Staff and Board Reports
Marlene Metz, Music Director
Board/Committee Happenings
| Social Action:
(next meeting-
August 5, 11:30)
Ways and Means:
Building and Grounds: Internship:
Getting To Know You is happening!
Religious Education:
(next meeting-
August 12, 9:30):
Summer RE begins August 5
Board of Trustees:
Salad & Dessert Potluck and Send-off Party for Intern Minister Rachel Baker Sunday, August 5th (after service) This will be Rachel's last Sunday with us. Bring your favorite salad and/or dessert to share and thank Rachel for her service to our congregation as we send her off to pursue her career in ministry. |
Upcoming Worship:
| All August, we welcome back Rev. Susan Ritchie and we have Religious Education for children.
August 5: "I Can See That" How the ability to see things from many points of view can be inherently religious. We also say goodbye to Rachel Baker today.
August 12: "Of Reason and Faith" We're fond of insisting that we use reason alongside our faith, what what exactly makes reason a spiritual and religions value of the highest order? August 19: NUUC member David Petras will share some of his observations of the 2012 Justice General Assembly. August 26: Our Annual Blessing of the Animals. Bring your dog, cat, sheep, goat, whomever! |
Book Club:
Hello Readers,
August's book will be an old favorite, Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. Here is the book description from Amazon.
The book for September will be A Covert Affair: The Adventures of Julia Child and Paul Child in the OSS by Jennet Conant.
So reserve your books!
Come join us when you can. We meet the third Tuesday of each month at 12:00 at the Highbanks Nature Center. The book discussion is followed by a hike at beautiful Highbanks Metro Park for those who want some exercise. Come for either or both Talking and Walking!
See you in August!
Happy Reading,
Join us on Facebook!
Summer is drawing to a close- and it will leave with our intern minister on August 5! Rev. Dr. Ritchie is still on study leave, so the regular staff and Board columns do not include her.
InTurnings By Intern Minister Rachel Baker
In September we covenanted to come together as a Teaching Congregation and as an Intern Minister. Now we have come to the time when we must let that covenant go. It is time for me to move on to the next phase of my life and ministry, and it is time for NUUC to move forward into your next phase.
As a congregation you promised to help me develop a strong foundation and understanding of what it means to be a religious community. I have explored what it means to be a minister with you. I believe that together we have grown and stretched. I have shared my gifts with you and you have shared yours with me. I hope we have all been changed by our time together. I have learned what it means to love a congregation. And now it is time for me to learn how to leave a congregation.
One of the many lessons I must learn as a minister is how to leave, how to say goodbye, how to hold the sadness and grief of leaving along side the joy and anticipation of my next step. Part of the goodbye process includes not communicating with each other for at least a year. I will be disconnecting my Facebook account from those of you I have been in communication with on Facebook. I will not respond to your emails or phone calls after August 5. I will not be able to visit with you if you come to the Boston area next year.
This is one of the challenging parts about ministry, when we go, we go. I will miss you all. I want you to know that I hold NUUC and each of you deep in my heart. I will continue to think about you and agape love you throughout my life and ministry. It has been a wonderful year!
Thank you,
REcognition By Lily Shahar Kunning, Director of Religious Education
I am excited that folks have started to email me and take me aside during social hour to volunteer for the fall and spring (both RE and the OWL program). We still need more volunteers to make the programs work for both the children and youth AND the adult volunteers, so please consider volunteering. Especially if you are not a parent, but like kids. I would love to see commitments made from non-parents this year to teach regularly, because I hope to build " beloved community" here at NUUC, using my little niche: Religious Education for children and youth. What is beloved community? For me, it starts with the existing congregation and reaches outward to society at large to bring more people in and embrace them. It builds a solid infrastructure here, withion the congregation, then builds upon that foundation to reach out to others.
At my first UU church, in Oakland, CA, beloved community was ever-present as a goal for all the work of the church, be it administrative, financial, religious education, or worship. A member of the church wrote a little song for their active work and we often sung it in worship as a reminder of who we were, where we wanted to be, and how to get there: "We're building a intentional multi-racial, multi-cultural, multigenerational radically inclusive
(no it's not elusive!)
beloved community
filled with love and unity
right here in Oakland!"
