Feb 18, 2012
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CABB Annual Conference

April 20 & 21, 2012
Crowne Plaza, Los Angeles

Calling All Bloggers!

We are looking for business broker blogs to showcase in the Weekly Connection. If you maintain a blog and would like to be featured, please send your blog link to ashley@cabb.org.


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Welcome to your CABB Weekly Connection.

Last week, the CABB Weekly Connection ran an article titled, "Up Front Broker Fees for the Business Seller," which was published by Tom West, an national industry expert and author on business brokerage. It is important to note that this article referenced upfront fees and a survey that was based on national input. In California, we have specific guidelines set by the DRE for Business Brokerage, which may or may not conflict with some of the opinions published. For clarification, we are re-publishing an article written by Ron Johnson (CBB, CBI, M&AMI, IBBA Fellow and Past CABB President), based on his dealings with the DRE regarding upfront fees.

Up Front Fees vs. Advance Fees

By: Ron Johnson, CBB, CBI, M&AMI, Fellow of the IBBA


A few years ago, I spent a number of months working with the California Department of Real Estate ("DRE") regarding business brokers/intermediaries collecting fees for appraisals and marketing packages prior to selling a business and collecting a commission. In the process, I submitted two "strawman" engagement agreements to the DRE's Advance Fee Review Desk (Gary Sibner, Senior Deputy Commissioner). Both agreements contained language to collect fees for (1) an appraisal, and (2) a marketing package. Business brokers need to understand that "Up Front Fees" may not be synonymous with the DRE's definition of "Advance Fees." The following is a synopsis of the DRE's interpretation and comments.



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Working with the Seller (Part 1 of 2 -- The Listing & Down Payment)

By: Tom West, BBP Co-Founder


Originally appeared on www.bbpinc.com


It is extremely important that you know why you are taking a listing and how to make your listing saleable. Don't forget, before your listing can be sold to the public, you must sell it to yourself and your associates. Bear in mind - "expired" listings will never put one dollar in your pocket. We are not dealing here with the "mechanics" of a listing but rather, how to make it attractive and meaningful.



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Working with the Seller (Part 2 of 2 -- Educating the Seller)

By: Tom West, BBP Co-Founder


Originally appeared on www.bbpinc.com


To guarantee your seller's complete cooperation in the sale of any listed business, it is always wise to "alert" him to the possible annoyances he may be subjected to before a sale had been consummated. A few "do's" and "don'ts" at this point should eliminate most of these problems. Before doing this, however, your listing should be completed and signed.



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The new 2012 CABB Education Calendar is now available! The 2012 Education Calendar is full of timely, relevant courses taught by industry experts. This year, we are making a promise to our members: no CABB education course will be canceled for any reason. Without fail, every single course outlined on the new calendar will be held. Go ahead and sign up today!
April 19-20, 2012: CBB Renewal Course Special offer at Annual Conference in Los Angeles (LAX)

Southern California/ CABB Annual Conference - Instructor: Ron Hottes & Steve Benson
June 14-15: CABB 101

Southern California/Business Team Torrance - Instructor: Ron Hottes
Do you have an article you'd like to share with the CABB membership? Send it to us! We want to feature our members' articles in the CABB Weekly Connection. Please send all article submissions to ashley@cabb.org for consideration for inclusion in the next Weekly Connection.

The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors for this newsletter do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints or official policies of the California Association of Business Brokers.
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