June 2, 2012
What's Inside

Words of Wisdom



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Do you have an article you'd like to share with the CABB membership? Send it to us! We want to feature our members' articles in the CABB Weekly Connection. Please send all article submissions to ashley@cabb.org for consideration for inclusion in the next Weekly Connection.
Calling All Bloggers!

We are looking for business broker blogs to showcase in the Weekly Connection. If you maintain a blog and would like to be featured, please send your blog link to ashley@cabb.org.


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Welcome to your CABB Weekly Connection.
Advice from Veteran Brokers (Part 3 of 3)

By: Business Brokerage Press


Have at least six months of working capital saved for the initial dry spell. Keep your overhead low.


Go to work for a successful business brokerage company to learn from the experts.



Have a question or want to comment on this article? Join the LinkedIn conversation!


Words of Wisdom
Weekly highlights from our CBBs and new members
Sharona Ahdoot

Brokerage Firm: Sunbelt Business Advisors
California Region: Los Angeles and Orange County
Contact: 949-294-2213 or sahdoot@sunbeltca.com


Q: Briefly describe your background (length as broker, career prior, how you got into this field).


A: I was a pharmacist for 19 years and started business brokerage last year.


Q: Do you have particular business types you specialize in, or a region?


A: I specialize in pharmacies, medical centers, and medical practices.


Missed the CABBinar last Wednesday?
Click here to listen to Laura Bruno's presentation on "Building Better Business Relationships."

Did you miss out on a CABBinar?

That's OK! We archive all CABBinars so you can access them as a resource at any time. Check out some of our featured archives:

June 14-15: CABB 101

"Note new location"
Plethora Business
2117 W. Orangewood Ave.
Orange, CA 92868 - Instructor: Ron Hottes. Register today!
August 10: IBBA 301 Introduction to Mergers and Acquisitions

ABI Business Sales, Mergers and Acquisitions - Register today!
September 13-14: CABB 101

Northern California/Business Team Campbell - Instructor: John Mittlestet

Click here for more education dates.
The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors for this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints or official policies of the California Association of Business Brokers.
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