California Association of Business Brokers Newsletter
Jan 21, 2012
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CABB Annual Conference

April 20 & 21, 2012
Crowne Plaza, Los Angeles

Calling All Bloggers!

We are looking for business broker blogs to showcase in the Weekly Connection. If you maintain a blog and would like to be featured, please send your blog link to


Do you have an article you'd like to share with the CABB membership? Send it to us! We want to feature our members' articles in the CABB Weekly Connection. Please send all article submissions to for consideration for inclusion in the next Weekly Connection.


The CABB Board of Directors has realized the explosion in our weekly volume of email.  To limit the amount of email we have combined a few of our resources into one email for your viewing.  If you hate it or love it, we'd love to know at

Why Branding and Documented Systems Add Value to a Business When it's Time to Sell

By: Rose Stabler


Originally appeared on on Dec 8, 2011


A business valuation is not about what a company is worth in the current owner's hands, it's about the company's transferable value. It's about the probability that the business will sustain its profitability and continue to grow with a new owner at the helm. Therefore, the factors that contribute to the company's stability and consistency will be examined by prospective buyers to determine the risks associated with taking over the business.



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The new 2012 CABB Education Calendar is now available! The 2012 Education Calendar is full of timely, relevant courses taught by industry experts. This year, we are making a promise to our members: no CABB education course will be canceled for any reason. Without fail, every single course outlined on the new calendar will be held. Go ahead and sign up today!
January 26-27, 2012: CABB 101

Northern California/Business Team Campbell - Instructor: John Mittlestet

February 9-10, 2012: IBBA 210

Northern CA/ABI Business Sales - Instructor: Kevin Dempsey


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