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Updates from the ATP






Presidential Tele-Forum & Straw Poll


12 for 12 Club  


Join Tea Party Patriots and thousands of other grassroots activists on Sunday, December 18, 2011 at 5pm EST (3pm MST) for the Presidential Tele-Forum and Tea Party Straw Poll. 


Are you tired of the media trying to force you to choose a particular candidate? 


Do you believe that your voice needs a way to be heard? 


Well now is your chance! Tea Party Patriots will be hosting a Presidential Tele-Forum in which all of the candidates will be given 10 minutes to answer questions that were determined by local Tea Party leaders. After each candidate has had an opportunity to participate in the forum we will be conducting a Tea Party Straw Poll. This poll will give insight to what the Tea Party thinks about the field of presidential candidates. You definitely don't want to miss this, so sign up today!


The deadline to sign up will be 10am EST (8am MST) on Sunday, December 18th and you will receive an email later that morning with instructions on how to join the tele forum.



We The People Rally III


12 for 12 Club  



12 for 12 Club


 12 for 12 Club


We hope that you can play a big part in helping us realize our goals:


�Recruit and Educate New Candidates for 2012

�Elect a majority of Fiscal Conservatives in 2012 into the NM Legislature

�Influence the NM legislative process to result in Limited Government Spending and encourage Transparency in that Legislative Process

�Elect another Fiscally Conservative US Congressman and Senator

�Influence APS and Albuquerque City Council Policy

�Hold Elections with Integrity

�Sponsor Park Parties for Community Relations and Recruiting Volunteers

�Continue to Host our Signature April 15th Event


We made some in-roads in the 2010 election by electing 8 new members to the NM House of Representatives. However, we must continue our fight against progressives and elect even more fiscal conservatives in 2012. We are asking for your support in the way of funding and volunteer work, to completely turn the tide in our state and help our new governor 


"Take Back New Mexico!"


The Albuquerque Tea Party is planning and building for 2012 and we have to start now!


We cannot afford to sit back on our heels in an off-election year and have the forward momentum of 2010 be reduced to inaction!   


We have many goals for the upcoming year and into 2012.

Giveaway Bills for 2011
In This Issue
Support Governor Martinez on the "Haze" Issue
We The People Rally III
12 for 12 Club




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Thank you for your continued support of the Albuquerque Tea Party!