old telephone
Sacred Spaces Newsletter

Home For the Holidays (where your heart is) Nov. 29, 2009
old telephone

Join me on The Awake Net to experience a community of like-minded people sharing the flow of unity.


Wednesday - Dec 2nd ~ Class with Toni - DNA as the Basis for the Principle of Resonance (Attraction)
(Part 3) - 5:00 p.m. PST at
The Awake Net Chatroom


Coming Soon
New Meditation CD

Right in time for holiday giving, I will be releasing a new meditation CD within the next two weeks.  This set of meditations is perfect for gift giving.  It will contain meditations that will resonate with everyone's beliefs and include positive, guided affirmations for life's "interesting" moments. 

Stay tuned!

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"Beautiful, Toni. The peace was flowing through me. You are such a delight, and people can truly benefit from your healing sessions as I have benefited."  Tami Close

Dr. Bruce Lipton

Meta yoU Courses

"Just a few words of Love, for your Science on the Heart, DNA and Coherency, which  have become the central point of my Sadahana. It has kind of pulled together all spiritual concepts into ONE, but also as practical guide in meditation and prayer. From rock bottom I came back, and I thank for your Great Work."  Helga Sundar

Dr. Bruce Lipton

Angel Fire Transmission


"If you're lucky you'll come to a crossroads and see that the path to the left leads to hell, that the path to the right leads to hell, that the road straight ahead leads to hell and that if you try to turn around you'll end up in complete and utter hell . . .
Then, if you're ready, you'll start to discover inside yourself what you always longed for but were never able to find."  Peter Kingsley
In the Dark Place of Wisdom

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Coming home for the holidays ~ home is where the heart is ~ both of these phrases and many others speak to the human desire to spend special times of celebration in the place considered "home" ~ the nest.

What is this "home"?  Is it the town in which you were born?  Is it the city you settled down in after getting married or securing a good position in the business world?  Or is it something much more elusive ~ something just outside your grasp?

Why do so many people feel like they cannot find "home" in earth; that there is no place to call "home" here?

This week's video looks at "home", contemplates where it could be and, ultimately, leads you to it. 

Purple Garden
Home is where you are comfortable, feel most secure, are loved, liked and, supposedly, can be yourself (whatever that means to you).

How many times do you hear people say something like, "I can't find home on earth; I want to find my tribe; this placed doesn't feel like home to me?"

You might be surprised to know that nearly everyone feels as you do.  Nearly every person in earth feels like they are "looking for home" even when supposedly "at home".

Why don't you feel at home more often?  Why is this yearning for home so intense, so pervasive?

Click on the title to see this week's video:

If you would like to embed any of the Sacred Spaces movies into your website, look for the HTML on the right side of the video on You Tube.

Orange ocean orbs

When the Light Orbs initially gave me the information for The Presence Initiation, they (in their usual fashion) said, "You could always call it 'The Three E's'!"  They followed up their humorous comment with, "Please call it The Presence".

This weekend I had the privilege of facilitating the first two initiations into The Presence.  I did not know what would physically occur, how the initiates would experience this non-local introduction to the Self or what I would experience as facilitator.

While I am not at liberty to voice their comments, I can tell you about my own experience.  I was surprised, deLighted and, ultimately, confirmed in the response my body gave to this consummate energetic exchange.

It has been 40 years since I acted as Master Teacher within the Holy Order to which I belonged.  During that stay, many, many evenings were given to aligning the Order's students with the realization of the Self.  Each time, I had the same energetic response within my body.  It was this same acknowledgment I witnessed within myself this weekend as the Orbs of Light opened the doors to recognition of The Presence within these two beautiful hu-mans.  I came away from this initiatory process grateful, humbled and even more deeply in love with the Beloved Within.

If it is time, if you are ready, if your desire to know the Self supersedes the filters of your perception, The Presence is waiting for you.

Delving Into Beliefs

Toni Elizabeth Sar'h
I invite you to send me any belief you would like to look at to post in this section of the Sacred Spaces newsletter.  I will post the question, "delve into it" and provide the answer here.  I will not use your name or any reference to who you are in the postings.

This week's question:
It was so much easier when I didn't "know".  Why is this?

Delving into this belief: 
This is a statement I have heard many times.  It means:  it was easier to live life before I knew it was an illusion, when I allowed my ego personality to run the show, when I wasn't consciously aware of life.

My response is always the same:  if it feels easier to "not know", then you don't "know".  Being consciously aware of living as Source within a physical vehicle, not being attached to expectations, anticipations or beliefs and flowing with the current within each moment is the most natural, consistent and congruent expression of your life in planet earth.

When it feels easier to "not know", to live with blinders and filters firmly in place, you can admit to yourself that what you believe you "know" is not supporting you.  The realization of your true nature releases you from the apparent binding ties contained within this dimension that is called "physical".  "Knowing" is much more a state of being than it is a mental construct.  YOU know your Self and, in response, It aligns you with your infinite nature.

Email:  [email protected]
A personal reflection: 

Since there is so much attraction and attention around the "Law of Attraction" (which I prefer to call "The Principle of Resonance"), I have caught some recent thoughts flitting across my mental landscape.

Most of those who teach or espouse the "Law of Attraction" advise the listener to act "as if", to pretend that the desired action, object, person, etc. is actually present right now and that the act of pretending sends the message to the Universe and it will respond in like kind.

It's a handy tool and I agree especially since the word "pretend" is made up of "pre" and "tend" - to pay attention to "before" (it happens).

And so, what comes to mind is how many people say "if this or that happens, I will __________ (die, scream, lose my mind, go crazy, etc.)"  That is truly acting "as if".  It is the subject of the present attention, calling the unwanted experience into existence.

Watch your vocabulary.  Watch your thoughts and, most of all, watch your feelings!  They are a give away of your actual, real current position in your here-and-now.
Know that I love you,

Toni Elizabeth Sar'h