The Newsletter of the Alliance Fran�aise of Princeton


eiffel tower
Chers Amis
We hope you will join us for a showing of a French comedy on February 7.  Details follow below.
Anthony Fuller, President
Please join us!
The Alliance Francaise of Princeton is participating in the West Windsor Arts Council's international film series.  On Saturday, February 7, we will be showing a French comedy "Le diner de cons" (1998) at the West Windsor library, 333 North Post Road, West Windsor.  The doors open at 7:00 p.m., and the film will begin promptly at 7:30.  
Following the film there will be refreshments, and Sam Van Chama will lead a discussion about the film.  There is a suggested contribution of $5.00.  
We welcome all Alliance Francaise members and friends to join us for this fun filled evening!
For information or directions, please visit the West Windsor Arts Council's website at www.WestWindsorArts.org or call 609-919-1982.


To join or learn more, call us at (609) 356 6625 or email us at afprinceton@yahoo.com.  Your decision will be "Mais oui!"
Join us for a French Film on 
February 7
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