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A Brief Newsblast from Enkaustikos! Wax Art Supplies
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Encaustic Painting Tip:

Looking for affordable encaustic tools?  When it comes to fusing, your best option is to utilize a heat gun.  Heat guns are ideal for fusing your encaustic layers, can be found easily at local hardware stores, and typically sell for $25-30.  You can even purchase an inexpensive pancake griddle from your local department store to use as your encaustic palette, they work great!

September 2010
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You Asked, We Answered!

What is fusing? Why do you do "The Freezer Test"? Why can't I buy from Are blow torches safe to use? Are encaustic paintings permanent?  What type of mill does Enkaustikos use?

Over the years, we have received a lot of the same questions about encaustic painting techniques, encaustic products, and of course, our company.  We decided to compile those frequently asked questions and provide an informative database of answers on our website.  Next time you find you have a question, check the website and you will most likely find an answer!  See the Frequently Asked Questions section.

"Heat Up Your Art" DVD Is Available!

HotCakes DVDTo help enlighten artists about the unique and exciting possibilities of encaustic paint, Enkaustikos created an informative art instructional DVD, Heat Up Your Art! In this hour long DVD, encaustic artist and Enkaustikos employee, Kathryn Bevier walks viewers through the encaustic process.  Starting with the basics like studio set up and safety guidelines, Kathryn  goes into great detail about a variety of encaustic painting techniques.  This video includes several painting demonstrations and is full of wonderful artist advice! 

Be on the lookout for the DVD at a retailer nearest you.

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Learn about single pigment paintsColor Chart Image
Enkaustikos offers the most single pigment paints than any other encaustic paint manufacturing company.  In fact, 72 of our 85 colors are single pigment paints!  Single pigment paints are ideal for creating clean and consistent color mixes!

Read more

Website Announcement:
If you love attending workshops or watching encaustic demos, then we recommend you visit our new event announcement page.  We are now listing any encaustic events we hear of at our Hot Cakes retailers.   Many upcoming demos were just added!  Be on the lookout for your local retailer and you may just find out about an event in your area.

Thanks again for your interest in our encaustic products.  We encourage you to visit our website to learn more about our products, company, and encaustic painting itself. 

The Communications Dept.
Enkaustikos! Wax Art Supplies