Simplicity Connection
   January 2011


After Christmas Sale! 
Now till Jan.16th 

Grow Your Business with Podcasting
Jan 11th: 7.30am-9am

Join us on ...
Dear Friend,

AAs we come to the last week of the year, AGAIN, I would like all of you to know that I and my team at Simplicity D�cor are so thankful for your friendship and support. Along the bumpy economic road we are facing, your generosity and support give us a ray of hope and something to smile about. As so we are ending 2010 with another good turnout.

No one knows what the future will bring, however, and I would like to ask you to join me and pause for a few minutes to think about this New Year. What do you want your 2011 to be like? Let's think positive while planning, and even better, writes something down.  But no matter what happens, I and Simplicity D�cor will be here for you as you are for us.

Wishing you and your family a prosperous New Year,

Simple Holiday Decoration

Jan_Holiday DecorationThere is a new article about Simplicity D�cor decorating 12 of the CamWest model homes throughout the Eastside areas in Kirklandviews. Please take a look. Thanks to Kirklandviews and CamWest for the wonderful opportunity.

National Recognition ! 

HAT_The simple lifeHome Accents Today, the most trusted trade magazine in the Home Accents industry, just wrote an article about Simplicity Decor for their December issue. Check this out!
Simplicity Rewards Program

I'd just like to remind everyone that if you have moved this year, please update us with your new address and/or new email address as we will start to send out 2010's Rewards Gift Certificate in the coming month. Thank You.  

Word of Mouth

Simplicity D�cor is becoming my favorite local treasure.  Every time I wander through the doors I find something new and wonderful, something I know that I will cherish through the years.  I've made memories as I carried my Baggallini through London and Paris, I've entertained friends and family with my Gurgle Pot, and shared finger puppet books with all the sweet babies in my family.  I've shared the destination with friends and family and all feel the same sense of welcome in the unique and eclectic combination of treasures.  Time spent at Simplicity D�cor is time spent in comfort.

I love everything "Kirkland" and Simplicity D�cor is definitely Kirkland!

Shelley C. Kirkland, WA