Snug as a Bug in a Rug...
...sipping my morning tea and havin' a chat...
First, let me say that I should have flunked "calendar" in school. I know there are 365 days in a year not 356 - silly me. Just like there are 16 ounces in a cup. A big cup. The big cup I drink my coffee out of every morning.
I am seeing with new eyes in 2010. Quite literally. I underwent cataract surgery late January and early February and it was out with the old lenses and in with the new. I am amazed at how clear and bright and sparkly everything is AND that I can see without glasses - why, I can practically see you from here! I am expecting great things to come because of this exciting and colorful new perspective of mine. Don't be surprised if you see several collage sheets undergoing a facelift. Now that I can see them :)
Oh goody! On the Matfield front (the lovely little village where my lovely mummy- and pa-in-law reside) we've had great news. The tea room is reopening in March! No more going to the local garden center or regular restaurants for a cuppa. This is grand news though I hope someone warns the new proprietor that Just William (my pa-in-law - PIL) can be a real, well... PILL. If you've been a long time reader you may remember that JW had managed to get himself banned several times by the previous owners of the tea room. Of course, JW never put much stock in these nuisance bannings though it seemed somewhat odd to him that when he came for tea he was always seated at the table right outside the outdoor toilet.
Also on the Matfield front it was reported to me by my favorite local news correspondent (my elegant and very talented mum-in-law, Sheila) that there's been another "happening" just outside Matfield! Apparently, a family of badgers has made their home under a bridge in a hole that Daddy Badger dug for his wife and children. And said badger hole is right next to a pylon and it's sinking the bridge! That must be some badger. And so clever, too. He knows he's an endangered species in England and can't get arrested for such mischief and therefore the hole remains, along with the badger family. In the meantime a sheet of tin has been flung on the bridge to make it passable until spring when a proper fixing can be had. And doesn't "spring" sound very nice right about now.
Reporting live from snow-covered Fishers, Indiana, I hope your 2010 is unfolding in a glorious way, that you're finding time to be creative and that you're snug as a bug. Here's to another lovely Sunday! Gale xx
Art Snacks
Yep, I've been workin' it out at the art table. Uh huh. One of my resolutions for 2010 was takin' out the scissors and glue and gettin' down. I've been away from cutting and pasting far too long and this adventure has not only been fun but also eye-opening. Hence, with my new eyes open along with the fruits of my creative endeavors several new digisheets have been born and added to the shoppe. And the fountain of ideas has yet to run dry.
The collage, above, was created using Digisheets #150 for the background, #120 for the house, and #158 for the flower. The pretty lady is from Royalty 17 Sheet from the Hybrid line and the butterfly is from Digisheet #094. I've embedded the links to the download versions but all these sheets are also available printed if you're not into downloading and printing yourself. You can find all the printed versions by going to the PRINTED Collage sheets (click HERE) and look under Elements & Backgrounds/Radiant Damoiselles.
The collage below is from my "shoe" period (which lasted three or four days). I call this collage "One Shoe" (yes, I know). Background is from Digisheet #150, the shoe from #127, the Numero Uno from #075 and the bit of antique text from #159. Again, the links are going to take you to the download versions but these collage sheets are also available in print form by going to PRINTED Collage Sheets (link, above).
 Stay tuned as the adventure continues :)***
New Juice
New Digisheets to whet your creative whistle. All a result from my resolution this year to do some real cut and paste collages. All of these collage sheets shown here are available as an immediate download in PDF format. Also available in print versions if you're not keen on downloading and printing yourself.
  You can click on any of the images, above, to scoot on over to the Digisheet line and get a good look at these babies. NEW sheets are labeled NEW in the title and should sort to the top of the View All page. I hope there's something here that excites and inspires you and gets you cozying up to your art table!