CliftaFit's Phat Physiques News
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  CliftaFit's Phat Physiques News
August 2011  


Hope you all are doing well!

I wanted to update you a little and try to be more consistent with my Newsletters. I'm thinking if I make them more simple... I might be able to keep up with them... lol.

1) I have a new blog at http://CliftaFit.Tv

2) I have some new posts and videos up that I'll list below. :)

Thank you for subscribing and talk to you soon...
Clifta :)



30 Minute"Leg Blast" Workout!

30 Minute
30 Minute "Leg Blast" Workout with Clifta- Reno Personal Trainer


Short, but Serious Shoulder Workout

Short but Serious Shoulder Workout with Clifta
Short but Serious Shoulder Workout with Clifta


Beastly Tabata Block Runs

Beastly Tabata Block Runs with Clifta
Beastly Tabata Block Runs with Clifta



Give this Beginner Upper Body Workout a Try!
Beginner Upper Body Workout



Me Announcing My New Competition Journey

Clifta's 2011 Competition Journey  July 11
Clifta's 2011 Competition Journey July 11

Clifta's 2011 Contest Training July 18
Clifta's 2011 Contest Training July 18 "Walk By PHAITH"



Get More Out of Your Workouts with this ONE Little Tip
Get More Out of Your Workouts with this ONE Little Tip


Below are Two Great Back Exercises....


Clifta's 2011 Contest Training- Reverse Bent Barbell Rows
Reverse Bent Barbell Rows

1 Arm DB Rows- Lat Exercise
1 Arm DB Rows- Lat Exercise


Start of PHAT Girl Kelly's Bikini Prep

Start of Phat Girl Kelly's Bikini Prep with Clifta- Inspiring Fitness Journey
Start of Phat Girl Kelly's Bikini Prep with Clifta- Inspiring Fitness Journey


Hope you enjoy all the CliftaFit Videos!!!







Bible Verse
"Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."


- Matthew 5:3-9



[email protected]



CliftaFit's PHat PHysiques
(775) 996-7183