Parents Club Banner
Acalanes Parents Club eNewsletter

September 24, 2008
In This Issue
President's Message
Student Activities
Counseling Notes
College and Career Center
Class of 2012
Class of 2011
Class of 2010
Class of 2009
Measure E
Peer Tutoring
Heathy Choices/SOS/Parent Ed
Community Events
Classified Ads
Quick Links
Calendar of Upcoming Events

September 2008
  • 25--Community Service Fair 11:30-12:40 in Front Quad
  • 29--Parent Education 7:00pm PAC
October 2008
  • 2--Acalanes Boosters Meeting 7:00 Cafeteria
  • 3--Friday Forum 7:30-9:00am Cafeteria
  • 3--Parents Club General Meeting 9:30 Cafeteria
  • 12-18 Homecoming Week!
Link to Calendar....
President's Message

Hard to believe September is almost over! Thank you to all the Class Liaisons for running informative Parent Nights the last two weeks. If you were not able to attend, be sure to click on your class links below to get valuable information.

What is on the agenda for October?

Friday Forum - October 3, 7:30 AM - We will meet in the Cafeteria this week as  principal John Nickerson will present results from the Healthy Choices Survey. We'll also hear from the Leadership Advisory Cathy Challacombe, which will include information about Homecoming. The meeting is casual and you should feel free to arrive and leave the forum as your schedule permits. Forums usually last until 9:30.

Parents Club General Meeting-October 3, 9:30 AM (faculty dining room)- Parents Club will be asking the general membership to vote on the 2008-2009 proposed budget. Please plan on attending to learn more about where your donation dollars go!

Homecoming Volunteer Opportunities- Week of October 12- October 18- Please watch for volunteer opportunities for homecoming festivities in the upcoming Wednesday E-News under class specific announcements or contact your class liaisons to get involved. 

 Go Dons!

Joni Avery, Parents Club President

Student Activities


  • Help and support Hurricane Ike, Wednesday September 24th. There will be a table for students in the front quad to donate money to the cause. Any amount of donation is welcome.
  • Need some Community Service hours? Community Service Week has finally arrived. This week comes along with fun and informative activities everyday in the Front Quad!
  • The Community Service Fair is this Thursday, September 25th during lunch. There will be a total of 25 non-profit local organizations available for all students to choose from. Come sign up to help get your completed hours.
  • All seniors if your 18 years old and want to register to vote in the upcoming election, make sure you bring your Driver's License or Passport  Thursday, October 25th  


All students who are interested in joining a club there will be information available in the front quad Thursday, October 2nd during lunch. See you at Club Day!

Acalanes Leadership

Counseling Notes


Counseling Assignments
Assignment Counseling Staff Ext. E-mail
A-E DeeDee Worthing 7113
F-L Lynn Millar 7114
M-Sc Cheryl Lua 7145
Sd-Z Pat Johnson 7115
Registrar Emily Finn
Guidance Tech Susan Wagner 7119
Testing Clerk Nickole Laird 7174

College and Career Center

Application Workshops for seniors will continue on Oct 1 with the CSU and UC application basics.  We will meet again in room 105 from 8:00-8:30AM.

The online application for CSU is open on Oct 1 at: .   The application to the State University does not require essay, recommendations, or official transcripts.  Students complete one application to send to campuses of their choice.

The application for the University of California opens on Oct 1 at  Students may complete the application now but they cannot submit it until November 1.  The UC application requires essays and a list of extracurricular activities.  There are no recommendations or official transcripts.  Students complete one application and choose their campuses. 

Oct.  21        Financial Aid Seminar    7:00-8:30    Cafeteria

SAT/SAT Subject Tests:                      ACT:                                                                           
Oct. 4                                           Sept. 13

Nov. 1                                           Oct. 25

Dec 6                                            Dec. 13

Register for SAT's online at or for ACT at

Class of 2012


On Friday, October 3
the Freshman Class will have the opportunity to
run the concessions at the football game.
If you signed up at Don's Days
to help work a shift or volunteered to donate food items,
you will be contacted shortly.


Class of 2012 Liaisons:
Dawn Lynn Lanier
Kim Figone
Cindy Reidy
Meg McNiece

Class of 2011
Thanks for all your donations and volunteer hours for our first Football Concessions fundraiser. We made about $1200 which is great for a game that didn't have a high turn out. Our next one is November 7th. More later.
Next on the Agenda:
Homecoming Donation Needs - to come out the week of 10/6.
Wine Thieves Parent Mixer - Saturday October 25th from 5:30-7:30. $35.00 per person. Checks (made out to Class of 2011) can be sent to Farrel Vance, 3190 Stanley Blvd, Lafayette, CA 94549. Reserve early and encourage your friends to join you!


Questions? Contact your class liaisons:
Helen Bazell at
Grace Paolini at
Meg Reid at
Farrel Vance at

Class of 2010

Your Class of 2010 Liasons
Questions? Contact your class liaisons:
Rhonda Andronico at
Kim Fowler at
Al Maggio at
Ellen Whittom at
Class of 2009
A big 'Thank You' goes out to all the parents who worked at the football concessions or donated (food or money) on Sept 12th.  We had a great crew of workers and we had plenty of happy and fed fans!  We had a very successful night.  Thank you!
Without YOU we could not have successful fundraisers!
Oct 17th - Football Concessions  
The next Senior Class football concessions is the Homecoming Game on Friday, Oct.17th. 
We need the following worker-bees:
3 more workers for the 4-6 shift
5 more workers for the 8-10 shift
Donations needed:
cookies, brownies,other baked goods (individually wrapped)
8 large containers of hot cocoa mix (Costco size)/add water
12 cans of whipping cream
2 lbs. of Peets regular coffee
2 boxes of skittles
2 boxes of starburst
Also, we will gladly except a check and purchase needed items (such as pizza).
All our dreams can come true...if we have the courage to pursue them.
Walt Disney

Go Dons!

