Parents Club Banner
Acalanes Parents Club eNewsletter

February 4, 2009
In This Issue
President's Message
Article Headline
Article Headline
Counseling Notes
College and Career Center
Class of 2012
Class of 2011
Class of 2010
Class of 2009
Heathy Choices/SOS/Parent Ed
Open Enrollment
Community Events
Classified Ads
Quick Links
Calendar of Upcoming Events

  • 5--Boosters Club Meeting 7:00pm Faculty Dining Room
  • 5--For Freshman Parent Ed 7:00pm Cafeteria
  • 6--Friday Forum 8:30am Faculty Dining Room
  • 10--Sophomore/Junior Parents College Information Night 7:00 PAC
  • 13--No School
  • 16--No School
  • 19--Blood Drive 8:30-2:30
  • 24--Drive Smart Driving Class for New Drivers 7pm, Cafeteria


  • 3--Healthy Bodies Healthy Minds-High School, College, and Beyond Helping Your Teen Thrive with Positive Self Image - 7pm, PAC
  • 3--8th Grade Parent Info Night 7pm Gym
  • 6--Friday Forum 8:30am Faculty Dining Room
  • 12--International Night
President's Message
Spirit Wear Sale - Show some Acalanes spirit, but now cheaper!! Sweatshirts and Sweatpants are now $20 each or two for $30. The rain and chilly weather is coming, so don't be left out in the cold! The student store is open everyday from 2:15 - 3:15 to purchase spirit wear and snacks. Come by and take a look!

Friday Forum Feb 6 - Join us in the Faculty Dining Room this Friday at 8:30am (note the new time this year). We will have staff speak from Counseling, Tech Ed and VAPA. And as always, open forum with John Nickerson. Treats and coffee will be served.

Joni Avery
President, Acalanes Parents Club


Acalanes Loves eScrip: The Gift of Free Money!

With Valentine's Day quickly approaching, the Parents' Club is asking everyone to REGISTER his/her credit card with eScrip and PLEDGE to sign up one loved one, friend or co-worker by this Valentine's Day. As you shop for that special someone, a percentage of your purchases (from participating merchants) will be automatically deposited into Acalanes' eScrip account. We can potentially receive hundreds of dollars from your participation alone!

  I pledge to register a new eScrip subscriber (grocery card, credit card) for Acalanes Parents' Club

(NO cost to registrants)

You don't know how to register? It's so EASY! Visit and sign in using our ID # 140807571. You can register your Visa, MasterCard and ATM/debit cards, all at once. That's it! Any questions, contact Shoshana Mark at [email protected].

We will continue to announce the number of newly registered Acalanes' eScrip subscribers. Let's make a difference together!

Student Activities
Leadership will be putting on a "Green Week" February 9th-13th and need your support!
-Tuesday, February 10th is Carpool to School Day! Please contribute by carpooling to school with your neighbors and friends, and students will receive a morning treat!
-International Night is approaching! It will take place on Thursday evening, March 12 in the small gym. We are collecting clothes and food from all different cultures around the world. If you have clothes from another country, please contact Molly McTarnaghan at [email protected], or have your child bring them to room 314. If we cannot collect enough clothes, we will not be able to put on our annual fashion show. Also, we need food in order to raise money for our charity, the Central Asia Institute; all money raised from this event will go directly to this organization which strives to provide education to unfortunate children deprived of schooling in remote parts of Afghanistan and Northern Pakistan. If you want to donate food, please email Edward Kao at [email protected]. Any and all foods from small snacks to desserts will be greatly appreciated. The Acalanes Diversity Board really needs your support right now.
*International Week is not this week but March 9th - 13th. Sorry for the confusion due to the daily planner.
Thank you so much,
Diversity Board

Legislative News
Send a powerful message to California for our students on Wednesday, February 18th by coming to Sacramento for Education Advocacy Day.  There has never been a more important year to make this trip and numbers matter here.  Information at  or sign up online at

DEADLINE TO SIGN UP IS FRIDAY, FEB 6th.  Trip includes bus transportation and lunch, briefings with education experts, meetings with our elected officials, and an optional tour through the Capitol.  Questions?  Contact [email protected]
Counseling Notes 

Course Selection:  Signing up for next year's classes will begin during the first week of the new semester.  The counselors will make presentations to freshmen, sophomores, and juniors.   We will be returning to the classes the following week to answer any further questions and collect the students' course requests forms.  

