The Gatekeeper
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Level I 
January 20, 2009 - Level 1, Issue 6
In This Issue
The Parable of the Mustard Seed
On Presenting Parables
Food for (Parental) Thought
Feed My Sheep
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Dear CGS Level I Parent,   
The Good ShepherdThis week we will proclaim to the Level I children the Parable of the Mustard Seed.  This parable appeals to Level I children because they can relate to being very small in a big world.  And yet they know, or at least sense subconsciously, that they are growing and changing.  They sense the power deep within their current small and weak state.  They work very hard to master the skills of those around them who are bigger; so, they absolutely plan on becoming big.  Level I children are interested in the transformation of the very small into the very big.
Families are invited to a special mass this Sunday, January 25th at 9:00 AM in celebration of our children and their spiritual growth.  Also, CGS mothers are invited to join the St. Teresa's Mothers' Spiritual Reflection group in January and February as we reflect on Jesus' parables of the Kingdom of Heaven (special feature this month is the Mustard Seed!).  These are the same parables that your child receives in Atrium.  All mothers are welcome on Tuesday, January 27th and/or Tuesday, February 24th from 7:30 to 9:00 PM at church.
Did your family notice the change of liturgical season last Sunday?  We are now in Ordinary Time.  The color of the chasuble worn by the priest is green.  Sometimes in Atrium we say, "green for growing."  Ordinary Time is a time of growth in our relationship with God.
May you experience joy in this time of growth,
The Level I catechist team:
   Anne Edwards, Sylvia Pelini on Tuesdays
   Betsy Peterson, Sarah Coles on Wednesday
   Natalie Spadaccini Rosenberg, 
      Megan Wallenfang on Thursdays
and Lina Hilko (editor)
The Parable of the Mustard Seed
The Parable of the Mustard Seed is found in Matthew 13:31.
When Jesus lived on earth - when he walked and talked and breathed just like you and me - people would ask him all the time to tell them about the Kingdom of God.  What is it like?  And he would answer them by telling them a parable.  Parables are stories that use ordinary things to explain other things.  In this parable, Jesus compared the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed.

"The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a person took and sowed in the field.  It is the smallest of all the seeds, yet when full-grown it is the largest of plants.  It becomes a large bush, and the birds of the sky come and dwell in its branches."

The children listen to these words and are then each given a mustard seed on their finger.  These mustard seeds are the size of a pepper flake.  The seed is unimaginably small!   The children are shown a picture of a mustard tree, fully grown.  It is about 6 feet tall!  How can such a small seed grow into something SO big?  What makes this happen?  We wonder.
What does this tell us about the Kingdom of God?

On Presenting Parables 

Since it has been a while since the e-newsletter wrote about a parable, this article is just a reminder of the method used in the Atrium to present parables.  One of the harder things a catechist must do is to stop themselves from interpreting, explaining, or defining parables - to simply proclaim and facilitate the children's joyful discovery of meaning and purpose.  Parables speak uniquely to each individual.  The same parable can provide a different message at different points in one person's life.  But the power of a parable can only work within a person if the catechist humbly steps down and leaves space and silence. 
Food for (Parental) Thought 
In the December 2nd e-newsletter, parents had the chance to reflect on a scripture passage (Matthew 18:1-4) describing Jesus' thoughts on children.  Jesus stated, "Unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."  Parents could ask themselves:  What does it mean to become like little children?  What are little children like?
In the book Mustard Seed Preaching by Ann M. Garrido, Chapter 3 is entitled "The Child as Theologian."  Garrido writes, "When we speak about children's theological reflections, there are nine characteristics common to early childhood that catechists of the Good Shepherd have observed most influence the way in which children hear and interpret the Gospel.  This doesn't mean these traits belong exclusively to young children.  Rather, they are human traits that are in some way true of each one of us no matter how old we are, but they are traits that are particularly dominant during early childhood."  Garrido goes on to describe the nine traits.  It is almost guaranteed that, as parents read each of these, they'll be able to see the characteristic in action simply by remembering a recent experience with their child.
Children are small.  This one seems obvious.  But there is perhaps no characteristic more influential to the child.  They are very small people living in a big-person world.  So, they hear scripture through a perspective of smallness and weakness.  They identify with God's use of the small and with God's transformation of the small into the big.
Children are drawn toward what is most essential.  Have you ever found yourself lecturing your child, and explaining something to them in multiple ways in the hope that something will stick ... only to find out that they tuned you out completely after your first sentence?  Children seek the greatest truth in the least amount of words possible.
Children want to be oriented to reality.  Children spend a huge amount of play time trying to figure out how the world works.  This enables them to survive, to make sense out of life, and to figure out how they fit in.  They are drawn to the real.
Children are filled with awe and wonder.  Just take a moment to reflect on any time that your child exhibited extreme fascination with a crawling bug or a trickling stream or a dripping icicle.  Children have an incredible ability to be drawn in by things that adults take for granted.  Experiencing things anew with such passion is one of the greatest gifts a child gives their parent.  Children's earliest prayers are of gratitude, and only later petition.  Those prayers of gratitude are born of their sense of awe and wonder.
Children are attracted to the beautiful.  Children are drawn to beauty in nature and in their environment, but also in words and music.
Children are filled with joy.  Garrido writes, "When children encounter what is beautiful, awesome, and essential, they express unreserved joy.  [Sofia] Cavalletti [CGS founder] notes that just as increased height and weight are signs that the child's physical needs have been met, joy is the sign that a child's spiritual needs are being met."
Children have a deep desire and capacity to be in loving relationship.  Garrido writes, "[Relationship] is their deepest need and, when it is met, it is their greatest joy."  Also, "only in God, does the child's need and capacity fully meet its match."
Children possess absorbent minds.  Before developing reasoning skills, children learn through a process similar to osmosis.  This is the way they learn about the natural world, their culture, and their language.  They literally soak in their environment and all that is around them.
Children learn best through the repetitive work of their hands.  To touch and work with is far more powerful than simply to hear or see.  And children repeat a work time and again until they master that work.
These characteristics have been carefully considered and honored in every presentation and every work of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.  Every presentation and every material has been carefully chosen and perfected to meet the core needs of the child.  Parents, too, can consider these characteristics and how they relate to the spiritual journey on which the child and parent collaborate. 
Feed My Sheep
Perhaps you have heard that the parish is praying for Isabella Feliciano, a seven-year-old, Level II child who is very sick right now.  Soon you should be hearing about an opportunity to support Isabella's family by cooking dinners for them.  Please watch for this opportunity for faith in action.  Young children love to cook, perhaps because it meets their need to "orient to reality."  Helping Isabella's family is a great way for a parent and child to grow closer to God together.
Feel free to comment on this information to Lina Hilko,, the editor and/or Sarah Coles,, St. Teresa's Director of Religious Education.  Thanks!