Saving Bats.
Conserving Ecosystems.
With the symbolic adoption of a fruit bat, you join Lubee's efforts to save bats. |  |
Each adoption is fully tax deductible. Adoption kits include a photo and certificate depicting your chosen bat AND a plush bat Visit our web site Adopt-a-bat |
Visit our Web site |  |
Read about more conservation science projects.
Please forward this newsletter to friends and encourage people to add a link to our site from theirs! |
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2011 Special Thanks
To all of our interns and volunteers for caring for our bats.
To Daniel Hargreaves for posting news to Lubee's Facebook page.
To the Fisher family, Mary Smith, and Walt Disney World Parks & Resorts for their generous support of the 2011 bat festival.
Dear Friends,
As 2011 draws to a close, we want to express our thanks for the vital role you played this year in raising awareness about the plight of bat species around the world. Lubee Bat Conservancy has ongoing conservation science programs, training, and education courses that you can learn about on our website, along with our accomplishments that are made possible because of your help. We hope that you will continue to support us in 2012. A donation to Lubee Bat Conservancy helps to develop conservation projects in countries where fruit bats are most vulnerable from poaching and habitat destruction. You can also help by educating a friend about our organization, mission, and everything we stand for. Word travels fast, and one of the easiest ways to be proactive, is to talk about the importance of flying foxes. From all of us here at Lubee we wish you peace, joy and laughter in 2012! |
New Director at Lubee
In April 2011, long time Director, Dr. Allyson Walsh, accepted a position at San Diego Zoo's Institute for Conservation Research as Associate Director of Conservation Programs. Allyson became Director of Lubee Bat Conservancy in May 2003 and has been instrumental in continuing Lubee's mission of being a world-renowned, international conservation organization. Fruit bat conservation projects in Madagascar, Zambia, Borneo, and Guam, highlight some of the diverse areas that were impacted by Allyson's expertise and ability to collaborate with numerous organizations. Allyson also spearheaded the Annual Florida Bat Festival that has become a fall tradition in the North Central Florida region.
We are pleased to have Brian Pope take over as the new Director of Lubee Bat Conservancy. Brian has been Curator and Conservation Center Manager at Lubee since August 2007, where he has focused on expanding educational programs and community involvement, particularly through the Bat Festival. Brian has been a zoological professional since 1996, having previously worked at the Pittsburgh Zoo and Disney's Animal Kingdom. Brian graduated from Penn State University with a Bachelor's in Biology and a Minor in Recreation and Parks Management.
 Painting Bats?!?
That's right, our bats are artists! Keeper Jenna McMichael devised a new form of enrichment for our winged Picassos that allows them to show off their creative side. Enrichment is an integral part of animals housed in zoological settings necessary for psychological and physiological well-being. Providing enrichment allows animals to exhibit complex natural behaviors associated with problem solving and novel interactions. If you are interested in purchasing a painting along with a DVD showing the bats in action, please contact us at

7th Annual Florida Bat Festival 2011
The 7th Annual Florida Bat Festival was held Saturday, October 29th, 2011. This year's festival was larger than ever and welcomed over 5,200 guests, shattering previous attendance records. The Bat Festival is an event designed to promote environmental conservation to a diverse family audience. The festival is packed with opportunities to buy bat merchandise, meet local environmental groups, listen to live music, make bat crafts, and play games, all while learning about the countries and cultures our bats hail from. Twenty-Nine vendors, including four food vendors, joined us this year to help make the event bigger than ever before. Educational presentations were given by One More Generation (OMG), Florida Bat Conservancy, and UF Professor Dr. Holly Ober. OMG is nonprofit organization based in Atlanta, GA, which promotes conservation by empowering and involving children. The founders of the organization, Olivia (8) and Carter (10), gave a talk that emphasized the role kids can play in conservation. Florida Bat Conservancy gave a presentation covering Florida's native bats, while Dr. Ober gave a detailed account on White-Nose Syndrome.
