The Gatekeeper Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Level II
April 21, 2009 - Level 2, Issue 12 |
Dear CGS Level II Parent |

Joyful Easter! Families are encouraged to take notice and enjoy all the beautiful decorations in the church, including the bouquet of Alleluia flowers in front of the lectern. This bouquet was made from the flowers that the children decorated and carefully put away at the very beginning of Lent. Remember that Easter is a long liturgical season lasting all the way to Pentecost (May 31st). Take notice of the signs of new life all around us in Chicago right now. And remember to express gratitude to God, the giver of all life. Have you ever considered becoming a catechist? Even wondered just a little about the opportunity? St. Teresa's is already starting to plan for the 2009/2010 catechetical year, and we will be needing some new catechists. If you are a parent that is grateful for the unique gifts provided by Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, it's important to know that the success of the program is dependent on many adults. Montessori methods, especially for young children, are adult-intensive. The good news is that being a catechist is also very personally rewarding and spiritually nourishing. If you have ever thought about serving in this crucial role, please read the article below entitled "Here I am, Lord!"
Peace & Joy,
The Level II catechist team: Liza Bloomer, Kathy Murdock on Tuesdays Jane Ott, Myrna Gomez on Wednesdays Barb McHugh on Thursdays and Lina Hilko (editor)
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Rite of Baptism |
In Atrium this week, Level II children will reflect on the gifts of Baptism. The timing couldn't be better because Easter is so tightly tied to baptism. And for those children who attended the 9:00 AM mass last Sunday, baptism should be fresh on their minds as the community enjoyed a very happy infant baptism. The gifts and signs of Baptism are introduced to children from the earliest time in Level I, so the presentation in Level II is a reinforcement for those children who have been with us for a while. But the sacramental signs and gestures are so rich and so important, that the children don't seem to tire from receiving them again. And children in their third year of Level II can receive a more complex presentation and work on creating a missal of the Rite of Baptism. The most fundamental presentation related to Baptism is of the light. When presenting the gift of Christ's light, the catechist begins by lighting a model of a paschal candle. Long ago people were waiting for Jesus. When he was born, a light was kindled in the world. As we know, Jesus died on a cross [the catechist snuffs out the paschal candle]. On the third day, Jesus rose. [Relight the candle] The light came back. And this light is so strong. This light is stronger than death. Jesus wants to share this light with all people everywhere. [Catechist lights an individual baptismal candle from the paschal candle.] When each of us was baptized, we each received the light of Christ. And so, Jesus' light has spread to so many people across time and across the Earth. This Baptism presentation (or portion of a larger presentation) helps the child to begin to understand that through Baptism we each share in the Risen Body of Christ. The most important gift of Baptism is the light. There are various other gifts of Baptism, sacramental signs and gestures, which will be presented to the children. The catechist must determine which gifts and how many to present in what way to either all the children or small subgroups of children. The gifts are presented in a simple way. The catechist asks some questions to help the child understand the gift but at the same time, does not explain too much. So parents can be aware of the various sacramental signs and gestures, they are listed below. However, this list does not represent exactly how and what will be presented to a given child.
- The White Garment: An outward sign of Christ's bright light within us.
- The Word: Through the words of the Bible, we hear the Good Shepherd's voice.
- The Water: A gift that is cleansing, refreshing, essential to life. The catechist will say the words used in Baptism, "I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."
- The Oil of Catechumens: This oil, which is put on the chest, represents the strength and protection of Jesus.
- The Oil of Chrism: This oil, anointed on the head, has a beautiful smell. It represents the sweet joy of Jesus.
- The Imposition of Hands: This gesture helps the child focus on the work of the Holy Spirit in Baptism. This is a movement that starts high and moves, palms-down, to just above the water of the font. It is similar in movement to the gesture of Epiclesis, which invokes the Holy Spirit to convert the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.
- The Sign of the Cross: The celebrant marks the sign of the cross on the forehead of the one being baptized and says the words, "The Christian community welcomes you with great joy. In its name, I claim you for Christ our Savior by the sign of his cross." The celebrant also may use this gesture to apply the two oils.