Course descriptions are in the catalog available on the district website Course request forms may be downloaded from the counseling office blackboard site if your student misplaces his or her form.

This year we are again distributing a Time Management Activity Form to help students recognize how much time they will spend on the different aspects of their lives. The Homework Estimator tells students the approximate amount and type of homework for each class.  If you would like to download these two forms they are also available on the Counseling Office Blackboard site and on the Parents Club site.

During February and early March, counselors will meet individually with all of the juniors to review course choices for next year, graduation status, and post high school plans.  Final decisions on course requests must be made by the end of March. 

Most private colleges require transcripts at the end of the first semester.  This is called the MID-YEAR SCHOOL REPORT.  Seniors should contact Mrs. Wagner in the Counseling Office about sending Mid-Year Reports with official transcripts to each private college admissions office.  The fee is $3.00 per transcript.  UC and CSU campuses Do Not require mid-year reports or transcripts at this time unless a campus specifically requests one from your student.

College and Career Center
Spring Dates:
Soph/Jr Parent Night:     Tuesday, Feb. 10th 7:00-8:30 PM PAC
District DVC Parent/Student Night:    Wed., Feb. 11th 7:00-8:00 PM LL Theater
Sophomore and Junior parents are invited to our college planning overview on Tuesday Feb. 10 at 7:00 in the PAC.  We will cover admissions requirements, testing options, and answer your questions.  I hope you will join us.

SAT/SAT Subject Tests:                    ACT:

                                                                       Feb 7

Mar 14                                                             April 4

May 2                                                              June 13

Jun 6               

Register for SAT's online at or for ACT at

Class of 2012

Help!  Help! Help!  We want to plan a fun spring party.

Who out there has printing priveleges?  Or knows someone who does?

Who out there is involved in catering or loves kitchen creations? Or knows someone who does?

Who out there is a party planner?  Or knows someone who is?

The more we all get involved the less any one person has to do.  It does take a village!


Please contact any one of us below to let us know if you have ideas/names/sources/etc.


Questions?  Contact your Class of 2012 Liaisons:
Dawn Lynn Lanier  [email protected]
Kim Figone  [email protected]
Cindy Reidy  [email protected]
Meg McNiece  [email protected]

Class of 2011
Thanks to all the volunteers and donators for our first basketball game. We made $184.00.

Last Basketball Concessions on Friday February 6th.

We still need:

4:00-5:30 shift -1
5:30-7:00 shift -1
7:00-8:30 shift -1


2 dozen baked brownies (individually wrapped)
2 dozen rice krispie treats (individually wrapped)
1 case of Sprite
1 case of Orange Soda
2 cases of water
2 cases of Gatorade
1 Large tub of licorice
1 case of cuties (small oranges)

Checks for $12 to Class of 2011 for pizza/burritos. Mail to Meg reid, 1015 Hampton Road, CA 94549

Please email Meg Reid if you can donate any of these items - [email protected].


Questions? Contact your class liaisons:
Helen Bazell at [email protected]
Grace Paolini at [email protected]
Meg Reid at [email protected]
Farrel Vance at [email protected]

Class of 2010

SAT Practice Test on Saturday, February 21, 2009 at Acalanes

Is your student taking the SAT in March or May?   Ames Seminars and the Class of 2010 will be providing a full-length SAT Practice Test on Saturday, February 21, from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. in the Acalanes cafeteria.  Approximately 2 weeks after the practice SAT, students will receive computerized results including analysis by question type and an essay score provided by a trained reader. The cost of the practice SAT is $25, a portion of which will benefit the Class of 2010.    You can register your student by mailing a $25 check payable to Ames Seminars along with your student's name, grade, phone number, address and parent e-mail. 

