United Nations Washington
In This Issue
In biggest appeal ever, UN seeks $7.4 billion for humanitarian efforts in 2011
UN in Washington
Visiting UN envoy urges Myanmar authorities to build on recent developments
Secretary-General calls for joint action by UN and world's largest security body on multiple fronts
UN calls on Haitians to wait for official election results next Tuesday
Week in Pictures
Week in Numbers

UN Calendar
Nov. 29 - December 10


UN Climate Change Conference - COP 16 & CMP 6. The sixteenth Conference of the Parties (COP) and the sixth Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) will be held in Cancun, Mexico.

December 1


United States assumes Security Council presidency.

December 3


International Day of Persons with Disability


December 5


International Volunteer Day

As part of the December presidency of the UN Security Council, the United States will host the following meetings:


December 6


Security Council holds consultations on Myanmar.


December 13


Security Council ambassadors travel to Washington, DC to meet with State and White House officials.


December 15


US Vice President Biden attends the high-level event on Iraq.


December 16


Security Council holds consultations on Sudan.


December 21


The United States  chairs a Security Council Event titled, "Your World, Your Future:  Voices of a New Generation" that will bring the 15 members of the Council together to debate three top ideas submitted by young people.  


December 22


Security Council holds a debate on Afghanistan.



Security Council's December Calendar

UN Headlines


C�te d'Ivoire: Ban calls for prompt release of presidential poll results


Darfur: Deadly clash during protests warrants investigation, says Ban


Central African Republic: ICC requests arrest of Sudan's president on visit


DR Congo: Security Council renews sanctions


DR Congo: UN launches patrols to head off rebel violence during holiday season


Somalia: Security Council urges interim authorities to complete remaining tasks




 Poverty in Latin America returns to pre-crisis levels, UN report finds




Pakistan: UN humanitarian chief begins second visit


Afghanistan: With certification complete, UN awaits inauguration of Afghan parliament


Afghanistan: Tackling drugs and crime requires broad, global strategy, says UN official


Myanmar: Humanitarian agencies seek funds for cyclone emergency


Kyrgyzstan: UN and partners seek additional funds for humanitarian services




Georgia: As winter sets in, UN agency prepares to feed vulnerable families


Italy: Collapses prompt UNESCO mission to assess threats to Pompei


Switzerland: Swiss vote to expel convicted foreigners must not put refugees at risk, says UN




Gaza: Despite easing of blockade, situation still desperate, UN official warns



 UN climate change talks open in Canc�n with call for balanced, concrete outcome


Welcoming results in global AIDS fight, UN urges world not to relent


Energy-efficient lights can save countries billions, massively cut emissions, says UN report


UN event highlights successes, challenges in bringing terrorists to justice


Global economy unlikely to improve significantly next year


More than 3 million people sign UN-drafted petition urging action to end hunger

New UN Reports

Secretary-General's Reports


UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI)

Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)


Social Panorama of Latin America 2010


Security Council


Final report of the Group of Experts on the Democratic Republic of the Congo




UNAIDS Global Report 2010

UN Environment Programme (UNEP)


100 Country Lighting Assessment

For a complete listing of reports, please visit

UN Reports
UN Washington Online
UN Washington YouTube Page
UN Photo: UNAMA / Fardin Waezi
November 27, 2010 - A mother takes care of her children under a tent in Bagrami district, east of Kabul, Afghanistan. UN Photo: UNAMA / Fardin Waezi

In biggest appeal ever, UN seeks $7.4 billion for humanitarian efforts in 2011

The United Nations has appealed for more than $7.4 billion to provide humanitarian assistance to 50 million people suffering from the effects of conflicts and natural disasters in 28 countries over the coming year.


The amount sought for 2011 is the largest since the creation of the Consolidated Appeal Process (CAP) in 1991. It comprises appeals for the West Africa region and 13 countries - Afghanistan, Central African Republic, Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Haiti, Kenya, Niger, the occupied Palestinian territory, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen and Zimbabwe.


"In 2011, tens of millions of people will need help to survive," said Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Valerie Amos, who chaired the launch of the appeal in Geneva. "Conflicts and natural disasters will cut them off from their homes, their livelihoods, and from access to essentials like drinking water and health care.


"This appeal is asking for the resources needed to respond quickly. The strong response to the mega-disasters this year in Haiti and Pakistan shows what is possible when the international community comes together," she added.


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UN in Washington

US Capitol

Under-Secretary-General for UN Women Michelle Bachelet and Staffan de Mistura, the special representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan and head of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) were in Washington, D.C. this week for meetings with U.S. administration officials. Bachelet was honored at an event for Foreign Policy's top 100 global thinkers on Tuesday evening, then met with White House, State Department officials and NGOs on Wednesday, in addition to taking part in an event hosted by the Inter-American Dialogue. Staffan De Mistura was visiting to take part in an Afghanistan review exercise with key representatives from the Obama administration together with a core group of countries.