Questions? Contact your class liaisons:
Karen Blodgett at
Erin McGlynn at
Julie Neff at
Measure E

AUHSD High Schools Need Our Help

Maintaining our schools to meet the challenges of today requires an on-going investment- that's why the Acalanes Union High School District (AUHSD) has placed Measure E on the November ballot.

Measure E is a $93 million bond measure that will fund necessary improvements to AUHSD's four high school campuses: Acalanes, Campolindo, Las Lomas, and Miramonte, as well as the district's adult education center.

Because the high school district is able to rollover existing bond funding, Measure E will not increase your current tax rate.

Measure E will bring technology upgrades to each of the high schools, allowing students and teachers to take full advantage of the communication and technology tools that are commonplace in classrooms and workplaces across the country.

Measure E will replace worn roofs, aging classrooms, and antiquated plumbing and electrical systems.

Additionally, Measure E will complete much of the modernization work begun with previous bonds funds with the following projects specific to Acalanes:

  • renovate photo lab and create new classroom;
  • update video production classroom;
  • create new 3-D art studio;
  • replace pool and deck;
  • maintain stadium playing surfaces; and,
  • repair drainage and install new flooring in small gym.

So please take a minute to learn about this important ballot measure and, if you have the time, volunteer to help on this important campaign.

Learn the facts and endorse the measure by going to
Peer Tutoring
Parents: Have you ever heard of Peer Tutoring?

The peer tutoring program is designed to help your student!  If you find that one of his/her classes is becoming difficult, encourage him/her to come see us.  Peer Tutoring offers the boost they need to clear up any academic questions.


English - All levels, including grammar and essay writing;

History - All levels

Languages - French 1-5, Spanish 1-5 and German 1-5

Math - Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II/Trig. and Calculus

Science - Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics and Physiology

The tutors are friendly and informal.  They're students, too!  Kids will discover how painless and pleasant it is to get help from peers.  Encourage your student to come once and they'll be hooked!  Best of all, it's completely on a drop-in basis and absolutely free.  (We offer snacks, too!)

JOIN US EVERY DAY DURING LUNCH, 7TH PERIOD, AND AFTER SCHOOL UNTIL 4 P.M.  We're located in the main hallway off the quad.


This program is supported by your donations to the Acalanes Parent's Club and LASF

Corporate Matching

Thank you to many of you who have already submitted your Corporate Matching paperwork to double your contribution to the Acalanes Parents Club!  Your generous dollars are already at work at school and in the classroom!  There are many more companies like Bank of America, Chevron, Levi Strauss, PG&E and more that are all on our list of donors.  Contact your Human Resources Department and ask if they will match your donation to the Acalanes Parents Club.  If you need help with the paperwork or questions on the documents, please contact Anne Bone at  Again, thank you to all families who have donated so generously so far this year!

Healthy Choices/SOS/Parent Ed

Please join us for the first
Parent Ed Program of the year...

Your Teen and the Law:  What Every Parent Should Know  
Mary P. Carey, juvenile defense attorney, will present a lively, informative view of  current laws that affect our teens including:   Drinking and Driving Drugs Parties Consensual Sex And more....  
Wednesday, October 29th, 7:00 pm, Acalanes Theatre

Keeping Your Student Healthy and Learning Better

Our kids will all learn better if we can support their good health and minimize school

absences.  Please remember these important points:

1.     BREAKFAST - they can't learn or even make it through the day without fuel!

2.     Wash Hands - BY FAR the best prevention against illness.

3.     Flu Vaccine - It is now recommended that ALL children ages 6 months through 18 years receive annual influenza vaccination.  Please contact your child's pediatrician/primary care physician for more information.  Below is a link to the flyer Influenza:  What You Should Know

 Please contact me for questions or further information, and refer to my Blackboard website for additional resources!

In good health,
Dvora Citron, Acalanes School Nurse
280-3970 ext. 7128
School Nurse Website

Save the Date:  LASF's Annual Event is November 15th

Come share in the love for education at LASF's "Love Lafayette - Love our Schools"

Annual Event.  With hor d'oeuvres, a casino and live music and more TBA - what's not to love about LASF's major fundraising event of the year?

Ten Percent Savings AND Donation at Misto Lino 

Treat yourself to beautiful, quality linens at a 10% discount while treating LASF to a 10% donation from the sale!  This generous offer from Lafayette's Misto Lino (located at 3585 Mt. Diablo Blvd.) is valid on Sunday, September 28th only. Shop ahead for the holidays and benefit LASF and your child's education.



 Do you want to make an impact on the quality of education in Lafayette?  Are you short on time?  Then the perfect volunteer opportunity for you is the LASF New Family Fall Phonathon.   For two hours you can make phone calls to families new to Lafayette schools for their annual LASF donation.   The LASF Fall and Spring Phonathon are the main ways that LASF raises money to pay for the top-notch humanities, science and technology curriculum and support that Lafayette schools rely on.   This year the Fall Phonathon runs Sunday - Tuesday p.m., October 19th - 21st.   To volunteer, call or e-mail your school's LASF Head Rep, Lynn Girvan, at 284-2249 or

Community Events

Classified Ads
Tutors, College Advisors, carpoolers, sellers and renters advertise with APC

The Classified page of the Acalanes Parents Club website is a great way to advertise not only for business but for personal use too. You can advertise to sell an item, rent a timeshare or cabin, look for carpools, kid sitters, pet sitters, etc. Please contact Ann Baer at or 284-7713 to place your ad. The cost is 50 cents per word per month and all proceeds go to the Acalanes High School Parents Club.

Thank you for your support.
 Quick Links