Franciscan Action Network
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April 20, 2012
Dear ,

Image of crucified ChristOn April 25, the Supreme Court will hear arguments on Arizona's anti-immigrant law in United States vs. Arizona. The Court's ruling is expected in June. If the Court rules to uphold Arizona's SB 1070, the court will also be upholding Arizona's attempt at state-directed discrimination, racial profiling by state and local law enforcement, and the tearing apart of immigrant families. Thousands of people will converge on the steps of the Supreme Court this upcoming Monday, April 23 through Wednesday, April 25, including faith communities and organizations, who will hold a 48-hour prayer vigil beginning at 10 a.m. on Monday. There also will be a "Jericho Walk" around the Supreme Court on Wednesday morning, which will then join the rally in front of the Supreme Court. (View a flyer for the events.)

FAN staff will participate in the Washington, D.C., events, and perhaps some cities around the country will hold an event on April 25. All FAN members are invited to join in spirit and prayer with those who will gather at the Supreme Court and with all immigrants. Below is "An Immigrant's Prayer"/"Oración de un Inmigrante," which was composed by an immigrant to the U.S., Remigio Hernandez, and distributed by Pax Christi USA. All are invited to use this prayer or another of your choice during the days of April 23-25. Additionally, you may "light" a candle online here.

"An Immigrant's Prayer" 
O holy God, Heart of heaven and earth, praised be your holy name.
Your daughters and sons, from all peoples of the world,
regardless of borders, praise you.

We praise you and give you thanks
because you have placed in our hands the immigrant pilgrims
who make the earth flourish and produce,
to bring food to the table of the rich and poor alike.

We praise you and give you thanks because you walk always
with those who cross borders in search of well-being,
doing their part in building the world you entrusted to us.
On our way, we are mindful of your Presence
in the promise to Abraham and in the liberation of your people, Israel.

We praise you and give you thanks for your blessings on all immigrants,
on those who cross all the borders in the United States.

And you, O Lady of Guadalupe, empress of the Americas,
be always our protector and intercessor for reconciliation
and the building of equality and peace. Amen.  

"Oración de un Inmigrante"

O bandito Dios, Corazón del cielo y de la tierra, alabado sea tu santo nombre.
Te alaban tus hijas e hijos de todos los pueblos del mundo
sin importar fronteras.

Te alabamos y te damos gracias porque has puesto en las manos
de nosotros los peregrinos inmigrantes el hacer florecer y producer la tierra
para llevar alimentos a la mesa del pobre y rico por igual.

Te alabamos y te damos gracias porque caminas siempre
con el que cruza fronteras en busqueda del bien
y el poner de su parte in la construcción del mundo que nos encargaste.
En nuestro camino recordamos tu Presencia
en la promesa de
Abrahán y la liberación del pueblo de Israel.

Te alabamos y te damos gracias por tus bendiciones a todos los inmigrantes,
los que cruzan todas las fronteras de Estados Unidos.

A ti Señora de Guadalupe, emperatriz de las Américas,
seas siempre nuestra protectora y mediadors para la reconciliación
y construccion de la igualdad y la paz. Amén.
Mission Statement

Inspired by the Gospel of Jesus, and the example of saints Francis and Clare, the Franciscan Action Network (FAN) is a collective Franciscan voice seeking to transform U.S. public policy related to peacemaking, care for creation, poverty, and human rights.

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