perfect a skill and is drawn to repeating a task or work until it is perfected.  Despite such concentrated work, it's quite likely that, if asked about a presentation topic, the child won't have the ability to convey in words the depth of their work or understanding.  Their prayer most often takes the form of silence or of actions, with perhaps just simple words being used from time to time.  Another form of response is artwork, but sometimes the artwork is quite hard to interpret.
A key purpose of these newsletter is to help parents connect with and support their child's catechetical experience.  But those manipulatives aren't at home.  So, how does a parent support and connect with their Level I child's experience?  Last year, a Level I parent commented that the newsletter would help parents understand the "underlying principles" of the catechesis.  That's the key.  At this level, it is not important (and in fact may not even be beneficial) for the parent to try to talk about what went on in Atrium on a given day.  Rather, the parent can look for natural opportunities to reinforce underlying principles.  Simply noticing the plentiful gifts all around us with a spirit of awe and wonder is a great way to help your child.  And certainly expressing gratitude to God for these gifts is another important help.
The "stay connected" articles for Level I will be called "Feed My Sheep" in order to underscore action over conversation.  It's what Jesus commissioned Peter to do.  Jesus asked, "Peter, do you love me?"  "Yes, Lord, you know I love you," answered Peter.  And Jesus said, "Then, feed my sheep."
Feed My Sheep
As we approach Thanksgiving, it is an excellent time to engage your child in the useful work of setting a nice table.  In Altar 1, the Mass is introduced as the communal celebration of a very special meal.  When you as a family celebrate a very special meal, the entire experience (including the advance care and planning) helps your child connect with this aspect of the mass.
If you host a Thanksgiving dinner, start planning together now for that special feast.  Work together with your child to plan the table and determine what important role your child can play in creating a festive environment that supports this occasion.
One "practical life" work in Atrium is flower-arranging (quite popular).  Can your child arrange flowers for the Thanksgiving table?  Ask them to show you how they do it in Atrium.  You can say something like, "I read that in Atrium some children arrange flowers in a vase and put it on the prayer table.  Have you ever done that?  [if yes]  Can you show me how you do it in Atrium?"  [Ask them what materials are used in the Atrium and help them gather the same stuff at home.]
Do you use a special tablecloth?  Do you use candles?  Are there special plates for this occasion?  (Even if they are paper, did you pick them specially?)  All these items connect to articles of the Mass.  Don't state the connection.  It's not necessary.  This is a slow work that is seeping in over time.
Can your child learn to set the table carefully and correctly?  Each item has a specific place.  That's true of placing items on the altar, as well.  Again, no need to make the point.  It's seeping in.
What about written invitations?  Or name cards?  The Good Shepherd calls each of us by name.  He invites us to a special meal.  Perhaps you do the same for your guests.
And lastly, practice makes perfect.  So, you can enable your child now to practice the specific task he or she will perform on Thanksgiving.  Every family meal, even on an ordinary Tuesday, can include practice in order to perfect a skill.
Feel free to comment on this information to Lina Hilko,, the editor and/or Sarah Coles,, St. Teresa's Director of Religious Education.  Thanks!