Registration should be sent to:  Ames Seminars, 3249 Mount Diablo Boulevard, Suite 207, Lafayette, CA  94549.  Taking this practice test is a low-cost, low-stress way to discover your strengths and weaknesses in time to prepare for the SATs.  Registered students should arrive a few minutes early and should bring a calculator and a snack.  If you have questions, please contact Ames Seminars at 937-2280.

Questions? Contact your class liaisons:
Rhonda Andronico at [email protected]
Kim Fowler at [email protected]
Al Maggio at [email protected]
Ellen Whittom at [email protected]
Class of 2009


Thank you to all who attended the Grad Night meeting last week!  It was great to see so many senior parents in attendance.  Many of you had a chance to sign-up for the numerous volunteer positions.  We are requiring all senior parents to get involved in one way or another.  If each of us took on one volunteer position we would be set!

Please contact Grad night Chair, Michele Poloka at [email protected] if you would like to sign up for an open position or donate one of the many items from our wish list.

Stay Tuned for more meetings to come as we get closer to June 12th!


Thank you to the volunteers who worked the concessions and donated food for the February 2 game vs. Las Lomas.  The money raised is going directly to our class fund, which will help with all the remaining senior activities.

The next senior class concessions is February 20, 2009 (vs. Campo).  Again, if you would like to volunteer your time, money or food items, please contact one of the senior liaisons.  As always, we welcome your generosity!


You should have received a pink flyer "Yearbook Senior Messages' in the mail last week.  Every year the yearbook has section for parents to give their seniors a special goodbye or words or encouragement as they complete an important phase in their life.  Please note the deadline is Thursday, February 5th.  Please mail or deliver a check ($30, $50 or $70 - depending on size of ad) made out to Acalanes High School: Aklan, Room 208, Acalanes High School, 1200 Pleasant Hill Road, CA. 94549. 


This spring we will be having our final Senior Class Parents Fundraising Social.  We would like to raise additional monies for our senior class and celebrate the year.  Stay tuned for the date!

 Plan your hours to be productive. Plan your weeks to be educational.  Plan your years to be purposeful.  Plan your life to be an experience of growth.  Plan to change.  Plan to grow.

-Iyania Vanzant


Questions? Contact your class liaisons:
Karen Blodgett at [email protected]
Erin McGlynn at [email protected]
Julie Neff at
[email protected]

Healthy Choices/SOS/Parent Ed
Next Healthy Choices Meeting
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
7:30 -9am
Faculty Dining Room
Also, for Freshman Parents only--don't miss Ralph Cantor speak on
Your Adolescent and Drugs: Communication and the Brain
Thursday February 5th, 7pm
Acalanes cafeteria



New Driver in the Family?
 Acalanes Parent Ed Presents:Drive Smart, Stay Safe
The California Highway Patrol offers this free class at Acalanes.
Tuesday, February 24th, 6:00-8:00 pm, Cafeteria
This program, sponsored by the CHP, is for parents and teens to attend together.  It is designed to reduce the number of teenage injuries and deaths resulting from motor vehicle collisions.  You will learn about the dangers faced by young drivers, the driving restrictions placed on drivers under the age of 18, defensive driving, and strategies parents can use to reduce the chances of their child becoming involved in a collision.
Space is limited, to register for the class, please sign up in one of the following ways:
Go to
Select Parent Ed Online Registration, Select Parenting Teen Classes, Select
Course--Parenting Teens, Select Add Section 056214, Select Enroll in this class,
and provide enrollment information.  OR
Email: [email protected] with "Drive Smart" written in subject line.  Include student and parent names and high school name. 
Keys to Cultivating Trust, Respect, and Openness with your Teenager
Winter, Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2009, 7:00-9:00pm,  Miramonte HS Theatre, No fee,
David Heckenlively, MS, MFT. And Ricardo Murguia, LCSW
This interactive workshop will focus on healthy ways to communicate with your teens.  Topics will include tools for developing home agreements that work, setting limits with loving detachment, understanding risk-taking behavior, addressing drug experimentation, use and abuse, and understanding healthy differentiation versus unhealthy defiance.  Learn new ideas and practical skills in order to play a more effective role in guiding your teen and family through healthy growth and change.

