United Nations Washington
In This Issue
UN Calendar
UN Headlines
Security Council mulls resolution on potential UN mission in Libya
UN Human Rights Council appoints experts to probe Syrian violence
Iran: Security Council sanctions committee reports on latest activities
UN chief to hold live global conversation with public via social media
Week in Review
UN Reports

September 12


The Security Council receives a briefing and hold consultations on the UN Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Sierra Leone (UNIPSIL).


The Group of Least Developed Countries meets at UN headquarters.


A panel discussion on "Opportunities for strengthening the coordination and coherence of the economic pillar of sustainable development" takes place in the Economic and Social Council Chamber at UN headquarters.


The Secretary-General attends a prayer service on the occasion of the opening of the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly at the Church of the Holy Family in New York.


The second regular session 2011 of the Executive Board of the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) takes place at UN headquarters through September 15.


The Human Rights Council begins its 18th session in Geneva through September 30.


Radhika Coomaraswamy, the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, launches a working paper entitled "Children and Justice During and in the Aftermath of Armed Conflict" and presents her report to the Human Rights Council in Geneva.


The Committee on Rights of Migrant Workers begins its 15th session in Geneva.


September 13


The Security Council receives a briefing and hold consultations on the UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL).


A briefing on "South-South migration cooperation" takes place at UN headquarters. This event is being organized by the UN Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and the MacArthur Foundation.


The Secretary-General takes part in an hour-long global conversation that will be streamed live on Facebook, Twitter, Weibo, Livestream and UN Webcast.


The Secretary-General launches the new Roll Back Malaria Partnership's report entitled, "A Decade of Partnership and Results." Other participants include Professor Awa-Marie Coll-Seck, Executive Director of the Roll Back Malaria Partnership, and Geeta Rao Gupta, UNICEF's Deputy Executive Director.


The sixty-sixth regular session of the General Assembly convenes at United Nations headquarters.


The High Commissioner for Refugees Ant�nio Guterres announces the winner of the 2011 Nansen Refugee Award.

The UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) launches its 2011 global amphetamine-type stimulants assessment in Vienna and Bangkok.


September 14


The Security Council adopts a resolution on the UN Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Sierra Leone (UNIPSIL), followed by a debate on Somalia.


A panel discussion entitled, "A World of 7 billion people: Meeting the Challenges and Seizing the Opportunities," takes place at UN headquarters. Participants include the Secretary-General; Babatunde Osotimehin, Executive Director of UNFPA; and Carsten Staur, Permanent Representative of Denmark.


Radhika Coomaraswamy, the Secretary-General's Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, holds a press conference in Geneva.


September 15


International Day of Democracy is observed. This year's theme is "Youth and Democracy."


The Security Council adopts a resolution on the UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL), followed by consultations in which it will be briefed by the Department of Political Affairs (DPA).


The Secretary-General participates in a Peace Bell ceremony in the Rose Garden at United Nations headquarters.


The Secretary-General holds a press conference at UN headquarters.


Dr. Ala Alwan, Assistant Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), holds a press conference on non-communicable diseases at UN headquarters.


September 16


International Day for the Protection and Preservation of the Ozone Layer is observed.


The Security Council adopts a resolution on the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), followed by a debate on Haiti.


The 2011 Millenium Development Goals (MDG) Gap Task Force report entitled, "The Global Partnership for Development: Time to Deliver" is launched. Participants include the Secretary-General and Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Assistant Secretary-General for the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA).




