November 2009 Volume III Issue 7

BACK TALK -The Official Newsletter of Speak Easy
In This Issue
Greeting from the Visionaries
Speak Easy Show Recap
Community Goodness
Special Thanks
The Hottest Talk Show in the NATION!
  Speak Easy
Vol. XX
 Jan. 9, 2010
"Everything Goes"
....details coming soon 
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Member Spotlight

Name: Courtney D Hopkins

Age: 26

Education: Bachelor of Science Criminal Justice

Hometown: Tarboro, NC, but currently residing in Durham, NC

SE: If you could be a college course what would it be called and why?

Courtney: My college course would be called "Real Women 101" Reason: I am a real woman standing behind all the morals and values I have been taught in life. It's time that someone took the opportunity to learn about a "real" woman and hopefully that course could help those who tend to mis-treat us.

SE: What's your idea of a fairytale marriage?

Courtney: Hmmmmmm let's see: A  planned get away weekend with the sweetie, and when I arrive there is a wedding dress and everything all laid out on the bed. The next thing I know is all of our family is there and this is a complete surprise to me. We proceed with a beautiful beach wedding already in progress... Just waiting for the beautiful bride to arrive! 
SE: If your favorite singer/movie star offered you money to be with them would you do it?
Courtney: No! No! No! Money is not everything. All of these stars have money and are still miserable and/or steady getting into some stupid trouble. No- MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL! 

SE:  What's the one thing you would sacrifice in your life to achieve your dream?
Courtney: Honestly I am living my dream right now. I have a successful career and holdin' my own in all areas. So.. I guess I would more likely give my "ME" time to someone else and spend that time with them to help them achieve their dreams!

SE: What's the definition of fun in your opinion?

Courtney: FUN= Uncontrollable laughs, smiles, and just having a good time without having to think about it, and having no regrets all at the same time!

SE: If you could go back and relive your life up until this point how would you live differently?
Courtney: I would not change one thing! I am so appreciative of everything I have gone through in life because it has taught me valuable lessons in life. I feel that life has given me more opportunities to embrace the present even more so that I can continue to grow as a person instead of worrying about changing what happened in the past. 

SE: What website do you frequent?
Courtney: I tend to visit Facebook the most.
SE:  What does SPEAK EASY mean to you?

Courtney: Be real, tell the truth, just say what's on your mind. 

Name: Edythe Kearns

Age: 27

Education: Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from North Carolina Central,  Honor Graduate

Hometown: Durham, N
SE: If you could be a college course what would it be called and why?

Edythe: My course would be called Real Life Finances combined with the "Nitty Gritty" on relationships. Why? Because finance and romance do tie together. I would want everyone to be financially empowered so that when two people link up they will both be prosperous!
SE: What's your idea of a fairytale marriage?

Edythe: Wow! The wedding needs to be small and intimate with the most important people in my life. The man would empower me, believe in God and tell me what I needed to hear not what I want to hear.
SE: If your favorite singer/movie star offered you money to be with them would you do it?
Edythe: Being that my favorite musician is a female I couldn't be physical, but I'd hang for the weekend! Lol!
SE:  What's the one thing you would sacrifice in your life to achieve your dream?

Edythe: Hmm... I guess it would be my big chest! LOL! I would be small up top if could have everything I wanted, and then I'd buy some implants later!
SE: What's the definition of fun in your opinion?

Edythe: It's enjoying yourself without compromising your ethics and morals.
SE: If you could go back and relive your life up until this point how would you live differently?

Edythe: In previous years I would have done a better job handling my finances.
SE: What website do you frequent?
Edythe: I am a social networker! Facebook,, and Rocawear!

SE:  What does SPEAK EASY mean to you?

Edythe: Oh! Speak Easy means fun, entertainment along with dropping knowledge to the young people today. It's the next generation of Oprah!

