July 28, 2012
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Do you have an article you'd like to share with the CABB membership? Send it to us! We want to feature our members' articles in the CABB Weekly Connection. Please send all article submissions to ashley@cabb.org for consideration for inclusion in the next Weekly Connection.

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Welcome to your CABB Weekly Connection
10 Tips to Take Aim at Your Target Market

By Amanda Puppo, MarketReach Inc., CEO & Founder, originally appeared on July 17, 2012 on Business Brokerage Press


Who are your best clients? Wouldn't you like to have more just like them? Most of us would. Start by gathering all the information you can about them. What do they have in common? Are they in the same or similar industries? The same size company? Here are some quick tips to help you take aim at your target market.


1. Pick a couple of your best clients, and write a brief case study about them for future use. Really consider your competitive advantages towards that market and include how the client benefitted from your service- and be sure to include the ROI realized from your service as well. This case study can be used in print as well as condensed and worked into a phone pitch.


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Call For Volunteers - CABB Needs Your Help!

Our Communications Committee is looking for a few new members who could assist 4-6 hours per month. Our team facilitates the weekly newsletters, CABBinars, articles, LinkedIn discussions and Member highlights. If you have experience or interest in writing, marketing or PR, you're who we are looking for! Please contact Committee Chair Amy Cole at acole@abi-ma.com or 925-890-6012 as soon as possible.

Missed the CABBinar? 

Have no fear, you can still access the recorded version of the most recent CABBinar.

Don't miss out on Bob Brooks & Bill Priest "Using CABB Forms to Protect your Fee and Avoid Lawsuits" presentation. View the recorded webinar 



CABBinar Archive

Did you miss a CABBinar? You can still access past CABBinars.

View the CABBinar archives

August 10: IBBA 301 Introduction to Mergers and Acquisitions

ABI Business Sales, Mergers and Acquisitions - Register today!
September 13-14: CABB 101

Northern California/Business Team Campbell - Instructor: John Mittlestet

Not sure if you want to take the CABB 101 Course? Here's what CABB members Jason Alan had to say about CABB 101:

"...I wanted you to know that I learned so much during the two day CABB 101 Course  and look forward to being part of the CABB community."

September 27-28: IBBA 210

Southern California/Business Team Torrance - Instructor: Ron Hottes

Click here for more education dates.
The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors for this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints or official policies of the California Association of Business Brokers.
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