Watch live coverage of the events listed above at www.un.org/webcast 


UN Headlines 



Sudan: Darfur: UN-AU envoy says enduring peace is a realistic objective


Tanzania: Ban expresses sadness after hundreds die in ferry disaster


Rwanda: UN-backed meeting in Kigali focuses on role of youth in getting Africa online


Nigeria: UN rights office calls on government to address renewed ethnic, religious violence


DR Congo: UN voices concern after mass prison outbreak


DR Congo: UN condemns pre-election violence and urges dialogue


Sudan: Darfur: UN steps up education after children are killed by unexploded ordnance




United States: UN marks 10th anniversary of terrorist attacks against United States


Uruguay: Government to probe alleged sexual misconduct by its UN peacekeepers in Haiti


Chile: UN expert calls for quality education that is accessible and affordable for all


Haiti: UN helps train nearly 300 guards for overcrowded prisons




Timor-Leste: UN cyclists join contest to promote peace


Pakistan: UN agencies begin relief campaign as flood waters swamp southern region


Pakistan: Secretary-General deplores suicide bombings


South Pacific: UN chief stresses need to 'connect the dots' on sustainable development


India: UN chief and Security Council strongly condemn bombing at High Court


Pacific Island Nations: Ban and Pacific leaders urge reduction of greenhouse gas emissions


Nepal: Must improve conditions of former indentured labourers, UN says




Moldova: UN human rights expert calls for more fostering of religious diversity


Balkans: Former Yugoslav army chief convicted by UN tribunal for war crimes




Syria: Unrest must not be allowed to affect Lebanon, senior UN official warns


Lebanon: UN officials discuss peacekeeping mission with Prime Minister




Private sector role in climate change fund for poorer countries focus of UN meeting


Citing successes, Ban urges more preventive diplomacy to defuse conflicts


World food prices remain steady during August, UN agency reports


Global tourist numbers continue to increase, UN agency reports

UN News Center - New York
UN News Centre


Secretary-General Briefs Security Council on Libya

(File Photo: August 30, 2011), UN New York, - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (center) briefs the Security Council on Libya and post-conflict planning for the country. Mr. Ban is flanked by Hardeep Singh Puri (right), Permanent Representative of India to the UN and President of the Council for August, and Peter Wittig, Permanent Representative of Germany to the UN. UN Photo/JC McIlwaine

Security Council mulls resolution on potential UN mission in Libya


The Security Council has begun discussions on Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's proposal to set up a United Nations mission to provide support to the new authorities in Libya as they seek to rebuild the North African nation following this year's conflict.


Secretary-General and World Leaders at

September 1, 2011, Paris, France - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (front, center) poses for a group photo with heads of delegations at the International Conference in Support of the New Libya, or the "Friends of Libya" summit, at the �lys�e Palace in Paris, France. With Mr. Ban (front row, from left): Abdoulaye Wade, President of the Republic of Senegal; Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada; Silvio Berlusconi, Prime Minister of Italy; King Abdullah Bin Al Hussein of Jordan; Mustafa Abdel Jalil, Chairman of Libya's National Transitional Council (NTC); and Mahmoud Jibril, Prime Minister of the NTC. UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

In a letter sent to the Council last week, Mr. Ban proposes the establishment of an integrated UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) for an initial period of three months, to be headed by a Special Representative.


"The three-month initial deployment intended to allow for in-country engagement in further defining the needs and wishes of Libya for United Nations support, while delivering urgent advice and assistance," he writes.


The mission's mandate would include assisting national efforts to, among other things, restore public security and order and promote the rule of law; undertake inclusive political dialogue, promote national reconciliation, and embark on the constitution-making and electoral processes; extend State authority; and protect human rights and support transitional justice.


Opposition forces rose up against the regime of Colonel Muammar al-Qadhafi in February as part of a wider pro-democracy movement across North Africa and the Middle East. Mr. Ban has repeatedly stressed the need to respond rapidly to requests from the Libyan transitional authorities for assistance after the regime is ousted and the conflict comes to an end.


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UN Human Rights Council appoints experts to probe Syrian violence

The United Nations Human Rights Council today appointed three experts to probe alleged abuses in Syria, where the number of people killed since the start of the Syrian government's crackdown on protesters earlier this year has now reportedly reached at least 2,600.


