March 31, 2012
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Dues Renewal



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CABB Annual Conference

April 20 & 21, 2012
Crowne Plaza, Los Angeles

Calling All Bloggers!

We are looking for business broker blogs to showcase in the Weekly Connection. If you maintain a blog and would like to be featured, please send your blog link to


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Welcome to your CABB Weekly Connection.
The Time To Sell Might Be Right Now

By American Business Brokers


Originally appeared on


A survey of business activity nationwide shows that many sellers are taking advantage of the window of opportunity offered by today's favorable marketplace. In this recent survey, almost one-third of business owners responded that they are considering the sale of their business. The first question one might ask, given the relatively healthy financial climate, is WHY? Selling when times are good? The answer, for many sellers, can be a resounding YES! Here are some of the reasons why, followed by tips for getting the process started.


The current economic upturn has depended to a great extent on trimming the corporate fat. Executives and middle managers out of work--and determined not to be "downsized" by big business again--are eyeing the advantages of being in business for themselves. Since 1990, the percentage has steadily grown of those corporate executives who leave jobs in order to become independent business owners. It isn't just the money they are dreaming of--it's the desire for more control over their lives.



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The CABB website hosts archives from all of CABB's past eNews articles. Log in to the CABB website to access hundreds of articles with pertinent business broker information.

Dues Renewal

As the economy starts to pick back up, CABB would like to remind you all of the fantastic membership benefits that we have to offer.

  • Forms so great that other states want to use them as a model
  • A member listserv connecting you with more than 285 brokers throughout the state of California
  • Free legal services
  • Access to a health care specialist for your medical, dental, vision, life and healthcare reform needs
  • Local chapters to facilitate relationships for increased co-brokering opportunities
  • LinkedIn community to share ideas and stay connected statewide
  • Annual Productivity Conference with remarkable networking opportunities and education

Don't miss out on a minute of these membership benefits, renew today!


Want to renew your membership online? To renew online, please go to and click on "Pay my CABB Dues."

April 19-20, 2012: CBB Renewal Course Special offer at Annual Conference in Los Angeles (LAX)

Southern California/ CABB Annual Conference - Instructor: Ron Hottes & Steve Benson
June 14-15: CABB 101

Southern California/Business Team Torrance - Instructor: Ron Hottes

April 20-21, 2012: CABB Annual Productivity Conference: New Economy...New Opportunities

Crowne Plaza Los Angeles International Airport

The CABB Annual Productivity Conference provides Business Brokers with the opportunity to network with colleagues and learn from some of the industry's leading professions.


Featured Sessions:

  • Business Valuation
  • Prospecting/Marketing Your Services/Packaging Business for Sale
  • How to Work More Effectively with Attorneys


To learn more, visit the CABB website or download the preliminary conference program.

Register today! 

Do you have an article you'd like to share with the CABB membership? Send it to us! We want to feature our members' articles in the CABB Weekly Connection. Please send all article submissions to for consideration for inclusion in the next Weekly Connection.

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors for this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints or official policies of the California Association of Business Brokers.
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