OMG founders Olivia & Carter |
Improvements to the festival included increasing the area of the children's section and bringing in additional child-oriented vendors to ensure that kids had a great time while also learning, and that parents were able to relax and enjoy themselves. Two bouncy castles were brought in by Space Walk of Gainesville and were very popular with children. Hatchett Creek and The Garden provided all of the needed fruit and browse for the festival. The bats themselves proved to be the real stars of the event by showing off their impressive wingspans, playing with an assortment of toys, and chowing down on the multitude of fruits and vegetables prepared by our staff and wonderful group of volunteers. Next year's festival will be held Saturday, October 27. Mark your calendars and join us for this environmental family-friendly event. We hope to see you there!
Lubee Website and YouTube video
The Lubee website ( is currently being refurbished and updated to allow for more user-friendly options with easier navigation. A new and improved Adopt-A-Bat, Donation, and Merchandise section will also be available with a variety of new options. The website will not be down during this renovation, so please check back from time-to-time to enjoy the changes. Estimated completion date is January 31, 2012!
Have you seen us on YouTube yet? Keeper Michael Krames put together our first ever YouTube video and we encourage everyone to check it out!This short video talks about fruit bat natural history, Lubee, and our mission.
The Effects of Olfactory Enrichment on Preference & Behavior
Head Keeper/Team Leader Tasha King, and the Lubee staff, are once again partnering with Dr. Clive Wynne and Nathaniel Hall from the University of Florida Psychology Department to work with our unique collection of bats. Past research focused on spontaneous point-following behavior in captive fruit bats associated with social behaviors and cognition. This new project looks at the effects of olfactory enrichment on preference and behavior. Baseline odor preferences for both groups will be assessed through brief two choice tests, by presenting the bats with two odor stimuli in their home pen and recording interactions with the stimuli. Once it has been established that there is neutral preference between the two odor stimuli, one will be chosen at random to use as the exposure odor. Bats will be repeatedly exposed to this novel odor (olfactory enrichment) to assess the exposure's effect on the bats' preference for the one exposure odor versus the other they interacted with during baseline. One hypothesis predicts that the preference for the exposure odor in the experimental group will increase. An alternative hypothesis predicts that the bats will become familiar with the exposed odor and preference for that odor will decrease as compared to the other odor provided during baseline.
A final preference assessment will be conducted after 30 days of exposure. In addition to preference assessments, the effect of the enrichment on the bats' use of the enclosure will be analyzed.
Newly Published
Nathaniel J. Hall; Udell, Monique A. R.; Dorey, Nicole R.; Walsh, Allyson L.; Wynne, Clive D. L. 2011. Megachiropteran bats (pteropus) utilize human referential stimuli to locate hidden food. Journal of Comparative Psychology, Vol 125(3), Aug 2011, 341-346.
Lubee Branches Out to Help Native Bats: Development of a Statewide Monitoring Protocol for Florida's Bats
SE myotis |
Since 1992, Lubee has been a leader in fruit bat conservation and education programs all over the world. Most of these projects have taken place in countries throughout Africa, Asia, and Australia. In addition to our work being done with Old World fruit bats, we are excited to announce our collaboration with the University of Florida Wildlife Ecology Department on a native Florida bat project. UF professor Dr. Holly Ober took the lead on this partnership and presented 4 potential projects. This led to Lubee funding our first Florida field conservation project - Development of a Statewide Monitoring Protocol for Florida's Bats. The need to understand bat population trends is becoming more urgent as new risks pose additional challenges to these unique mammals. Emerging threats include White Nose Syndrome, climate change, and a surge in interest to use wind power to generate electricity. The increase in the number and the severity of risks facing bats makes gathering of baseline information and the establishment of a monitoring program that could detect changes in bat populations over time, more pressing than ever before. The rapid spread of White Nose Syndrome down the east coast during the past 5 years also makes the implementation of a monitoring program in Florida particularly timely.
A simple bat monitoring protocol that uses echolocation detectors has been developed to gather information on bat activity while driving along standardized transects in a vehicle. This type of data collection requires minimal time commitment (< 4 hours per transect) and can be run by volunteers who have little training.
Individuals from 23 eastern states adopted this monitoring protocol in 2009. Despite the widespread use of this technique, no one has compared the efficiency of this type of effort to the more traditional approach of using stationary echolocation detectors to monitor all night at a single location. This project would allow comparisons to be made which could lead to development of a statewide monitoring protocol that makes the best use of limited resources.
