Spring in Wonderland
March 21, 2010

In like a lamb...

March has been incredibly mild and very personable... so far.  I'm sitting here, with windows open, listening to the geese and the birds and looking at all the buds on the Bradford Pears and wondering... is this for real???  Dare I say the lion has been caged??

Musings Archive
Happy Spring!

Les Beaux Jeunes update:  I'm still meandering my way through my kids sheets randomly picking which sheet gets the next refit.  Rest assured they're all getting refitted as a PDF, I just don't move very well in a linear fashion.  With that said, if you're in need of a particular face and it hasn't made it to the Les Beaux Jeunes line, yet, drop me an email (email address, at that bottom of the newsletter) and tell me which sheet you're desperate for.  I'll zero in on it asap.

Other Les Beaux Jeunes news: it ain't no secret that I have a love affair going on with antique steel engravings.  A few years back I was over the moon when I discovered there was a plug-in for Photoshop that gave photos the look of antique engravings.  So, happy as a little clam, I've been whistling away in my studio playing with my images using liberal doses of my favorite toy: "The Engraving Filter", as I get them ready for their command performance as PDFs.  I played and printed and played and printed and with each printing I danced with joy because they looked so amazing.  Sigh...  Okay, this is where the story gets sad...  :(  Little did I know that my beloved "The Engraving Filter" does not play well with some printers.  This didn't matter when it was just me doing the printing.  It does matter now.  Please let me know if you've had a problem with the images you recently purchased appearing as overly "spotty" or "liney" in an uncomplimentary way.  I've been toning down and/or removing the engraved looked of the worst offenders and if you've purchased one of those I will renew your download links so you can download the updated version.  The more recent additions to the Les Beaux Jeunes line will not be so... um... engraved.  I've learned my lesson.

Okay, this newsletter will be a bitty little thing because I know that most of you are still trying to get through the last newsletter.  Plenty of time for a humdinger with the next issue.

Happy Sunday!
Gale xox


Art Snacks

Spring Triptych

Before we get to our snack, let me apologize for the bum PaperWhimsy Ning group link I sent out in the last newsletter.  The little link muncher took a bite out of the links and rendered them useless between the time I embedded them and the time I sent the email out.  Computers and the internet are fickle things, I say!    Here's the good link.  You'll also be transported to the membership request page if you click on any of the photos you see in this article.  All this gorgeous artwork has been created by the ever-talented members.

A couple more submissions for the Tag Triptych project that's just concluded.  My peepers just can't get enough of these beautiful triptychs.  Above, by Lorraine Beaumont, below, by Leslie Anderson.  The PaperWhimsy bits these amazing artists used are available as immediate downloads (as well as printed):  sheet 043-D, royalty 17, digisheet 007, digisheet 026, digisheet 125, digisheet 071, digisheet 127, botanique 02.

Leslie Anderson's Triptych

Mary Zimany Gothic Arches

Wonderfully rich mixed-media Gothic arches by Mary Zimany.  You'll see a lot of artwork from the members beyond the projects we do in the group.  Each member has their own homepage within PaperWhimsy Ning where they can share any art they've created using PaperWhimsy images.

Please note that the artwork presented here is copyrighted by the individual artists
and is meant to be used as a springboard and inspiration, only, and not to be copied.

Digital Eye Candy

Another treat from Theresa Martin: more of her magical digital collages.  You can check out Theresa's other amazing work, including digital collages as well as mixed-media artwork by going to her website at (click on any of her collages, below, to zip right over).  You'll find links in Theresa's website to her Cafe Press store and her Etsy store, as well.

Five Birds
Birds by Theresa mARTin

Theresa mARTin Collages

Les Beaux Jeunes - more arrivals

Just a few of the several faces now available for download.  Please don't hesitate to drop me a note if there's a face you're in love with and would like the download to happen sooner rather than later. :)

More faces for download


Other new arrivals...

And there is always something new in the shoppe.  Fly away, little butterflies... to the shoppe.  And poke around the other non-New Bits nooks and crannies, too, just for fun.  You never know what you might find :)  A surprise?

New Bits
Gale Blair
[email protected]

2009 All Star Award

PaperWhimsy was selected as a Constant Contact All Star
because of its high-standards in Email marketing.