Cecilia Ruthstrom-Ruin, chief of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime's Terrorism Prevention Branch and Mike Smith, executive director of the UN Counter Terrorism Executive Directorate spoke about the importance of strengthening the criminal justice response to terrorism, and on the Digest of Terrorist Cases, UNODC's tool to strengthen the legality of counterterrorism efforts. Both UN officials spoke at an event titled, "A Practical View from Counterterrorism Prosecutors and US and UN Counterterrorism Experts," hosted by the Center on Global Counterterrorism Cooperation in Washington on November 30. Ruthstrom-Ruin provided an overview on the process involved in compiling the digest and emphasized the need to strengthen international cooperation in joint investigations, issuing of arrest warrants, and other aspects of counterterrorism efforts. Smith provided an overview of the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee, created after September 11 to help the Security Council monitor the signatories to resolution 1373 which combats international terrorism. Todd Hinnen, deputy assistant attorney general at the US Department of Justice, praised the digest as a very comprehensive review and said that the fact that the UN and foreign governments were together on the panel symbolizes the cooperation that exists.

Visiting UN envoy urges Myanmar authorities to build on recent developments

A United Nations envoy encouraged Myanmar authorities to build on recent developments towards democracy and national reconciliation, and to address concerns about the recent elections during his visit on November 28.


MyanmarVijay Nambiar, the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Myanmar, said he listened to as many parties as possible about their hopes, expectations and concerns at this "critical juncture" for the country's future direction.


"In this process, strong concerns were expressed by many parties about the process and outcome of the recent elections, which I have urged the government and the Union Election Commission to address as transparently as possible. This is important for laying the foundation of a credible transition," he told reporters in Yangon at the end of a two-day visit.


During his visit, Mr. Nambiar, who is also Chief of Staff for the Secretary-General, met with pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who was recently released after being under house arrest for much of the past two decades, and members of her party, the National League for Democracy.

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Secretary-General calls for joint action by UN and OSCE on multiple fronts

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has laid out a four-point agenda for cooperation on issues ranging from security to development between the United Nations and the largest regional security organization in the world, embracing 56 States stretching from the United States across Europe and Central Asia to the borders of China.


Secretary-General Meets U.S. Secretary of State at OSCE Summit"The United Nations stands with you as we seek to make this world a safer, more just and more prosperous place for all," he told leaders gathered in Astana, Kazakhstan, for the first summit meeting in 11 years of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).


Detailing the four pillars of the agenda - securing peace, fundamental freedoms and human rights, sustainable development, and arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation - Mr. Ban noted that the UN and the OSCE share the conviction that security is not a narrow concept but must be addressed in all its dimensions with a comprehensive approach in an increasingly globalized, complex and connected world.


In bilateral meetings on the margins of the summit, Mr. Ban conferred with leaders from Australia, France, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Republic of Korea, United Kingdom and United States, discussing a range of issues from tension on the Korean Peninsula and the situations in Afghanistan and the Middle East, to sustainable development and climate change.

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UN calls on Haitians to wait for official election results next Tuesday

The United Nations has called on Haitians to ignore unofficial results of Sunday's presidential and legislative elections and to wait for the official results to be announced December 7 by the country's electoral council.


Voting in Haiti's Presidential Elections "The Provisional Electoral Council should be granted the time and political stability needed to complete its work, the results of which will then be subject to any eventual dispute from candidates, political parties and the Haitian people through legal procedures for settling the issue," the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) said in a news release.


"Quick counts or opinion polls are not an exact science. The population and media should not be guided by unofficial results, speculation or purported partial counts which are circulating at the moment."


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Week in Pictures

Voting in Haiti's Presidential Elections 

Voting in Haiti's Presidential Elections

November 28, 2010 - Residents of L�og�ne, Haiti, some 30 kilometers outside Port-au-Prince, check for their names on voting lists before casting their ballots in the country's presidential elections. UN Photo/Logan Abassi



Performance at Central Concert Hall in Kazakhstan

Performance at Central Concert Hall in Kazakhstan

November 30, 2010 - Dancers and musicians perform at the Central Concert Hall in Astana, Kazakhstan in a production attended by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon during his visit. UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

Week in Numbers



The United Nations appealed for more than $7.4 billion to provide humanitarian assistance to 50 million people suffering from the effects of conflicts and natural disasters in 28 countries over the coming year. Read more




The new Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic 2010 contains basic HIV data from 182 countries and includes country-by-country scorecards. It shows that an estimated 2.6 million people became newly infected with HIV, nearly 20 percent fewer than the 3.1 million people infected in 1999. Read more




The 100 Country Lighting Assessment, produced by the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF), quantifies the emissions reductions and cost savings that can be achieved by shifting from obsolete incandescent lamp technology to compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) in 100 countries that have not yet initiated a transition to energy-efficient lighting. Read more

About the United Nations in Washington
As the United Nations office in Washington, D.C, the UN Information Center serves as the focal point for UN news and information to advance understanding of the UN and its work, and to serve as a resource for United States government officials, NGOs, civil-society organizations and the American people.

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