Poaching Deterrence and Protection of Flying Foxes on Rota, Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas Islands (CNMI)
 | Poacher caught on camera |
The Mariana fruit bat (Pteropus mariannus) project on the island of Rota (CNMI) has been an ongoing top-priority conservation project for Lubee Bat Conservancy. The Mariana fruit bat is a federally listed threatened species whose populations are rapidly declining throughout the Marianas Islands. Although federal and local laws protecting the fruit bats have been in place since 2005, enforcement actions have been insufficient and no one has ever been arrested for illegally hunting this animal. The fruit bat population on Rota has declined by at least 35% since 2002 and at least 15-18% of the population has been killed by illegal poaching since June 2008. Poachers are unabashed in their illegal activities on Rota because they are unafraid of legal consequences to their actions. The Mariana fruit bat will not persist in the CNMI if poaching continues at the current rate. Poaching will not stop unless criminals are caught and prosecuted, or made to understand that there are consequences to breaking wildlife protection laws.
In 2010, Lubee and Walt Disney World (through Disney's Wildlife Conservation Fund) partnered together with Rota Conservation and Ecotourism to fund a poaching deterrence and flying foxes protection project. The goals and accomplishments of the project were to deter poaching activities targeting Mariana fruit bats on Rota, and to increase local knowledge of the status of the fruit bat population, biological and anthropomorphic factors contributing to their decline, wildlife protection laws, and ways people can contribute to fruit bat conservation. This grant contributed to those efforts by providing materials needed for education programs as well as equipment used for surveillance of poaching activities. Trail cameras were purchased and mounted on trails and roads which are used by poachers to kill fruit bats. These cameras provided 24-hour camera surveillance of fruit bat colonies, flyways, and foraging areas. Incriminating photos were acquired against individuals killing fruit bats and evidence was submitted to investigators with the CNMI Division of Fish and Wildlife (DFW) and the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Aluminum signs were posted throughout the island to warn people that areas used by fruit bats are monitored by camera surveillance and these signs act as a deterrent to poaching even if a camera is not available. A portion of the funding was also used to purchase and distribute 150 copies of the film "Fanihi, A Cultural Digest", by Jim Tharp. This is a documentary filmed on location in Rota and uses interviews and commentary of local Chamorro community members to convey the issues surrounding the cultural importance of the Mariana fruit bat, the decline in their populations due to unsustainable and non-traditional hunting practices, and the need to protect the species in the Marianas. This film was distributed to schools, government agencies, and local community members on Rota and was a feature presentation at the Saipan First Friday Films at American Memorial Park and at the Rota Environmental Expo. Presentations on fruit bat ecology, population status, and conservation needs were given to Rota DFW law enforcement personnel and local schools. Five Rota DFW law enforcement personnel and 3 high school science classes (~50 students) participated in education programs conducted by RCE.
The island of Rota has the last viable population of fruit bats in the southern Marianas, but illegal hunting is a consistent threat to the persistence of this population and to recovery of the species in this region. Continued education, outreach, monitoring of poaching activities, and enforcement of wildlife protection laws are required for recovery of the species. If you would like to contribute to our ongoing conservation efforts on Rota, please click the link below.
Rota High School students |
Bat Conservation Organizations Unite for
Year of the Bat 2011-2012
To celebrate the environmental impact of bats and to encourage more international cooperation on bat conservation, the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) and EUROBATS have designated 2011-2012 as Year of the Bat. The Year of the Bat aims to raise awareness of these often misunderstood animals and their diverse biodiversity benefits. Lubee Bat Conservancy is proud to be a partner in the Year of the Bat initiative, and will be working to highlight the conservation plight of fruit bats across the globe with many exciting new conservation and education awareness initiatives in 2012. Please visit the Year of the Bat website to read more as plans and events develop. |
Lubee is successful because of its dedicated team of staff, interns and volunteers, and also because of you, the people and organizations who make our work possible. I'd like to extend my personal thanks to each and every one of you for your interest and commitment to the conservation and education work of Lubee Bat Conservancy. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Brian Pope
Director Lubee Bat Conservancy |