- The Cross over the Congregation: The gesture of a large, sweeping cross over all those present at the Baptism underscores that we are baptized into a community and that the whole community is strengthened and blessed by the sign of the cross.
Remember to talk to your child about their Baptism. This is one of those events where they likely won't have a memory unless you "provide" them the memory. What wonderful aspects do you remember of the day? Does your child have a relationship with his or her Godparents? |
Here I am, Lord! |
[Same article as from Levels I and III]
Sarah Coles (St. Teresa's Director of Religious Education) is already planning for the 2009/2010 catechetical year. Families will have the opportunity to register starting very soon. And a crucial part of planning is to ensure we have catechists for our growing population of eager, hungry sheep (e.g., children). This year we are introducing (or perhaps just formalizing) a new opportunity for adults to serve Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: the Neocatechist. What?! Okay, well, we're just making up the term. The role could be viewed as an internship or the entry point of an apprenticeship and is designed to provide the adult with the opportunity to learn about and naturally fall in love with Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. The Neocatechist would not be expected, nor required, to pursue formal CGS catechist training. The Neocatechist would be expected to:
- Commit to attending their assigned Atrium regularly;
- Commit to attending a weekend retreat at the beginning of the catechetical year; and
- Commit to attending diocesan-required training on the prevention of child abuse
Currently, CGS sessions meet on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday from 4:30 to 6:00 PM during the first and third weeks of the month from October through May. Consistency of catechist attendance is very important to the children, as well as to this program since we run on a very lean volunteer staff. Tentatively, the retreat is planned to occur September 26th and 27th, covering about 10 hours in total. The purpose of attendance is for new, untrained catechists to learn the basics about Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and Montessori learning environments and the developmental stages of children. The initial diocesan training for volunteers that work with children requires about three hours. Volunteers are required to periodically read continuing education materials that are provided on-line. Neocatechists are also invited to attend, as possible, three catechist meetings throughout the year. Meetings are held on a weekday evening at St. Teresa and last about 1� to 2 hours. The purpose is for catechists to share experiences, successes, concerns and ideas and to plan for the future or for program improvements. The Neocatechist would be paired with a trained, experienced Catechist and would serve as the secondary catechist in the Atrium. The Neocatechist would not be expected to give the main presentations to children but would learn about CGS and the presentation method simply through observation and experience. It would be our hope that this role provides new adults the opportunity to discern whether they would like to commit more fully to CGS by pursuing catechist training. However, pursuit of training or continued service as a catechist in subsequent years is not assumed nor required. A successful Level I or Level II Atrium truly requires at least two, and even three, adults. This allows the primary catechist to tailor presentations to the needs of individual children or small groups while ensuring that the rest of children are using their Atrium time appropriately. We ask that parents and other parish adults consider this service opportunity. Most CGS catechists will assure anyone who is considering becoming a catechist that the spiritual rewards to the adult often seem to be far greater than anything the adult offers the children. This is a very spiritually-nourishing opportunity. Please contact Sarah Coles or talk with any of the current CGS catechists to learn more about becoming a catechist. Sarah's goal is to finalize the list of and schedule for catechists by the end of May. |
Finances |
[Same article as from Level I]
St. Teresa's Finance Council will hold a meeting next Sunday, April 26th, at 7:00 PM to present information about the parish's financial needs. Families who enjoy and benefit from Catechesis of the Good Shepherd are invited and encouraged to attend this meeting, especially as the parish finances are intrinsically connected with the desire to provide appropriate CGS space at St. Teresa. We are blessed and very grateful for the opportunity we have had to continue CGS (without interruption) at Church of Our Savior. However, we do also hope and pray, God willing, to eventually return the program to St. Teresa. Please become knowledgeable about St. Teresa's financial realities and opportunities. Please help bring to this meeting good representation of CGS families. |
Picture Perfect |
Remember that St. Teresa's is working to create a picture directory of parishioners. Please support St. Teresa's creation of a complete directory. You can sign up for your free photo by calling the parish office at 773-528-6650.
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Feel free to provide comments about this newsletter to Lina Hilko, the editor, at and/or Sarah Coles, St. Teresa's Director of Religious Education, at Thanks! |