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NEW Featured Artist: Josie Rodriguez



"As a mixed media artist, I discovered that encaustic brought dimension to my work where the layering of wax and pigment gives a luminous quality of depth and transparency. This wonderful medium creates endless artistic possibilities where hot wax, pigment and heat come together. Encaustic is a process that is elemental, natural, organic, messy, transparent and experimental often resulting in the unexpected. I am inspired by the many designs and textures of nature; black and white photography; objects that I see in my environment; travels taken; connections between everyday things; and words of those who have inspired me. I have come to appreciate and honor the work of honeybees, acknowledging that even the shape of the hexagon (honeycomb) is known for it's structural properties of strength, efficiency and connectedness."




Josie Rodriguez teaches for the San Diego Art Institute Art Department. View her interview and more of her work here


NEW ITEM: Encaustic Hot Tools 
Brass Hot Tools
Our Hot Pen Point Attachments & Hot Brush Attachments have revolutionized the process of applying wax paint. 
The Pen Points can be used to create a broad spectrum of line widths; from a hairline to a very broad stroke. Anyone who is familiar with pen and ink drawing will be able to master drawing with encaustic wax paints. Simply melt your encaustic wax paint in metal cups on a hot plate and dip your pen into the hot liquid wax paint. The brass pen tip is kept hot by the wax pen and the temperature regulator will allow you to find the optimum temperature for each pen size and color. The heated pen tip will allow you to draw with liquid wax paint at your leisure without rushing to apply color before the wax cools.
The Hot Brush Attachments are handcrafted with solid brass filaments and brass ferrules. The Hot Brush is ideal for applying thin transparent layers. Encaustic paint cools almost immediately, allowing multiple layers to be applied rapidly. Furthermore, these layers will not mix unless it is the intention of the artist to work them into each other using the heated filaments. Opacity is accomplished through the application of more paint in each stroke or by building up several transparent layers.

The Enkaustikos Wax Pen maintains the molten state of the wax color on the brush until its application to the painting surface. This innovation allows the encaustic painter the option to work slowly and meticulously or fast and spontaneously. Traditional and contemporary painters alike will enjoy the control offered by this brush.
View more on these items here.
by Mike Lesczinski, President 

NAMTA recently changed its name to the International Art Material Association to better reflect its membership. Indeed it was international, we had visitors from Germany, France, England, Costa Rica, and of course our northern neighbors from Canada.


This year, one of our newest employees, Mona Oates, demonstrated our new Hot Brush and Hot Pens to art retailers, store managers and artists from around the world. Mona is originally from Germany and moved to Rochester with her husband last year. She began working for Enkaustikos about six months ago. Mona is a wonderful person, a very talented artist and her enthusiasm for encaustic painting gets everyone excited. This was her first trade show and allowed us to list our booth as bilingual. We had several stores from Germany visit our booth, discuss our products and watch Mona demonstrate how they work.


We introduced our handcrafted, heated brass filament brushes and pen points which were selected by Namta for a presentation of "What's New and Exciting at the Show". They were quite a hit and we returned with plenty of orders to fill. We also introduced our new Hot Sticks sets that were big hit with retailers of all sizes. One of our new dealers, "The Starving Artist" was so thrilled to carry our products that he bought our booth and literally carried it back to his car and drove it back to his store in North Carolina. We are busy following up on all the leads, filling orders, and answering emails. Dominique Sennelier will be adding our line to his stores in Paris and we feel quite confident our dealer network will grow to include Germany and England in the months ahead.

FREE Wax Snap Offer
Get a free 40ml Wax Snap when you purchase
3 Hot Cakes or 6 Hot Sticks

Wax Snaps are available through this promotion only and are a great way to try Enkaustikos products in a versatile, new shape. Snap off what you need for encaustic drawing techniques, painting, printmaking, and more!
Each snap is 40ml and measures 1 3/8" x 4 1/2".  
There are four Wax Snaps to choose from: Wax Medium, XD Wax Medium, Yellow Wax Medium, and Graphite.  
This offer is valid from 2/1/2012 - 7/31/2012. Proof of purchase is necessary to receive a free Wax Snap.

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