August 25, 2012
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Welcome to your CABB Weekly Connection
Recovery Slow to Come to Smallest Businesses

By John Tozzi, originally appeared on August 15, 2012 on


The nation's smallest businesses-those with no employees other than their owners-failed to regain the ground they lost during the Great Recession in the first full year of recovery, Census data released today show.


These businesses on average lost $1,000 in revenue from 2008 to 2009, or 2.5 percent of sales, and they didn't make up that difference in 2010, the first year of growth after the downturn.


They're heavily concentrated in construction, real estate, professional services, retail, and health care. In Census jargon, these ventures are known as "nonemployers," or any business that's run just by the owners, with no one else on the payroll. Think of accountants or psychologists who work out of their homes, or solo workers like carpenters, truckers, and real estate agents. Together, nonemployers have nearly $1 trillion in revenue, or more than 6 percent of U.S. gross domestic product.


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Call For Volunteers - CABB Needs Your Help!

Our Communications Committee is looking for a few new members who could assist 4-6 hours per month. Our team facilitates the weekly newsletters, CABBinars, articles, LinkedIn discussions and Member highlights. If you have experience or interest in writing, marketing or PR, you're who we are looking for! Please contact Committee Chair Amy Cole at or 925-890-6012 as soon as possible.

September 13-14: CABB 101

Northern California/Business Team Campbell - Instructor: John Mittlestet

Not sure if you want to take the CABB 101 Course? Here's what CABB members Jason Alan had to say about CABB 101:

"...I wanted you to know that I learned so much during the two day CABB 101 Course  and look forward to being part of the CABB community."

September 27-28: IBBA 210

Southern California/Business Team Torrance - Instructor: Ron Hottes

Click here for more education dates.
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