The Gatekeeper
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Level I 
April 7, 2009 - Level 1, Issue 11
In This Issue
Last Supper Celebration
Christ is Risen!
Feed My Sheep
Say Cheese
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Dear CGS Level I Parent,   
The Good Shepherd
Despite being Holy Week for all and Spring Break for various schools, Catechesis is meeting this week.  If you are in town, please do come.  According to Sarah Coles, Level I is in for an incredibly meaningful Atrium gathering this week.  Your child will not want to miss it!  (Read on!)
We pray that you are blessed during this Holy Week and that your family experiences great joy and wonder this Easter.
The Level I catechist team:
   Anne Edwards, Sylvia Pelini on Tuesdays
   Betsy Peterson, Sarah Coles on Wednesday
   Natalie Spadaccini Rosenberg, 
      Megan Wallenfang on Thursdays
and Lina Hilko (editor)
Last Supper Celebration
You may recall that in our last gathering (mid-March, three weeks ago), the Level I children heard an account of Jesus' Last Supper from Mark 14: 12-17, 22-24, 26.  The children were introduced to materials to help them continue to reflect on the important Seder shared by Jesus and his disciples in the Cenacle.  Great emphasis was placed on Jesus' words:

"Take and eat.  This is my body."
"Take and drink.  This is my blood."

As the presentation drew to a close, the children heard the proclamation, "Christ has died.  Christ is risen."  The final image provided by the materials - the small table with a white cloth, a paten, bread, chalice, crucifix, and two lit candles - connects the presentation to the mass and to our celebration of Eucharist.
In Atrium this week, the Level I children will share in a re-enactment of the Last Supper events, including both the washing of the feet and the sharing of the meal (matzo and grape juice).
This memorial re-enactment of the Last Supper provides a way for the child to become present in this important event that happened so long ago.  A memorial celebration connects past, present, and future.  It connects all times and all people.  Most especially, this provides a chance for the child to connect with Jesus.

Christ is Risen! 

In Atrium, we always talk about the events of Jesus' death in conjunction with the events of Jesus' Rising.  It is crucial not to separate the two.  Sophia Cavalletti explains in Religious Potential of the Child:
"Death is a common event; many men have had the courage to face death for love of their brothers.  What is absolutely new is that, in Jesus, death is followed by renewed and eternal life....  To us it seems appropriate to avoid long accounts of the passion, in order to balance the length of the passion narration with the account of the resurrection."
Feed My Sheep
The past two Atrium sessions for Level I children have focused on the Last Supper.  Families can extend and support the Atrium experience by together attending Holy Thursday mass at 7:00 PM this Thursday.  This mass provides a time to remember in a most special way Jesus' deepest and most lasting gift of the Eucharist.
Our Lenten journey reaches its climax in Holy Week.  St. Teresa's offers various ways to commemorate and celebrate Holy Week.  Details are available on the parish web site.  Please consider participating in the various memorials and traditions.
With young children, sometimes a parent may decide to participate in certain observances as an individual, rather than as a family.  There's no right or wrong path, and one size doesn't fit all.  Sometimes, especially in very solemn occasions, doing things individually can be more spiritually nourishing to each family member than doing things together.  One important consideration for parents, I think, is to honor their own needs for meaningful spiritual nourishment.  I would encourage parents to work together so each family member receives the gift of spiritual nourishment that they most need right now.
Here is the schedule of key Holy Week events taken from the St. Teresa of Avila web site:
Holy Thursday -- April 9
  Mass - 7:00 PM

Good Friday -- April 10
  Living Stations of the Cross - 3:00 PM
  Rehearsal for those participating in Living Stations - 1:00 to 3:00 PM

  Passion of Our Lord - 7:00 PM

Holy Saturday -- April 11
  Church Cleaning - 9:00 AM to Noon
  Blessing of Food - Noon
  Easter Vigil Liturgy - 8:00 PM

Easter Sunday -- April 12
     Masses:  9:00 AM; 10:30 (Spanish); Noon
     (NO 6:00 PM mass)
Say Cheese!
St. Teresa's is working to create a picture directory of parishioners.  The greatest work of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is to enable the opportunity for the child to come into deep and lasting relationship with God.  When adults model the skills, disciplines, and joys of building deep and lasting relationships, they support a child's lifelong pursuit of meaningful relationships.  And human relationships provide a model for the most important relationship of all - the one with God.
Please don't underestimate the importance of a picture directory in building relationships.  Please support St. Teresa's creation of a complete directory and demonstrate to yourself and your family how much you value St. Teresa as an important community for your family.  You can sign up for your free photo by calling the parish office at 773-528-6650.
Feel free to comment on this information to Lina Hilko,, the editor and/or Sarah Coles,, St. Teresa's Director of Religious Education.  Thanks!