Rights Council Opens 18th Session

September 12, 2011, Geneva, Switzerland - A wide view of the Human Rights Council on the opening day of its eighteenth session. UN Photo/Jean-Marc Ferr�

Sergio Pinheiro of Brazil will chair the independent commission of inquiry to investigate all alleged violations of international human rights law in Syria since March, when the pro-democracy protests began.


Mr. Pinheiro, a former professor and human rights expert for the Council, will be joined by Yakin Ert�rk of Turkey, who is currently a professor of sociology and former UN official dealing with women's issues, and Karen AbuZayd of the United States, who most recently served as head of the UN agency assisting Palestinian refugees.


The Geneva-based Council decided three weeks ago to dispatch a commission of inquiry after considering the report of a fact-finding mission by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).


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Iran: Security Council sanctions committee reports on latest activities

The head of the Security Council committee set up to monitor and enforce sanctions imposed on Iran over its nuclear program said it had received new complaints about the country's launch of ballistic missiles and clarified concerns or issues over several other matters.


Council Briefed by Iran Sanctions Committee Chair

September 7, 2011, New York - A wide view of the Security Council at its meeting on the issue of Iran and nuclear non-proliferation, during which members were briefed by the Chair of the Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1737 (2006), also known as the Iran Sanctions Committee. UN Photo/Rick Bajornas

Ambassador N�stor Osorio of Colombia, outlining the work since late June of the committee established as a result of a Council resolution adopted in 2006, also detailed other ongoing investigations by the committee into previously reported violations of the sanctions.


The Council has imposed four rounds of sanctions against Iran since 2006, including a ban on all items which could contribute to the country's enrichment of uranium, a freeze of assets and a prohibition on arms sales.


In May, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon met President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and stressed the need for Iran to continue negotiations with concerned countries over the status of its nuclear program, and to cooperate fully with the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).


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UN chief to hold live global conversation with public via social media

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will hold his first live "global conversation" on September 13 with members of the public through social media networks, answering questions on a range of pressing United Nations issues.


Ban Ki-moonAhead of the annual General Debate of the UN General Assembly, which begins next week, Mr. Ban will take questions for an hour tomorrow starting at 11 a.m. local time in New York.


More than 5,500 questions across the six official UN languages - as well as Portuguese and Swahili - have already been submitted by people around the world, and a selection of those will be chosen and then posed to Mr. Ban by the event's moderator, Juju Chang of ABC News in the United States.


The event will be streamed live on Facebook, Livestream, Tumblr and UN Webcast, while Twitter and Weibo have also been used to submit questions.


Week in Review


UN Remembers 9/11 Attacks on Tenth Anniversary 

UN Remembers 9/11 Attacks on Tenth Anniversary

September 9, 2011, New York - The General Assembly holds a special ceremony marking the tenth anniversary of the 11 September terrorist attacks, with clerics of different faiths lighting candles to remember those whose lives were claimed on that day. From left: Rabbi Richard Marker; Imam Khalid Latif; Reverend Robert J. Robbins; and Reverend Masamichi Kamiya. UN Photo/Evan Schneider




 Secretary-General Plants Tree in Australian Area Destroyed by Bush Fire


Secretary-General Plants Tree in Australian Area Destroyed by Bush Fire

September 8, 2011, Canberra, Australia - UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (center), his wife, Yoo Soon-taek (second from left), and local schoolchildren, plant an olive tree on Dairy Farmers Hill where many trees were destroyed in a recent bush fire, in Canberra, Australia. UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe


UN Reports  

 Secretary General Reports


Report of the Secretary General's Panel of Inquiry on the May 31 2010 Flotilla Incident


Preventive Diplomacy: Delivering Results 


UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)


Trade and Development Report, 2011: Post-crisis Policy Challenges in the World Economy 


UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)


2011 Quarter II Report on World Manufacturing Production 


 For a complete listing of reports, please visit:   


UN Reports 

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