David Heckenlively, MS, MFT, is the founder of Integrated Teen Services, in Walnut Creek where he provides assessment, treatment planning and psychotherapy for teens and families.  He leads weekly parent support and education groups, evaluates therapeutic schools and programs throughout the country and provides consultation regarding treatment settings.

Ricardo Murguia, LCSW, Executive Director of Coyote Coast.  Coyote Coast provides specialized services to families with youth returning home from highly structured out-of-home environments such as wilderness therapy, therapeutic boarding schools and rehabilitation centers. They also work with families in crisis who may be facing or trying to avoid such options.

Bullying Intervention & Communication Tools for Parents
Joaquin Moraga Intermediate School, 1010 Camino Pablo, Moraga

Wednesday, February 11, 2009, 6:45-8:45pm, library

no fee, register at the event or on-line (course #05-6106) at Safe Schools

Questions & Comments? Vera Babor at [email protected]


Acalanes 2009 Blood Drive
Thursday, February 19, 2009
8:30 AM - 2:30 PM   Please check out the Blood Drive tab on the School Nurse website:   Acalanes Parents - we need your help: 1.  *Blood donation is a wonderful contribution to make, and starting in high school cultivates life-long donors.  If your student is interested and meets the criteria, please discuss with him/her.   You can view the Donation Eligibility Guidelines at:  In addition, you will need to sign the following form to indicate that you give permission for your student to donate and that s/he meets the height/weight criteria:   2.  Those interested in donating are encouraged to sign up online:   3.  If you are interested in contributing breakfast items for the Donor Breakfast and/or "healthy treats" for the donors to enjoy after they finish their donation (so they feel nice and strong), please email School Nurse Dvora Citron:  [email protected]   4.  If you'd like to work a 2.5 hour shift during the Blood Drive, please email School Nurse Dvora Citron:  [email protected]

Dvora Citron, Acalanes School Nurse

280-3970 ext. 7128

Email: [email protected]

 Open Enrollment

Acalanes High School, Campolindo High School and Miramonte High School will be accepting Open Enrollment students for the 2009/2010 school year on a space available basis. If you would like your student to attend one of these schools rather than your school of residence you must do so by completing an application during the Open Enrollment period. The deadline for submitting applications to the District Office is Friday, February 27, 2009. For more information go to the Acalanes Union High School District website at
Visual and Performing Arts
Did You Know?
6 major reasons why music should occupy a central role in the education of every child:

1) The arts integrate basic neurological functions and aid student learning
2) The arts access multiple human intelligences and develop higher-order thinking skills.
3) The arts increase multi-cultural understanding
4) The arts enhance the learning environment
5) The arts generate self-esteem and positive emotional responses to learning.
6) The arts engage a variety of learning styles.
Source: The Center for Arts in the Basic Curriculum

� "It is our job, as parents, educators, and friends, to see that our young people have the opportunity to attain the thorough education that will prepare them for the future. Much of that education takes place in the classroom. We must encourage our youngsters in such pursuits as music education. In addition to learning the valuable lesson that it takes hard work to achieve success, no matter what the arena, music education can provide students with a strong sense of determination, improved communication skills, and a host of other qualities essential for successful living."
Edward H. Rensi - President and Chief Operation Officer, U.S.A. McDonald's Corporation

�   Students of the arts continue to outperform their non-arts peers on the SAT, according to reports by the College Entrance Examination Board. In 2006, SAT takers with coursework/experience in music performance scored 57 points higher on the verbal portion of the test and 43 points higher on the math portion than students with no coursework or experience in the arts.
Source: The College Board, Profile of College-Bound Seniors National Report for 2006;

�  "The life of the arts, far from being an interruption, a distraction, in the life of the nation, is close to the center of a nation's purpose - and is a test to the quality of a nation's civilization." - John F. Kennedy

The Arts Give Students an Edge,
Spread the Word!

