Sacred Spaces
Sacred Spaces Newsletter -You Are Sacred
Wall Street Is Not What You Want
May 8, 2010

May's Gift

The Whole Light Beings offer to transmit a free 15 minute personal message to each person who chooses to expand his or her awareness through one of the Sacred Spaces Services through the month of May.  This message will be sent directly to your email box through 

If you choose to have a Whole Light Reading in the month of May, it will be a one hour reading rather than a 45 minute transmission.

See the Services page to request the next step in your soul's conscious expansion.  If you would like assistance in making a choice, see the Begin Here page.


Delving Into Beliefs


This week's question:
"Why do I feel so stuck?"

There is really no such thing as being "stuck".  You are constantly flowing, moving, expanding energy in a conscious stream that emanates within the One Source.  Since being "stuck" connotes that you cannot move, the first idea you want to release is that one.

Now that you know you
are not "stuck", that you are actually a moving force, you might want to reframe your thought as to why you feel you cannot move.  The feeling of lack of motion is based upon resistance to what is.  All bodies are in constant motion.  The only time they come to rest is when they are stopped by a force.  In this case, that force is your resistance.

Even when you are "stopped", you are still vibrating, humming, pulsing energy.  When you realize that, the fact that you are always in motion, you can take that movement and use it to release yourself from the idea of "stuckness".  Because the idea of not being able to move forward is in your mind, you may use that same mind to move you.  It is a metaphysical principle and one of the simplest ones to apply.  Simply tell yourself that you are going to move forward and then take a step.

Within your soul lies the direct path to the Self within, your true Essence.  Reach into your heart, the voice of your soul, and ask why you wish to resist the present as it is.  Only you can change it by changing how you view it.  It is your viewpoint and your perception.  Make the view a scenic one.  You are the designer and creator.  You are God in form.


Watch Our Community Grow

You can now watch the Sacred Spaces community grow in real time.  At the top of the navigational bar on the left hand side of each page, you will see a revolving globe.  Each bright light is just that.  It is a bright light of the Sacred Spaces' community shining from his or her respective city. 

The homepage of Sacred Spaces also hosts a slightly larger globe that is easier to see.  If you wish to see a 2D version of the globe, simply click on the globe itself and you will be taken to the Revolving Maps page where you choose to view the world in 2D or 3D.  Thank you for being part of our ever-expanding union.


The Distraction Society

Think you might spend too much time floating hither and thither on the web?  Read the BBC News article on humanity's tendencies to seek distraction.

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I started out creating this week's video with the intention to name it something that meant "what you are wanting is not what you want".  No, that would never do for a title, yet something similar is what I had in mind.

Then, I got creative and asked Google to assist me in knowing what words or phrases were being used most frequently in searches right now.  "Wall Street" was number one.

How perfect can it get?  I was creating a video about the concept that wanting money and goods is not really what you want and the world's number one search criteria is the street where "money is made". 

So I went with it and "Wall Street Is Not What You Want" is the name!  While the idea seems simplistic to some and may sound downright obvious to those of a spiritual bent, a viewing of the video will tell you why it is truer than you might believe.
May 11th is Unity Day

The Awake Net

Partners With


The Awake Net has partnered with C.S. ONE and to announce this new union, May 11th will be Unity Day with events sponsored by C.S. ONE held on The Awake Net.

The Awake Net will be the social networking hub for C.S. ONE.  Three of the chat/conference rooms will be open for Standard Members and up.  For a comparison chart for ease in deciding your level of membership click HERE.

At 3 p.m. PDT on May 11th, Unity Day, I will be hosting a one hour session with the Whole Light Beings.  I will introduce them as the tremendous Beings of Love and Guardians of our Souls that they are and open the floor to questions to be answered by the Light Orbs.  For a full list of events on Unity Day, click HERE.

Also, you can watch The Awake Net Unity video by clicking HERE.

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What is it that you want?  Do you practice the Law of Attraction hoping that if you do it just right you'll finally have all of the stuff life is supposed to provide?  Love, money, prestige, family, friends, travel, clothes - the list goes on and on.  This itemization of the things that could bring you happiness often includes "your mission", your "goal" - how you are going to change the earth so everyone can be happy here.  That's curious ~ having the thought that you came to earth to change things so every one could be happy, yet you are NOT happy, not feeling a sense of fulfillment.  How can you give what you do not have?
And sometimes it works, doesn't it?  Sometimes you actually do get what you want.  Then the cycle starts all over again . . . wanting something else, something new, something better . . . and before you cast off this thought with an "is this really what I do?" give it a good close look. 
Do you feel fulfilled (in its definition as satisfied) with life?  If you say, yes, and you really, truly mean it . . . then go do something else. This video is not for you.  If you don't say yes to that question, let's take a look at why not.

See:  Wall Street Is Not What You Want

The Purpose of Being Consciously Aware


As you sit before your television set watching the evening news, open the morning paper or log on to the various web sites on your computer, you are accosted with an onslaught of fear driven words and phrases regarding the present situation in the world's economy, environment and health.  Every sentence increases the vibration of angst whether it is because you are afraid of war, don't want to lose a fortune in the stock market or are concerned about gas prices and a potential shortage of fuel. 
Each thought, each feeling creates a resonating wave similar to prayer.  Yet these waves create an effect that is more incoherent and increase the actual frequency pulse that is so uncomfortable.
Perhaps it is time to consider what you can do, individually or in a group setting, to actually shift the tide and all that comes with it.  It is not a complicated exercise to sit quietly and send thoughts of peace and brotherhood out into the world.  It can be done in a general fashion or in a more specific manner, targeting certain areas of the earth, personages or groups of people.  Whatever the focus, the shifting wavelength creates a new pattern of possibilities for which you can take responsibility.
There is a phrase used in the news media:  "If it bleeds, it leads".  You are seeing it here and now and you do not have to allow that which you are seeing and hearing to govern your choices in response.  You create your reality through your thoughts and feelings.  You CAN choose to hold this time in evolution in a space of compassion in your hearts and minds.  It begins with each person - one at a time - knowing that he or she can shape destiny and the resultant lives of those on the planet.

Become more consciously aware of what you are as God in form.  Visit my newly designed web page for The Presence to understand how you may focus your Essence for the greatest good of all.  It IS what you can do ~ and it is foundationed upon your Being.  That Being is your Essence.

"Wow, The Whole Light Being reading - I feel so blessed.  What a warm tone and engaging, compassionate message."  Kathryn Hart

Personal reflection:

Today I was graced with facilitating an Initiation Into The Presence for a man in another state.  It is always the deepest honor to be asked to merge in the union of the Essence with another human being.  I experience the omnific reality of the Eminence as much as it flows within the one being initiated.

As we talked before and after the initiation, this retired Marine told me that he spends his days focusing on bringing light from the One into his body, the earth, the world and all of manifestation in and outside of our solar system.  He explicitly explained his practice to me and my heart swelled to listen to these words coming from a man who, as he put it "had bought the lie" at one time, and was now recreating his life by using his awareness to expand union for all.  Included in his work is a special process especially for those in the military overseas that they might see, as well.

As we closed our conversation, he reflected to me that since he wasn't in physical contact with many people each day, he didn't know how much of a mirror he could be for others.  Well, dear one, let your message go out to the world in this newsletter.  Let it be passed on to friends and family of my readers.  Let the world know that one man, once trained in the art of war, opens his heart every day to merge in union with the Oneness within All.
Know that I love you,

Toni Elizabeth Sar'h