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HLI America, a program of Human Life International
For Immediate Release
Contact: Megan Morris                                                                              
HLI America
(785) 256-0132 | [email protected] | http://hliamerica.org 

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Is "The Pill" a Prescription for Breast Cancer?

October 5, 2010 - October has long been recognized as National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  While the National Breast Cancer Awareness Month's website states they are about "promoting awareness of breast cancer issues" it is a rare occasion that they openly discuss the link between use of birth control and breast cancer.   

Jenn Giroux, Executive Director of HLI America, has taken on this issue full force and was recently featured on Life Site News  "Spotlight: Jenn Giroux - Fighting the Culture of the Pill".  Several of Giroux's quotes stand out during this important month as we aim to educate women and young girls on the effects of birth control as it relates to women's health and increased risk of breast cancer.

Here are a few quotes from the article:

  • "It took six decades to finally have the lawsuits and the legal liabilities catch up to the sales of cigarettes," she [Giroux] said. "This is now the sixth decade of pill use. I believe this is the decade the pill and hormonal contraceptives, and the physical damage it has done to women's health, is going to catch up also with the billions of dollars that are made in profit."
  • "It is time for the pro-life movement to wake up and be bold enough to say, you know what, you're damaging our children, you're damaging women, and we're not going to stand for it anymore," she [Giroux] said. "It's not a Catholic issue anymore, it's a women's health issue now."
  • She [Giroux] pointed out that women in their 30s have begun succumbing to breast cancer even though it used to be "a post-menopausal woman's disease" - a change that she said is "directly tied to hormonal contraception and abortion."
  • "Giroux has teamed up with Angela Lanfranchi, M.D. of the Breast Cancer Institute to expose the link between contraceptive use and breast cancer. For example, she says research has suggested women on the Pill within five years of having their first baby are at 50% increased risk for breast cancer."
To schedule an interview with Jenn Giroux to discuss these important issues during Breast Cancer Awareness Month contact Megan Morris at [email protected] or 785-256-0132.

About HLI America

Human Life International has been fighting the culture of Death around the world in over 100 Countries. This, however, is the first official designated program outreach in America. HLI America will bring Americans the truth about human life, the beauty of children and the devastating and harmful physical and spiritual effects of contraception in America.