Sign up for a Visual or Performing Arts Elective for next year. Get the Arts Edge!

Compiled by the Acalanes High School Visual and Performing Arts Department.

Community Events

Visit Spain without leaving home!
Edu-Culture International, a non-profit educational organization based in Berkeley, is bringing high school students from Spain to the Lafayette area July 1- July 27. We are looking for local families to host one of these students.
  • The students all speak English
  •  Families provide a shared or private room, meals, and transportation to and from weekday events at a Lafayette location. 
  • Working parents are OK - all weekdays are filled with planned activities.

This is an exciting opportunity for you and your family to enjoy and learn about another culture, building lifelong friendships in the process.

Please contact Betsy Holland : [email protected] or [email protected] for more information.


Artists' Vocal Ensemble (AVE), under the direction of Jonathan Dimmock,
will be joined by Acalanes High School Chamber Singers, under the direction
of Bruce Lengacher, for one concert only on Sunday, February 15 at 4pm.
These two renowned ensembles join forces for the first time to create
a special concert program for Valentine's weekend: *The Song of Songs:
Music as the Food of Love.* Choral music from Renaissance Italy and Spain
will blend with music of modern composers and spoken poetry by actor,
Stephen Meyers, in a 75-minute concert. The featured piece is several
movements from Palestrina's remarkable *Canticum Canticorum *("the Song of
Songs") -- one of the most moving, large-scale *a cappella* works of the
16th century. Tickets can be purchased at the door or in advance --
although we are expecting a large turn-out for this double-billing event.
Prices are $20 for general admission, and $10 for students and seniors.
Please visit our website for more information:

Root for the Warriors with LASF
LASF heads to Oracle Arena on Saturday, February 21st for "Lamorinda Community Night" with the
Golden State Warriors!  The price of admission includes an all-star package:  A hefty snack, an
autographed photo, a half-time free throw shoot, a post-game "meet and greet" and more.  Proceeds
from the event will benefit LASF, so it's a slam dunk.  For more info and tickets, call
Ashley Hurdle at 510-986-5704 or email her at [email protected].  And a three-point
thanks to Lafayette parent Cassandra Montgomery for bringing us this winning event! 

Are You eBay Savvy?   LASF Needs You!
LASF is sitting on an exciting fundraising opportunity involving selling donated
goods on eBay.  Goods collected locally are marketed to a much broader market, bringing external dollars
to our schools.  LASF needs volunteers to coordinate this effort -
email Ramona Diaz at [email protected] or Vangie Long at [email protected]
for more info on how you can help turn this opportunity into revenue!


At the Lafayette Library: Free ACT Practice Test

Saturday February 7, 8 a.m. -12 pm.          

This fully proctored practice test shows you what to expect on test day.  The ACT includes
one 45-minute English Test, one 60-minute Math Test, one 35-minute Reading Test, one
35-minute Science Test, and one Optional 30-minute Writing Test (or Essay).
Then attend the follow-up for a comprehensive analysis of your performance on the test
detailing individual strengths and weaknesses.  Go to or call 1-800-KAP-TEST to register, or
call the library at 925-283-3872 with questions.

Classified Ads
Tutors, College Advisors, carpoolers, sellers and renters advertise with APC

The Classified page of the Acalanes Parents Club website is a great way to advertise not only for business but for personal use too. You can advertise to sell an item, rent a timeshare or cabin, look for carpools, kid sitters, pet sitters, etc. Please contact Ann Baer at [email protected] or 284-7713 to place your ad. The cost is 50 cents per word per month and all proceeds go to the Acalanes High School Parents Club.

Thank you for your support.
 Quick Links
email: [email protected]