United Nations Washington
In This Issue
UN Security Council en route to Sudan ahead of upcoming referenda
DR Congo: UN releases most extensive report to date on war massacres, rapes
UN agency increasing health services in Afghan province cut off by harsh winter
Flood-affected Pakistanis in need of continued assistance
More than 10 million new teachers needed to fill education goals, UN warns
Week in Pictures

Upcoming Washington Events

October 7


Nicholas Haysom, Executive Director, Political Office, Executive Office of the Secretary General of United Nations, will speak at a special event titled, "Next Steps on Sudan: Has the Comprehensive Peace Agreement Paved the Way to Peace?" at CSIS in Washington beginning at 9 a.m.


October 13


Ajay Chhibber, UN Assistant Secretary-General and Director of UNDP's Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific, will speak at a UNDP Washington Roundtable discussion titled, "As the Waters Recede in Pakistan: Restoring Hope & Livelihoods" at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington beginning at Noon.


UN Calendar

October 5-8


Executive Council of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons meets in The Hague


October 5-21


UNESCO Executive Board meets in Paris


October 6


At 11:00 a.m. ET, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon holds his monthly press conference. Watch live coverage at www.un.org/webcast


October 11-29


Human Rights Committee meets in Geneva


October 18-22


 Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime meets in Vienna


October 24


UN Day is observed, marking the 65th anniversary of the United Nations. For UNA-NCA's event calendar, click here.

UN Headlines 



Nigeria: Security Council condemns deadly terrorist car bomb attacks in Nigeria


Nigeria: Hundreds dead, thousands at risk from lead pollution, UN team reports


Central African Republic: US actress distributes life-saving mosquito nets


Somalia: Violence in Mogadishu swells number of displaced Somalis




Haiti: As election campaign opens, UN pledges security and logistical support


Chile: UN welcomes end to hunger strike by indigenous prisoners


Ecuador: UN chief expresses deep concern at civil unrest




Timor-Leste: Country has made strides in bolstering human rights, UN report finds


UN conference ends with pledges to promote green growth in Asia-Pacific region




Portugal: UN telecom agency joins forces to bring laptops to schools




Iraq: UN human rights expert calls for steps to help displaced in Kurdistan region


UN chief presses Middle East leaders to find a way forward


Russia urges Iran to cooperate with UN nuclear agency




Pakistan floods, West Africa food crisis top recipients from UN fund


Donors pledge billions to help UN-backed fund combat AIDS, TB and malaria


Eleven new sites join UN-backed geo-parks list


Ban lauds global youth campaign to rid world of nuclear weapons


UN climate change chief urges nations to step up search for common ground


UN urges collective effort to reduce urban poverty


UN introduces new tool to help companies support global anti-poverty effort


On International Day, Ban urges governments to enhance support for older persons


First global guidelines for certification of fish production finalized


Right to water and sanitation is legally binding, affirms key UN body

UN Reports
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)


Integration of Analog and Digital Instrumentation and Control Systems in Hybrid Control Rooms


Governmental, Legal and Regulatory Framework for Safety


UN Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)


Pakistan Floods 2010 - Rapid Gender Needs Assessment of Flood-Affected Communities


Gender Justice: Key to Achieving the Millennium Development Goals


UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

ICT transforming education: a regional guide


UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)


Afghanistan Opium Survey 2010: Summary Findings September 30, 2010


World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)


World Intellectual Property Indicators 2010

For a complete listing of new reports, please visit:

UN Reports

UN Washington Online
UN Washington YouTube Page
Newly Displaced Sudanese Settle in Tawila, North Darfur
September 28, 2010 - Adam Mohamad Mahmud Hamis, the leader of a group of newly displaced Sudanese, pays his respects to the 47 people killed in attacks in Taraba, one of the towns the group has fled. He stands above their mass grave in Tawila, North Darfur, where the group is resettling. UN Photo/Albert Gonzalez Farran
UN Security Council en route to Sudan ahead of upcoming referenda

The Security Council is en route to Sudan ahead of two key referenda on self-determination that are scheduled to be held in the African nation next January.


Newly Displaced Sudanese Settle in Tawila, North DarfurThe 15-member body will stop in Kampala, Uganda followed by Juba, the capital of southern Sudan, El Fasher, in the strife-torn region of Darfur, and finally to the national capital, Khartoum.


United States Ambassador to the United Nations Dr. Susan Rice is leading the delegation to the South and will co-lead the visit to the North.


On January 9, the inhabitants of southern Sudan will vote on whether to secede from the rest of the country, while on the same day the residents of the central area of Abyei will vote on whether to be part of the North or the South.


The referenda will be the final phase in the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA), the 2005 pact that formally ended two decades of fighting between the northern-based government and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) in the South.