Got Talent?
Are your skills good enough to perform live in front of the Speak Easy audience?
We are looking for singers, dancers, poets, comedians, etc.  to be the opening act of Speak Easy shows.
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Speak Easy w/ LeVar & Derrick, the Nations #1 Talk Show and Dynasty 5, founders of the Triangle's Original 1st Friday invite you to come out and party for a night of giving.  Proceeds from this party will benefit but are not limited to the following:  a child within the Cornell West School of Excellence and the Wake/Durham county adopt a family initiative. Dynasty 5 and SE w/ LeVar & Derrick will personally deliver gifts to support the families in need and help make a deserving child's Christmas wishes come true. 



cornell west


D & L Chillin 

As your humble Speak Easy Show hosts, we want to sincerely say thank you to all of you who attended Speak Easy Vol. XIX. It was our pleasure to join you all again after such a long wait and it was marvelous!

All we can say is thanks for all the love.  We can't wait to see you in 2010 as we kick off Season 4! This will be episode 20 and we want you all to be there as we celebrate another milestone.
We will see you soon.  Until then, tell your neighbors, friends, relatives and haters about the #1 Talk Show in the Nation, Speak Easy w/ LeVar & Derrick! 
If you have any suggested topics for discussion feel free to submit at [email protected]. Admission will be FREE if your suggested topic is selected to be discussed at an upcoming show. Now stop hearing about it and show up!


SPEAK EASY Music Video

Speak Easy XIX Recap
To hear audio clips and see pics of the show go to: 
(topics are in music box)
Yes, we know that you guys were wondering where has Speak Easy been... First, we apologize for the time off, but we hope that we made it up to you on October 17th.  
Jane Barnes, faithful SE fan states, "It was exciting and filled with action from the time I got there until the moment I left.  I can't even describe the energy.  LeVar & Derrick are an amazing duo.  It's incredible to have that type of talent right here in Raleigh. The show was ridiculous!"
The show kicked off with first time S.E. comer, Edith Kearns, getting the birthday surprise of a lifetime.  LeVar and Derrick sang her zhappy birthday, what a fun-tas-trophe that was! Ooh and they  were the "real" strippers as  LeVar and Derrick tried to imitate the lap dance thing and wow...

Of course you know with Speak Easy there is never a dull moment and to add more propane to the fire SE introduced the new "Don Juan" of R&B, CARDYE!  Let's just say that his swagger started real mellow as he began his set with a rendition of Anthony Hamilton's song, "COOL". I, myself was trying not to bogard the crowd's view by standing right in front of the microphone while CARDYE sang, but I backed off while he did two more of his own originals, "DO WHAT YOU DO'' and "THUG ON THE GRIND". Like I said, I only backed off to be nice (because you know I have a man and I was tryingfrustration to give others a chance Ha! HA!). Seriously, it was great, but there's more from where all that came from.

LeVar and Derrick quickly brought the crowd and I back to reality with the first topic of the night: ARE YOU SERIOUS? THE PERSON YOU LEFT ME FOR OR CHEATING ON ME WITH LOOKS LIKE THIS. WHY IS THE "JUMP OFF" USUALLY A COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF YOUR MATE IN ALL CATEGORIES? One audience member summed it up by saying that when the woman that the guy is dating is elevated on all levels then that guy needs to find someone lower on the food chain. Damn, talk about "scientifically" speaking, shall we break out the Bunsen burners? Another person stated that if she knew her man was "cheating down" then she'd be sure to "cheat up" is it just me or does this sound like an evil game of scrabble between frustrated lovers?
After warming up with such a heated topic we finally moved on to CAN A WOMAN TRULY RAISE A BOY TO BE A MAN AND VICE VERSA?  LeVar got all professor with some statistics for this one. He stated that 70% of households in America are single mother homes and after that it was on! The first statement by a SE newcomer was,LeVar Interviewing "Truly no. A little boy NEEDS to see a man to BE a man! He can be taught to take care of a woman, but not truly become a man." Now you know there had to be that one gentleman in the crowd to put in his two cents, but he blew us away with it. " A woman hands down can raise a boy to be a man because they will have support from uncles or other male figures." Hallelujah, finally some props to us single mothers from a baby maker himself! The issues arise when this little boy doesn't have any male influences.
 gab sings
And as promised at the beginning of this conversation, CARDYE came back to give us more with his second set and started with his original song, "FOURPLAY". Let me just state here and now that every woman in the room was wishing that they were CARDYE'S guitar or the lap of the girl he played his guitar off of! Can you just imagine the vibrations going through her body while he was strumming that guitar? I had to pause writing this for a minute because I was beginning to feel those vibrations myself... ANYWAY, he topped off that performance with his MYSPACE single, "JUST DON'T SPILL MY DRINK" . It definitely didn't seem as though anyone were spilling any drinks because the women were too busy spilling over themselves to get to this guy! Wow! How did LeVar and Derrick comCardye getting his rocks offe back and top such a genius performance?  Easy, they had the genius topic to end the night:
BOOTY,BREAST, BEAUTY AND BRAINS. DO GUYS WANT THE TOTAL PACKAGE OR DOES ONE OUTWEIGH THE OTHER? This one was killer because someone made the statement about how if a man doesn't have a subject-verb agreement then there's no need for conversation. As one male said, "a woman with a PHAT ASS can disguise just about all of her imperfections. I could go on and on about this one, but that's why we here at BACKTALK allow you to click on the links for more audio. Trust me, you'll want to play this last sound byte for your friends over and over and over...

