Sunrise over the river from Sierpe del Pacifico

Sierpe del Pacifico

In This Issue
Operations Office Complete
Visit SDP this Fall/Winter
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 New SDP operations office is complete 
Everyone here at Sierpe del Pacifico is very excited about the completion of the new operations office.  The office, built in the same "refined rustic" style as the SDP model home, will serve as our new in-town base for all business operations in Sierpe, and is conveniently located on the same property as our new five slip dock on the river.
With this centralized location in the middle of Sierpe's business district, Sierpe del Pacifico residents will have easy, direct access to all town-based SDP services and management personal. 
The office boasts a fully enclosed, air-conditioned workspace, with a welcoming outdoor rancho/reception area for SDP members and guests.  In addition, all SDP residents will be given a key for their personal, 24/7 use of the office's restroom while in town.
With our continued commitment to provide SDP residents the most complete and comfortable experience, we plan to add dockside storage lockers, and a dockside rancho/reception area with tables chairs and hammocks.
 Schedule Your Fall/Winter Visit to SDP Now! 
The dry season is nearly (perhaps already) upon your trip to Costa Rica now!  In typical years, December marks the start of the dry season, but with an El Nino event occurring this year, significantly dryer weather is anticipated to hit Costa Rica throughout the next 6 months.  This should make October and November, in addition to December through May - a prime time to visit Sierpe del Pacifico.  Current reports from Sierpe indicate that the weather is already a fair amount dryer than normal.  A typical day consists of nice warm sunshine until about 4 p.m., when scattered showers move in and occasionally continue throughout the night, before giving way to that powerful Costa Rican sun the next morning.  Some other things to keep in flights from the US to Costa Rica are usually at their cheapest September through November, and if you are planning on doing some traveling throughout the rest of the country, hotel and tour rates are significantly discounted as well.  Please feel free to contact me personally at any time should you be interested in planning a trip to Sierpe del Pacifico.
- Cassidy 
Cassidy's Best Value Lot, Lot #10 "The Cathedral"
There were many names in the running for lot #10, but I finally settled on "The Cathedral" due to the very high ceiling effect created by the canopy of trees surrounding the building footprint.  Of our 6 canopy style lots still available, lot #10 brings provides the widest range of desirable features.  It is the second closest SDP lot to the communal dock, meaning a round trip back and forth from the dock to your cabina to retrieve groceries should take no more than just a few minutes.  Lot #10 is also located on top of a small ridge extending north/south through the lot.  This allows for a building site significantly elevated from its surroundings, thus opening up the airflow and providing spectacular views of the rainforest and local wildlife.  Priced at just $55,000, lot #10 is one of our best values.
For a complete list of our current Sierpe del Pacifico lot prices please email me at