June 23, 2012
What's Inside

Words of Wisdom

Call For Volunteers



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Do you have an article you'd like to share with the CABB membership? Send it to us! We want to feature our members' articles in the CABB Weekly Connection. Please send all article submissions to ashley@cabb.org for consideration for inclusion in the next Weekly Connection.
Calling All Bloggers!

We are looking for business broker blogs to showcase in the Weekly Connection. If you maintain a blog and would like to be featured, please send your blog link to ashley@cabb.org.


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Welcome to your CABB Weekly Connection.
Transitioning from Entrepreneur to Employee

By: Business Brokerage Press 


The New York Times recently published an article by Bryan Borzykowski describing the challenges of a seller staying on with the business for a period of time following the sale.

"While the transition from entrepreneur to employee will always be tricky, owners who have had the experience say it is important to negotiate well - and be prepared for the worst."

Business intermediaries are in a unique position to help owners negotiate well and be prepared for the challenges unique to transitioning from captain to crew member. We think you will find the New York Times article interesting and the real-life examples of how sellers dealt with this transition helpful.


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Words of Wisdom
Weekly highlights from our CBBs and new members
Ronald Varner

Brokerage Firm: BusinessQuest Brookers, Inc.
California Region: Southern
Contact: 909-803-2296 or ron@businessquestbrokers.com 


Q: Briefly describe your background (length as broker, career prior, how you got into this field).


A: I have been a Business Broker since 2007 and I am currently Director of M&A Services for BusinessQuest Brokers Inc. My educational background includes a bachelor's degree in industrial engineering from California Polytechnic State University, and a MBA from the University of Southern California. My professional background started with the Procter & Gamble Company in industrial engineering and operations management ,and progressed from there to many years in senior management positions in both publicly and privately held manufacturing companies including positions as President, COO, CFO, and Vice-President-General Manager. Also, I was a principal with an acquisition, investment and crisis management consulting group and provided management and mentoring for startup and emerging technology companies. I became a Business Broker after a short retirement and the realization that I couldn't play golf every day. I had a meeting with Ed Fixen, President of BusinessQuest, and he convinced me that my skills and abilities fit well with those needed by a Broker and I joined him at BusinessQuest. I really enjoy interfacing with all types of businesses, buyers, and sellers and I have found that business brokering provides both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards.


Q: Do you have particular business types you specialize in, or a region?


A: I focus on manufacturing, distribution and service business, although my clients have ranged from a small retail bakery to very large commercial building services companies and just about every type of business in between.


Call For Volunteers - CABB Needs Your Help!

Our Communications Committee is looking for a few new members who could assist 4-6 hours per month. Our team facilitates the weekly newsletters, CABBinars, articles, LinkedIn discussions and Member highlights. If you have experience or interest in writing, marketing or PR, you're who we are looking for! Please contact Committee Chair Amy Cole at acole@abi-ma.com or 925-890-6012 as soon as possible.

Transitioning Business from Seller to Buyer 

Speaker: Ron Hughes, Hughes & Dunstan, LLP

9:00 a.m., Wednesday, June 27

Join us for a live webinar presentation as Ron Hughes walks attendees through the process of transitioning businesses from the seller to the buyer. You must pre-register for this webinar to participate.


This will be a live webinar utilizing Anymeeting.com. You will be able to view via your computer. If you wish to participate, you must register ahead of time and pre-test for your software compatibility, then you will receive login information.
August 10: IBBA 301 Introduction to Mergers and Acquisitions

ABI Business Sales, Mergers and Acquisitions - Register today!
September 13-14: CABB 101

Northern California/Business Team Campbell - Instructor: John Mittlestet
September 27-28: IBBA 210

Southern California/Business Team Torrance - Instructor: Ron Hottes

Click here for more education dates.
The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors for this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints or official policies of the California Association of Business Brokers.
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