The Gatekeeper Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Level II
October 20, 2009 - Level 2, Issue 02 |
Dear CGS Level II Parent |

This week the Level II children will continue to meditate on the History of the Kingdom of God by working with a material called the Fettuccia which consists of over 50 meters of grosgrain ribbon wound on a spool. This material sparks the child's imagination by providing a tangible and visible depiction of the remarkable expanse of time involved in this history. The child begins to ponder both the vastness and the unity of salvation history. Peace, The Level II catechist team: Jane Ott and Liza Bloomer on Tuesdays Megan Wallenfang, Vanessa Hernandez, and AmyMcCue on Wednesday Barb McHugh and Myrna Gomez on Thursdays and Jane Ott (writer) and Lina Hilko (editor)
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The Fettuccia |
In presenting the Fettuccia, the catechist very slowly unwinds this enormous length of grosgrain ribbon. Grosgrain ribbon is one that has noticeable horizontal ridges tightly packed together. On the Fettuccia, each rib of the ribbon represents about 1,000 years. Imagine how the children feel the ribbon, let it slide through their fingers as it is laid down. It is a way to "feel" time - imperfect though the experience is, still it makes a strong impact. As the catechist unwinds the ribbon, the catechist narrates the story starting from chaos and slowly, slowly speaking of order. It is amazing to see and feel how much time passed, billions of years, just to prepare everything. God was at work in creation for such a long time before humans arrived. The ribbon has embroidered on it a tiny human form to indicate the point at which humans arrived. The remarkable thing is that, out of the over 50 meters of ribbon, humans only factor in to the final 2 or 3 meters - it's practically nothing. However, short though our time has been, the story does continue with significant parts after the "first human" indicator. The catechist will continue to narrate, taking the child through the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus (redemption) and moving forward for an unknown period of time to parousia, the time when God will be all in all. After unwinding this great expanse of ribbon, the children will work together to place arrows-shaped cards labeled Creation, Redemption, Parousia, and "2009." They will also place some other text cards to help them think about the significant moments of this history. You'd be amazed at the amount of thought and debate that goes into placing these fairly simple cards. For instance, do you place the Creation arrow at the starting tip of the ribbon? Or is creation an ongoing event spanning billions of years? The beauty of the work is in the thinking and debating that goes on.
Food for Parental Thought |
In our first newsletter, we wrote about "Cosmic Education." Cosmic education is centered in the belief that everything in the universe is interrelated and interdependent, no matter whether it is the tiniest molecule or the largest organism, and that everything, including the individual child, has a part to play, a contribution to make to the maintenance and creation of harmony in the whole. In today's newsletter, we offer parents a chance to continue their learning and thinking about this approach to presenting the History of the Kingdom of God by reading from The Religious Potential of the Child 6 to 12 Years Old (pages 23-25) by Sofia Cavalletti, founder of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd:
One of the most formative aspects of this approach to history, both for the children and for the catechist, pertains to the contrast between the immensity of history and our own smallness within it. As we experience this contrast, conflicting emotions are stirred within us. We feel, at the same time, both very small and very great. The vastness of the reality we've entered in our moment in history makes us aware of our smallness. Yet, at the same time, our "lowliness" is exalted in the realization that we are part of such a great reality. "How does this story make us feel?" a catechist asked a group of children, following her introductory narration for the Fettuccia. Several of the children answered, "small," but then Marina piped in, "great!"
... it is necessary to keep our focus on the dual points of reference: on both the smallness and the greatness, on God as Creator and ourself as God's creature. In the disparity or contrast between these poles, wonder is born; and wonder is essential to spiritual life.
These considerations involve us in a continuous interchange between the small and the great. They help to form in us a right attitude toward reality; they help educate us to wonder and true humility. A strange paradox results: The smaller we feel, the greater our joy. Our smallness somehow becomes the "yardstick" with which we can measure the enormity of God's love. Far from being a debilitating notion, the awareness of our smallness as human creatures can give wings to our spirit, lifting us up to God in wonder and gratitude, in a hymn of joy and praise:
My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked with favor on the lowliness of his servant ... for the Mighty One has done great things for me, and Holy is his name. (Luke 1:46ff) |
Celebrating Mass Together |
[This article is repeated in all three Levels of newsletters.] One of the most important ways we grow in relationship with God is through the celebration of mass. So, we seek to organize opportunities for families (children and parents) in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd to come together as a small, intimate community to celebrate mass once or twice a year. Such a mass will be held on Thursday, November 19th in the final half of our Atrium time. Families whose children attend Atrium on days other than Thursday are invited to come to Thursday Atrium that week in order to also enjoy mass. If you cannot come on Thursday, then please continue to attend on your regular Atrium day as Catechesis will meet each of the regular days that week. Stay tuned for more details, but please make note of this special mass now.
Presentation Schedule |
The complete schedule of presentations planned for the 2009/2010 catechetical year are: Session/Date Presentation 1 10/6-8 Orientation to Atrium History of the Kingdom of God Narration 2 10/20-22 The Fettucia 3 11/3-5 Parable of the Found Sheep 4 11/17-19 Liturgical Calendar On 11/19: Mass Advent begins 11/29 5 12/1-3 Epiclesis and Offering Prophesy of the Star and Scepter 6 12/15-17 Birth of Jesus and Adoration of the Shepherds Christmas season 12/25 - 1/10/09 7 1/5-7 Presentation in the Temple 8 1/19-21 Synthesis of the Our Father 9 2/2-4 Parable of the True Vine Ash Wednesday (beginning of Lent) 2/17 10 2/16-18 Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids 11 3/2-4 Mystery of Life and Death 12 3/16-18 Last Supper Re-enactment Palm Sunday is 3/28 Easter is 4/4 (Easter Season is 4/4 - 5/22) 13 4/6-8 Empty Tomb 14 4/20-22 Parable of the Good Shepherd, the Wolf, and the Hired Hand 15 5/4-6 Parable of the Found Coin 16 5/18-20 Baptism 1 and 2 Pentecost is 5/23 | |
Please provide comments about this newsletter to Lina Hilko, the editor, at and/or Sarah Coles, St. Teresa's Director of Religious Education, at |