How can it work here? The starting place is right here, with the people already in the congregation. We organize ourselves according to the principles of beloved community, so that we prepare to embrace others. Right now, there is an artificial wall between RE activities and adult worship, and I am working to dismantle it in several ways: 1. A new bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall- specifically for RE happenings. Congregants will know what RE is doing every month and be able to tap in.
2. There will be handouts with discussion questions on the bulletin board available for adults to take home to discuss with their children (or the kids of their friends who participate in RE) after church. Each month will have an overall theme, and each week will touch on ideas within that theme.
3. More all-ages worship services. And further, these are services that the children and youth themselves have a hand at planning and participating in. They may look different than the worship you are used to seeing as a result!
4. Creating master calendars of worship/RE with Susan and the worship committee so that youth and children AND adults are all focusing on the same concepts in age appropriate ways- furthering the possibility of discussion and work outside of church.
5. RE will be bringing people from the community in for different purposes: artists, poets, writers, activists- all helping to hone the skills of free expression and activism that makes Unitarian Universalism a compelling and just path.
6. Getting RE volunteers throughout the congregation- not just the usual suspects (parents). I will always expect to see parent volunteers. It makes sense. But the burden of passing on UU values to our children and youth should not solely fall to them! You see, the parents have taken on most of the burden of running the RE program for quite some time, but everyone benefits when the wall between our young congregants and our adults is broken down. Please consider volunteering! 7. Events during social hour from time to time that bring the adults and children and youth together.
8. More projects that bring the adults and kids together- I would like to have a children's choir, for example.
If you are interested in being a teacher, assistant teacher, or classroom helper for our three RE classes this year, please email Lily. Teachers will be meeting with Lily at the end of August to get on the same page before fall RE starts. P.S. We need (especially male) OWL volunteers, too. |
President's Column By Laura Howe, Board President
I hope you have been involved in one of the Getting to Know You events or are planning to attend one this month. I enjoyed the opportunity to get to know people outside of Sunday morning. We are an amazing congregation with many incredible people. Taking the opportunity to get to know each other is a gift.
In July I was able to reboot my theology at Summer Institute. (The theme was "Reboot your Theology".) One of the youth provided an excellent description - When an electronic device has been used and gets overheated, sometimes you need to unplug, give it some time and then allow it to reboot. Taking the time to step away from regular routine, relax, and then jump back into the regular routine being aware of the differences has been good.
In a similar way the NUUC leadership will be having a retreat this fall - it should allow us to look at what we are doing and provide direction. Please let me know if you are interested in participating.
I'm also excited about the religious diversity we have in our little part of the world. There are possibilities for interfaith dialogue and actions. Here's a link to the Dispatch article on the latest additions.
I hope your summer has allowed you an opportunity to "reboot".
Treasurer's Report, May 2012 By Koraleen Stavish, Board Treasurer
Outlined below is a summary of the financial report presented to members of your Finance Committee and Board of Trustees for the month of June, 2012:
| Actual $ Received and Paid |
Budget (Planned Receipts and Payments)
- June, 2012
| | | | | | 2012 Pledge Offerings |
| Non-Pledge Offerings |
| Rental Revenue |
| Transfer from Capital |
| Ways and Means - Fundraising |
| | | | Total Income |
| | | | Total Expenses |
| | | |
- Year-to-Date
| | | | | | 2011 Pledge Offerings |
| 2012 Pledge Offerings |
| Non-Pledge Offerings |
| Rental Revenue |
| Transfer from Capital |
| Ways and Means-Fundraising |
| | | | Total Income |
| | | | Total Expenses |
Board Meeting Minutes July 2012 By Nathan Morse
- Laura Howe
- Nathan Morse
- Teri Cornell
- Marty Keith
- Nina Webb-Lawton
- Kim Poderys
- Chalice Lighting and Mission Statement: We are an inclusive community of seeker pursuing deeper meaning through the process of spiritual engagement, learning, reasoning, and action.
- Distribution of process-taking forms. Forgo it for this meeting
- Quorum check - Need 4 board members for quorum. We have quorum.
- Worship Committee - interfaith outreach#
- Represented by Teri.
- We have numerous faith centers nearby (Jain, Hindu, Methodist, etc.). Seems like great interfaith opportunity!
