The Gatekeeper Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Levels I & II
March 17, 2009 - Levels 1&2, Issue 10 |
Dear CGS Level I and/or II Parent |

We are nearing the half-way mark of Lent. Both Level I and Level II will work with some aspect of the Last Supper in this session. In the interest of time and so as not to be repetitive, one combined newsletter is being sent to both distribution lists this week. As we approach the second half of Lent, families can start looking forward to Holy Week. Consider reading with your child about the Jewish feast of Passover or reading a book about Easter together. If you have close friends who are Jewish, could you arrange to share a Seder meal with them? This is such a deep and lasting way for your whole family to be present in that last meal that Jesus shared with his closest friends. Such an experience can really make a strong impression on your children because they can truly feel that they are sharing an experience that Jesus would have had every year of his life. Peace,
Your catechists and Lina Hilko (editor)
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Level I - The Cenacle |
The Level I children will hear an account of Jesus' Last Supper from Mark 14: 12-17, 22-24, 26. The Last Supper is a very important moment in Jesus' life. He celebrated this meal in the "Cenacle," or upper room, of a house. This meal was celebrated during the Jewish feast known as Passover. Passover is a feast that has been celebrated by Jewish people for thousands of years, starting a long time before Jesus was even born and being celebrated still today. After reading the account one time, the catechist will read it again using the materials. The materials are a wooden box representing the Cenacle, a long wooden table covered by a white cloth, three-dimensional figures of Jesus and 12 apostles, a small paten holding a clay model of bread, and a small chalice. Each item is put in place slowly at the right time in the narrative. Great emphasis is placed on Jesus' simple words: "Take and eat. This is my body." "Take and drink. This is my blood." After a moment of meditation on all that has occurred up to now, then the reflection continues. 'Jesus went after the meal to pray at the Mount of Olives.' At this point all the three-dimensional figures are removed and placed out of sight. 'Later that night, Jesus was arrested. We know he died on the cross.' A small crucifix is placed on the table, which still holds the paten, bread, and chalice. 'But we also know that he rose again.' We place two small candles on the table and light them. 'Christ has died. Christ is risen.' So, the final image for the children is one which connects them to the mass and our celebration of Eucharist. |
Level II - Origins of the Eucharist |
As you can see, from their earliest years in Level I, the children have received presentations about Jesus' Last Supper and Jesus' presence in our celebration of the Eucharist. We will be presenting the Last Supper in the Level II atrium this week. Supplementing the story of the Last Supper, we will be answering the question "How has Jesus become present to all in history since the Last Supper?" We will explain that perhaps Peter, one of Jesus' apostles, first took bread and wine and said "this is my body, this is my blood" and repeated the words of Jesus. Wherever the apostles went to preach and teach, they repeated the words of Jesus again and again, and Jesus became present in a new way, in his risen life. In response to the growing population of Christians, the apostles then elected bishops to say these words of Jesus. As the Word continued to spread, the work became more than even the bishops could do. So, they ordained priests. The words of Jesus continue today in our churches through the bishops and priests. We will introduce a taize prayer to the children in response to talking about Jesus' great gift of Himself through the Eucharist. For those unfamiliar with taize, it is prayer in the form of a meditative and repetitive song. Because of the repetition it is easy for the children to remember. I (Jane Ott) have found in my 5 years+ of facilitating the Atrium that the children at this level LOVE TO SING! Maybe you can share this atrium song with your families? We are blessed to have the Internet where the taize prayer can be heard if you go to this link: . To the right of the words you can select how you would like to hear the song (soprano, alto, etc.). Happy singing! Ask your child to share with you other songs he or she has learned in the Atrium.
Passover |
An important aim for presentations related to the Last Supper is to help children grow in their love and understanding of the Eucharist. Another important aim, though, is to recall with the children that Jesus was a Jew and celebrated the Passover, a memorial celebrated a long time before Jesus and a memorial still celebrated all over the world by Jewish people today. In the opening letter, I mentioned considering whether you have the opportunity to celebrate a Seder meal with friends. The concept of memorial is to effectively place us in the event that is being memorialized. Have you ever seen those Magic School Bus books, where that crazy Ms. Frizzle takes her children on wild field trips, such as coursing through veins and arteries in a human body? Those kids sure do learn a lot because their schooling is so hands-on. Joining a family in their Seder celebration is kind of like that - one of the best spiritual field trips you could take! |
Read About It |
Do you have books about Passover and Easter available at home? You and your child can learn about the important events we celebrate during Holy Week by reading simple books together. I particularly like visiting the children's section of the Barnes & Noble on Webster and Clybourn. They have a good variety of books, and it's easy then to skim through for the story that best presents events that are particularly important to you. Three short books I have and like are: The Story of Passover by Norma Simon The Easter Story (take from Mark, chapters 11 - 16) retold by Allia Zobel-Nolan The Story of Easter by Aileen Fisher |
Walk the Talk (Level II) |
See if there are ways you can help your child be more present to the Eucharistic Prayer by noticing key phrases or moments. (But also know that presence in the Eucharistic Prayer takes time and practice. There's no rush.) Some key phrases to which they have been exposed in Atrium are:
- And so Father we ask you to make these gifts holy by the power of your Spirit so that they may become for us the Body and Blood of our Lord, Jesus Christ.
- Take and eat. This is my body.
- Take and drink. This is my blood.
- Do this in memory of me.
- Mystery of Our Faith: Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again.
- Through Him, with Him, in Him, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, almighty Father, forever and ever. Amen!
Invitation to Parents |
St. Teresa's Mothers' Spiritual Reflection group will meet on Tuesday, March 31st from 7:30 to 9:00 PM in Avila Place. This is a group of mothers at all stages of motherhood who gather together to nourish their own spiritual life. Also, St. Teresa will hold a Reconciliation service starting at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, March 31st. The Sacrament of Reconciliation can be a beautiful way for you to experience God's grace and deep love.
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Provide comments to Lina Hilko, the editor, at and/or Sarah Coles, St. Teresa's Director of Religious Education, at Thanks! |