Read more

For more information on the UN's work in Sudan:


United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS)


African Union/United Nations Hybrid operation in Darfur (UNAMID)


Security and access top agenda of latest Darfur talks between UN, AU and Sudan

DR Congo: UN releases most extensive report to date on war massacres, rapes

On October 1, the United Nations released a new report on "indescribable" atrocities committed in the war-torn Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) from 1993 to 2003, when tens of thousands of people were killed, and numerous others raped and mutilated by both armed Congolese group and foreign military forces.


DR Congo"The period covered by this report is probably one of the most tragic chapters in the recent history of the DRC," says the report, the most extensive accounting to date, issued by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).


The 550-page report, listing 617 of the most serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law over the 10-year period by both state and non-state actors, is the product of a mapping exercise that took more than two years, including eight months on the ground in the DRC, interviewing witnesses and a wide range of sources.


"Violence in the DRC was, in fact, accompanied by the apparent systematic use of rape and sexual assault allegedly by all combatant forces," the report says. "This report highlights the apparently recurrent, widespread and systematic nature of these phenomena and concludes that the majority of the incidents of sexual violence reported could, if judicially proven, constitute offenses and violations under domestic law, international human rights law, and international humanitarian law."


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UN agency increasing health services in Afghan province cut off by harsh winter

The United Nations health agency is partnering with authorities in Bamiyan to increase services for people living in remote areas of the northern Afghan province, which is often inaccessible for months at a time due to harsh winter conditions.


Photo: Fardin Waezi/UNAMASeveral districts, including Yakawlang, Panjab, Waras and Kahmard, are cut off by poor weather, which hampers health service delivery and puts the lives of hundreds of thousands of Afghans at risk, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).


WHO has stepped up its efforts in the province, including to reach women and children with life-saving vaccinations in difficult-to-access areas; to pre-position emergency medical supplies in district hospitals to cover basic health needs of at least 50,000 people; and to revive local income-generating activities that will empower the local population and in turn enable them to l

ead a healthy life.


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Related Headline

Flood-affected Pakistanis in need of continued assistance

The United Nations refugee agency today cautioned that 11 weeks since the first floods struck Pakistan, large numbers of those affected are still in critical need of continued humanitarian assistance, including many needy people the agency was supporting even before the flood emergency.


WFP Distributes Food to Pakistan's Flood VictimsIn Sindh province in the south, flooding is still occurring, Adrian Edwards, spokesman for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), told reporters in Geneva, with almost a third of the region's more than 30 million residents affected. About 1.6 million people in Sindh remain displaced.


Mr. Edwards added that UNHCR had assisted some 192,800 flood-displaced people in Sindh with tents, plastic sheeting, and other relief items.


Most of UNHCR's core populations of concern - 1.7 million refugees and 1.1 million people displaced by conflict - are in other regions of Pakistan, namely Balochistan and Khyber Phaktunkhwa.


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More than 10 million new teachers needed to fill education goals, UN warns

The United Nations marked World Teachers' Day on October 5 with top officials calling on governments to make up a projected deficit of more than 10 million teachers by 2015 and stressing the crucial role teachers play in recovery from natural disasters and conflict.


World Teacher Day 2010"Without sufficient numbers of well-trained and professionally motivated teachers, we risk falling short of the promise made 10 years ago at the World Education Forum to the world's children and youth [of education for all by 2015], because teachers are at the heart of the education system," the heads of four major UN agencies said.


"Low status, low salary and poor working conditions infringe on the rights of teachers whilst discouraging talented young people from joining and remaining in the teaching profession. The situation must be redressed at a time when the world needs an estimated 10.3 million new teachers to reach internationally-agreed education targets by 2015," read a jointed statement.


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Week in Pictures

UNAMID Organizes "Clean-up" Day in El Fasher

UNAMID Organizes "Clean-up" Day in El Fasher

September 29, 2010 - Peacekeepers of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) participate in a "clean-up" environmental awareness campaign in El Fasher, Sudan. UN Photo/Albert Gonzalez Farran


International Day of Non-Violence

Assembly President Attends Event Commemorating Non-Violence Day

October 1, 2010 - Joseph Deiss, President of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly, holds up a limited edition copy of "MKG - Mahatma Gandhi - Imaging Peace, Truth & Ahisma" at an event commemorating the International Day of Non-Violence. The day is observed October 2 for the birthday of non-violence pioneer Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (commonly known as Mahatma Gandhi). Pictured with Mr. Deiss are Hardeep Singh Puri (left), Permanent Representative of India to the UN, and Birad Rajaram Yajnik, the book's author. UN Photo/Paulo Filgueiras


About the United Nations in Washington
As the United Nations office in Washington, D.C, the UN Information Center serves as the focal point for UN news and information to advance understanding of the UN and its work, and to serve as a resource for United States government officials, NGOs, civil-society organizations and the American people.

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