- Get to know each other
- There was a recent newspaper article on the topic - how about inciting another?
- Don't just have members show up at the other services: Work with the other entities' administration in advance.
- Worship Committee to go shake hands with the neighbors, and say, "Hello."
- Make sure Susan (and Lily) are OK with it, get their input, wisdom, and guidance.
- Potluck could pose dietary challenges
- We don't feel we can do Ingathering on Labor Day weekend, and hope that its date being then is a clerical error#.
- We feel it's an important opportunity for RE (both youth and adult!)
- Want to capitalize on the surge of energy, and strike while the iron is hot.
- Acceptance of previous board meeting's minutes.
Motion:First:Nina Webb-Lawton Second: Marty Keith Aye Votes:Laura Howe Marty Keith Mary Ann Wojton Kim Poderys Nathan Morse Jeff Hill
- Treasurer's Report
Nina gives her interpretation in Koralleen's absence: Under budget, but it's summer, and that is common for the phasing of budgetary intervals versus reality. Over budget in professional expenses, but nothing to panic about. Over budget in Social Action. Tangent:(Laura) The Social Action Committee is dwindling. We need fresh individuals. (Kim) Can we reform the SAC into more like Social Action Chairperson, who leads the whole congregation, to shift the inference from small Committee to all of us. (Laura) FUUC has like three rolling social action themes, specifically turning over out of phase. (Nina) Don't want to ward off those who attend only for spiritual fulfillment, but there should be a way to maximize support and encouragement of social action for those who are disposed to it. (Kim) Perhaps some people want to do some social action without the long-term commitment of being on a committee. (numerous) It seems we're losing steam to support the social action events we traditionally have supported a lot, but we think it could as much be that we aren't successfully leading the interested parties to these events. (Laura) Perhaps we need to cycle in new stuff to get people excited about. Let's assess what's stale, what needs attention anyway. (Nina) FUUC is much bigger than NUUC, so we need to accept that we need to bite of smaller, chewable amounts. (Nathan) Can we just shine the spotlight in turn (FUUC-style) on the different social action passions that individuals have throughout the year (or other time period)? (Kim/Nathan/Laura) Open-door / Interfaith social action opportunities, including NUUC chipping in for neighbors' causes. (Nina) Committee members and leaders are getting burnt out. Can we more guarantee people that saying, "Yes," is not just the first flake of a snowball effect? (Kim) It seems like we set up our committees at NUUC to fizzle out. - Summer Minister's Report
- Process Observation
- Forgone for today's meeting
- It's a good tool that we'd like to use in the future, perhaps with each induction of a new board member, but not every meeting.
- Board Retreat on 2012-09-15?
- Whom should we invite?
- Committee chairs (or at least one representative from each committee)
- If we invite others, let's call it a Leadership Retreat
- Getting to Know You
- First one's attendance was 5, but we have 15 confirmed for tonight's.
- It was short notice, in summer, for the first.
- Old Business
- Assessment process
No further discussion, other than the Leadership Retreat
- New Business
- Futures Committee update
- Represented by Marty.
- Gary brought paper configurable building components for them to experiment.
- Gary had costs prepared.
- Laura to communicate with FC about the sensitivities of financial and pledging discussion.
- Worship Committee - interfaith outreach (See above)
- [+] David Petras, Phoenix Witness Project, General Assembly, Justice Assembly
- General Assembly combo of OMD and SLD.
- Peter Morales will be guest speaker.
- UUA Moderator# is up for election.
- David wants to make an appeal to congregation to set up scholarship fund to send people to General Assembly or District Assembly.
- Concerns:
- Futures Committee will be asking for money soon.
- OMD has scholarship funds that are going unused.
- Do we want to add more administration of more funds and such?
- We're bleeding our congregants' wallets dry already.
- We can encourage economies (carpooling, rooming), and perhaps provide a coordinator of that effort.
- Prefer to tap extant scholarship resources, and identify the need first.
- Rummage Sale security
Bob & Marty feel that they are sufficient to secure things.
- Important Dates
- Next Scheduled Board Meeting: 2012-08-18-09:00
Change to 08-25 - Newsletter deadline: 4th Wednesday (07-25, 08-22, 09-26, 10-24, 11-28)
- Bob Keith was disappointed that the Delaware Gazette didn't have the title and topic of his sermon.
