August 11, 2012
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Small Business Lending is Improving: Tips for Finding and Securing the Right Loan

By Caron Beesley, Community Moderator, originally appeared on June 11, 2012 on


If you are looking for capital to finance your startup or business growth, many signs suggest that lending markets are showing renewed vigor.


Earlier this spring, for example, SBA Administrator Karen Mills blogged about the new signs of strength in business lending. Among the positives, Mills noted that:


  • Thanks to the Recovery Act and the Small Business Jobs Act, SBA had a record year in FY2011, supporting more than $30 billion in small business lending across the country.
  • The FDIC recently released data showing that banks had their biggest increase in business lending in four years.
  • Financial institutions (mostly community banks) are reporting an increase in their small business lending by $3.5 billion, thanks to the Department of Treasury's Small Business Lending Fund.


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Call For Volunteers - CABB Needs Your Help!

Our Communications Committee is looking for a few new members who could assist 4-6 hours per month. Our team facilitates the weekly newsletters, CABBinars, articles, LinkedIn discussions and Member highlights. If you have experience or interest in writing, marketing or PR, you're who we are looking for! Please contact Committee Chair Amy Cole at or 925-890-6012 as soon as possible.

Save the Date: 
August 22, 2012
9:00 a.m. 


George Abraham



Comparing Comparables - The Market Approach


George Abraham will discuss the Direct Market Data Method (DMDM) of valuing businesses. The DMDM method typically uses income multipliers based on transactional data. George will discuss the variety of data sources and provide insight into interpreting the results.   


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September 13-14: CABB 101

Northern California/Business Team Campbell - Instructor: John Mittlestet

Not sure if you want to take the CABB 101 Course? Here's what CABB members Jason Alan had to say about CABB 101:

"...I wanted you to know that I learned so much during the two day CABB 101 Course  and look forward to being part of the CABB community."

September 27-28: IBBA 210

Southern California/Business Team Torrance - Instructor: Ron Hottes

Click here for more education dates.
The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors for this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints or official policies of the California Association of Business Brokers.
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