Alice Deal Middle School

Think globally - Listen compassionately - Act inclusively  


The Weekly Bulletin 

deal modernized
Our school mission:
Alice Deal Middle School inspires excellence, curiosity, and compassion through intellectual and social engagement.
deal frontPeer Mediators Eco Decathlon  Andrews AFB

Principal's Message...albright


Long-time Washingtonians know that tomorrow, the 4th of July, is another one of those special days that our city does so well. Most of us have been down to the Mall or nearby to watch the fireworks - our radios perhaps tuned to hear the National Symphony Orchestra. Some of us remember when the Beach Boys played at what was a massive street party. If you ever get the chance to fly in to Washington at about 9:30pm on the 4th, the sight of dozens of firework shows happening at once far below is unforgettable. I hope this Wednesday the 4th proves to be a much-needed break from the agony that we have been sharing since Friday's storm.


While some things don't change, some things do. I was gratified at the support of the community and the Chancellor for my appointment as Principal for the coming school year.  This is the most important work of my career, and there is no better group of students, families, or teachers to share this time. Over the course of the summer, my leadership team will be refining our goals for the coming year to build on what has worked and to pay significant attention to what hasn't. I look forward to learning your priorities and sharing our ideas.


Another important change is that Deal will no longer offer aftercare. This program provided a safe and structured place for some children and I recognize that this will require those families who hoped to use it to find alternatives. Deal has a substantial (and growing) afternoon club and activity schedule, however, which provides many opportunities for students. This year, we are also inaugurating a three-days-a-week soccer program through DC Scores and LAYC.  I hope that the vibrant life that is Deal after 3:15 will meet the needs of most students and families.


Here are some things to keep in mind over the summer. Our annual summer mailing will be going out in early August to help you be ready for the start of school on August 27. We will be updating the website with information as it is distributed, so check in when you can. Please pay close attention to the notices and requests in this special summer bulletin and let us know if there is something that needs clarification. Finally, if you know of a family of a rising 6th grader who doesn't yet receive this weekly bulletin, let them know they should sign up on the Deal website (


I hope to see you soon, and enjoy your summer!


Principal Albright 

Upcoming Dates

August 24
6th Grade Orientation
10 am  

August 27
First Day of School for Students 

Things to do for School Year 2012-2013

  • Register for SY 2012 - 2013
    • If you haven't come in yet, please do. Thank you to the many that have already done so.
  • Make sure your child's immunizations are up to date 
  • Get  health certificate updated by doctor and return to Nurse Pringle.  (Every child must have an updated health certificate on file in the health suite.)
  • Complete Lunch Form online at (All families regardless of eligibility must complete a lunch form). This is important and helps determine some funding for the school.

Student and parent information...   



2012 Deal Football Team
Students who are interested in trying out for the Alice Deal Football Team must submit the following documents: Emergency Treatment FormConsent to Participate Form and Health Certificate.  All three forms must be submitted to the Welcome Center by July 10.  
The first day of practice will be Wednesday, August 8.