Chopping It Up


Washington, D.C. - first-time author, Charlotte E. Avery brings to us the humorous book No One Ever Told Me! This funny and loving chronicle of Motherhood's big and small surprises was written with a Mommy's unique passion. It is a celebration of the most common characteristic that bonds fabulous MotherCharlotte Avery at Book Signing's: Imperfection. No One Ever Told Me gives Mommies and friends of Mommies an intimate space to be imperfect, yet still fabulous.

During her first pregnancy, Charlotte combed the pregnancy and motherhood resources and entertained Old Wives Tales. But she, like most Mommies never considered the growing list of Mommy-isms that no one ever told her. The journey of discovery began with the pregnancy and birth of her first child five years ago. Carrying low, it's a girl. Carrying, high, it's a boy. According to Charlotte, the baby resembled more of a shrimp than a boy or a girl, in the sonogram picture. It was a boy. As most Mommies and friends of Mommies can attest, it is an emotional celebration. It is a comical self-discovery. And for Charlotte, it was a spiritual escapade so joyous that she decided to renew her membership in the Fabulous Mommy Club four more times. No on ever told her that her new favorite accessories would be her children.

A must have for wanna-be Mommies, sister-friends of Mommies, obstetricians, and Mommies who greet head-on the uncertainties of hormonal imbalance, No One Ever Told Me is delightfully No Body Ever Told Me Book Coverinformative, thoughtfully revealing, and fabulously enlightening.

The launch of No One Ever Told Me indicates a clear shift in Mommy-authored tools for Mommies. The book enters an elite and uncluttered club of texts made for "Momshells" - Bombshell Moms whose experiences in Motherhood teach them to be their own measurers of fabulosity.

The Mythikos Mommy website, is coming soon and will feature the Mythikos Mommy blog, No One Ever Told Me press kit, and links to networking platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. Readers all over the world will benefit from the uplifting and thought-provoking book that appeals to mothers and mothers-to-be, across generations and cultures. Readers can order the hardback book directly from the Mythikos Mommy website or Charlotte's publicist.

About the Author: Charlotte E. Avery is a stay-at-home mom, entrepreneur, minister, first-time author, minister's wife, motivational speaker, and a faithful Christian. She holds a Master of Sports Science degree in Sports Medicine from the United States Sports Academy and a Bachelors of Science degree in Therapeutic Recreation from Hampton University. Charlotte also holds a Certificate of Biblical Studies. She currently serves as the President and CEO of Mythikos Mommy LLC, and resides in Northern Virginia.

About the Book:
ISBN: 9780981994109
100 Pages; Hardcover; Color Photography
Retail Price: $15.95
Self-Published: May 2009
The author will donate a portion of all proceeds to MAHN Healthcare for Programmatic Development in prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV.

Email us at [email protected] and we will print it in the next edition of BACK TALK!  

Special Thanks
232 Designs
Michael Dean Studios 
Antwan Harris
A1 Security
LP Models
Speak Easy Vision Team
Your services help make Speak Easy the best talk show in the nation!!!
 Come Be A Part of the Speak Easy Experience!!!  

Nice Crowd Pic

Join us on Jan. 9, 2010
Speak Easy vol. XX 


-LeVar an
d Derrick
Founders of Speak Easy
contact us: [email protected]