- Announcements:
- 08-05:Nina
- 08-12:Laura
- 08-19:Nina
- 08-26:Jeff
- OMD Leadership Day 2012 - October 13, 2012 at First Unitarian Church of Cleveland
- District Assembly 2012 - April 26-27, 2013
- General Assembly 2016 - June 22-26, 2016
- Process summary
Forgone - Adjournment
Motion:First: Nina Webb-Lawton Second: Kim/Marty Aye Votes: Laura Howe Marty Keith Mary Ann Wojton Kim Poderys Nathan Morse Jeff Hill |
Loose Change Offering:
July's Loose Change Offering went to The School Supply Drive for the Delaware County Juvenile Probation Program. So far, we have raised $48.10 in cash for that cause. Several checks, totalling more than $50.00 have also come in.
NUUC members and friends have another opportunity to help others by participating in the Social Action Committee's annual school supply drive to benefit students who are served by the Delaware County Juvenile Probation Program. The donation of school supplies is one way for the congregation to express our belief in the importance of education to a group of students who are at higher than average risk for failing and dropping out of school.This program serves approximately 150 middle school and high school students, ranging in age from 13 to 19. The items most needed are heavy duty book bags, Trapper Keepers, pencils, pens (black or blue), loose leaf notebook paper (lined), calculators (scientific and algebraic), and folders with pockets.A collection box is in the Fellowship Hall from July 1 to August 12. Your donation of school supplies, or money to purchase supplies, will be greatly appreciated. If you choose to donate money, please write your check to NUUC and put "School Supplies" on the memo line. This can be dropped in the offering basket or mailed to NUUC at PO Box 541, Lewis Center OH 43035. And if you have any questions, please contact Becky Mullis at 614-352-1343 or Thank you for your continued support!
Volunteers of All Stripes Needed
Our active and vibrant congregation needs volunteers of all kinds to do the work of building beloved community and social justice within our congregation and out in the world. Take a look at the opportunities available and see which opportunities appeal to you!
Religious Education: We need teachers for all three levels of children and youth: Preschool and Early Elementary, Elementary, and Junior and Senior High School. New curriculum will be debuting this year, as well as more regular communication and support for volunteers. Fall will be a holiday-laden curriculum, and spring will focus on social justice work and artistic expression. Poets and artists from the community are already being lined up to come in and help!
We are also seeking teachers for the Our Whole Lives (OWL) sexuality education program, which will run all year long and start in the fall. In particular, we need male volunteers, as we have two female volunteers already. But all are welcome- the more who volunteer, the less taxing it is on volunteers. Email Lily for information or to make a commitment.
Refreshments for Social Hour: Can you bring snacks and refreshments for social hour after worship? It requires purchasing items, coming in early for set up, and helping clean up afterwards. Sign ups are in the Fellowship Hall on the bulletin board nearest the kitchen.
Volunteers for the Rummage Sale: We still need folks to help set up, sell, and clean up after the Rummage Sale. Please sign up on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall. |
Rummage Sale- There's A Buzz!
The Rummage Sale is happening on Friday and Saturday, August 10 and 11! More and more people are talking about the coming Rummage Sale and planning to help out in some way. This will be a fabulous rummage sale and significant fund-raiser for NUUC for which we will create a regular "department store" in Fellowship Hall and fill it to the brim. So as you do your spring cleaning, please consider setting aside those clothes, books, knick-knacks, tools, dishes, glassware, furnishings, appliances, etc. that you no longer want and donate them to the Rummage Sale. We'll even have a truck to pick up your bigger items.
Another way to help with this upcoming fund-raiser is by donating some time. This will be a big 2-day sale that will need 4 days to set up. We'll need the help of many volunteers to do setup, display, pricing, sales, and cleanup. Please consider volunteering for one of the tasks needing done. Finally (but importantly), can you work a shift on the Friday and/or Saturday of the sale? A Rummage Sale sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in Fellowship Hall. You can contact Bob or Marty Keith with questions or to coordinate donations.
With every breath and every step, may we be working to create the Beloved Community we all strive for!
Susan Ritchie and Lily Shahar Kunning North Unitarian Universalist Congregation |