United Nations Washington
In This Issue
UN Calendar
UN Reports
UN Security Council authorizes 3,500 more peacekeepers for Haiti
In Haiti, Secretary-General vows support for quake victims
UN mourns deaths of top officials in Haiti quake
Week in Pictures

UN Calendar

January 11


Committee on the Rights of the Child meets in Geneva through Jan. 29.


January 14


Sixth session of the high-level task force on the implementation of the right to development meets in Geneva through Jan. 22.


January 18


Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women meets in Geneva through Feb. 5


January 21


States Parties to the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination meets in New York.


- High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation meets in New York.


January 25


Committee on NGOs meets in New York through Feb. 3


January 27


International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust is observed.


UN Headlines

Sudan: UN condemns latest death sentences carried out by authorities
Guinea: UN-backed group backs efforts to reach compromise to political crisis 

UN Reports

Food and Agriculture
Organization (FAO)


Asia Pacific food situation update 


International Atomic Energy Agency


Disposal Approaches for Long-Lived Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste 


International Fund for Agricultural Development



Lightening the Load: Labour-saving technologies and practices 


Pan American Health Organization



Pandemic (H1N1) regional update 


Emergency Operations Center Situation Report - Haiti Earthquake


Secretary-General Reports


The request of Nepal for UN assistance in support of its peace process 


UN Operation in Cote d'Ivoire


UN Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo


UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan



Annual report on protection of civilians in armed conflict 


UN Environment Programme



Hazard Identification Tool: Earthquake Haiti 


UN High Commissioner for Refugees



Kenya Operation Update, Somalia

UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)

 Afghanistan, Albania, Haiti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Pakistan


OPT: Protection of civilians Weekly Report


World Food Programme



Earthquake in Haiti 

World Health Organization (WHO) 

Pandemic (H1N1)

UN Washington Online
UN Washington YouTube Page
Good Afternoon!

Here is your UN news update from Washington...

UN Peacekeepers Distribute Water and Food


UN Security Council authorizes 3,500 more peacekeepers for Haiti

The Security Council today backed United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's call to increase the overall force levels of the UN peacekeeping mission in Haiti to support the immediate recovery, reconstruction and stability efforts following last week's devastating earthquake.


The Council, in unanimously adopting resolution 1908, decided that MINUSTAH, the UN mission in Haiti, will consist of a military component of up to 8,940 troops of all ranks and of a police component of up to 3,711 police, and that it will keep the new force levels under review as necessary.


UN Peacekeepers Assist Quake VictimThe 15-member body took that action, "recognizing the dire circumstances and urgent need for a response" to the 7.0-magnitude quake which struck Haiti on January 12, leaving one third of the country's population of 9 million in need of immediate humanitarian assistance.


Speaking to reporters after the meeting, Mr. Ban voiced his gratitude to the Council for its swift action. "By approving my proposal... the Council sends a clear signal - the world is with Haiti."


Last week, the UN and its partners launched an appeal for nearly $600 million to help the victims of the earthquake, which has left basic services on the brink of collapse in Port-au-Prince.


The funds are intended to assist an estimated 3 million affected people over a period of six months, with half of the funds being earmarked for emergency food aid, with the rest targeted at health, water, sanitation, nutrition, early recovery, emergency education and other key needs.

Related Headlines
Washington Post Op-ed: Ban Ki-Moon: What I saw in Haiti
In Haiti, Secretary-General vows support for quake victims

Touching down in the capital of Haiti, which was devastated by last week's catastrophic earthquake, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon pledged the UN's support for the victims of the disaster.


Secretary-General Meets Haitians Displaced by QuakeThe UN "will continue to stand behind the Haitian people," Mr. Ban said in Port-au-Prince, the city hardest hit by the January 12 tremors. [Watch video]


In Port-au-Prince, the Secretary-General outlined three top priorities.


Firstly, he underscored the continued need for the search-and-rescue effort. Dozens of teams - comprising over 1,000 people - are on the ground trying to save survivors trapped under rubble.


Also essential, Mr. Ban stressed, is emergency relief, including food, water and tents, and these supplies are being distributed to those in need by the UN and its partner agencies.


"Third, and most important, coordination" of the emergency operation is vital, he noted.


'The situation is overwhelming," he said. "And the offer of assistance is also very moving and overwhelming."


Secretary-General Sees UN Offices in RuinsThe airport is still not operating at full capacity, but "we need to make sure our help is getting to people who need it, as fast as possible," the Secretary-General said. "We cannot waste one minute, one dollar or one person."


In a meeting with Haitian UN staff members, he underscored that "all of us, all colleagues and the whole world, are standing behind you and trying to share this difficult moment with all of you."


"You have suffered yourselves in this gravest single tragedy in UN history," Mr. Ban said to UN staff members in Port-au-Prince. "Yet you carry on..."


"We do not have to create UN heroes. We have only to look around. There are many heroes. I am proud to serve with you."

UN mourns deaths of top officials in Haiti quake

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon paid tribute to the top UN officials who perished in the catastrophic earthquake which struck Haiti on January 12.


H�di AnnabiThe world body confirmed the deaths of the Secretary-General's Special Representative to Haiti, H�di Annabi, as well as his Deputy Luiz Carlos da Costa and Acting Police Commissioner Doug Coates of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.


"In every sense of the word, they gave their lives for peace," Mr. Ban said. [Watch video]


The Secretary-General characterized Mr. Annabi (pictured above), of Tunisia, as a "true citizen of the world" for whom the UN was his life. "He gave of himself - with energy, discipline and great bravery," Mr. Ban said, adding that the envoy was the "gold standard of service against which all who had the privilege to work with him were measured."


The Special Representative "was proud of the UN mission in Haiti - proud of its accomplishments in bringing stability and hope to Haiti's people, proud of his UN staff," Mr. Ban, who will visit the country tomorrow, stressed.


Luiz Carlos da CostaThe deputy envoy, Mr. da Costa (pictured right), a Brazilian, has been a UN peacekeeping legend, the Secretary-General said, noting that his professionalism and dedication were matched only by his charisma, warmth and devotion to his friends.


"Over decades, he brought many of the finest and most talented staff to the United Nations," mentoring generations of UN staff. "His legacy lives in the thousands that serve under the blue flag in every corner of the globe."


Doug Coates, Acting Police Commissioner, was "a true friend of Haiti and the United Nations," Mr. Ban said.

The three officials are among other UN officials who lost their lives in the devastating 7.0 magnitude tremors which struck Haiti on January 12.

Read more 


Wall Street Journal: Remembering H�di Annabi, Diplomat 

Week in Pictures

Cit� Soleil Residents Receive Water, Meals

UN Peacekeeper in Haiti

January 15, 2010 -- A UN peacekeeper hands a baby to his father during a distribution of water and meals to the residents of Cit� Soleil, Haiti.
Aerial View of UN Headquarters in Port-au-Prince After Quake

Collapsed UN Building in Haiti

An aerial view of the United Nations' headquarters in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, in unrecognizable condition after the devastating earthquake. The earthquake caused the single greatest loss of life in the UN's history. The Christopher Hotel, which housed the world body's headquarters in Haiti, collapsed, while other buildings hosting the UN suffered extensive damage.

About the United Nations in Washington
As the United Nations office in Washington, D.C, the UN Information Center serves as the focal point for UN news and information to advance understanding of the UN and its work, and to serve as a resource for United States government officials, NGOs, civil-society organizations and the American people.

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