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Minneapolis Area Senior Workers Association Newsletter
October 2012
In This Issue
Fall Aging Conference
President's Monthly Note
Featured Board Member Of The Month
Membership Renewal for 2013
Quick Links
Issue: # 10October 2012



The MASWA Board wants to hear from YOU! Please take a few minutes to complete this very short survey and tell us what you like about MASWA and how we can improve to meet your needs even better as you work to serve the seniors in our community.


This is your chance to be heard. We're excited to know what you think.  



the MASWA Board



Minneapolis Area Senior Workers' Association


St. Paul Senior Workers' Association present:


The 35th Annual
Fall Aging Conference

Thursday, October 25, 2012


The Fringe - New Realities in Caring

All of us work hard to help our loved ones, and those we serve in the community, grow old with grace, purpose and joy. This year the Fall Aging Conference will focus on some of the challenges on "the fringe," not the everyday challenges we have dealt with in the past. The conference will offer advice, training and support for those of us who have dedicated our lives to improving the quality and quantity of life for our aging population.


Guest Speakers:

Matthew Sanford, President-CEO, Matthew Sanford, "Aging and the Mind-Body Relationship"

Dr. Robin Bonifas, Assistant Professor, Arizona State University, "Insights for Understanding and Preventing Senior Bullying"

Jerald Winakur, MD, FACP, CMD, "My Patients, My Father, Myself: Ethical Caregiving in Aging America"

Teepa Snow, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA, "Caring for People with Developmental Disabilities When Dementia is Part of the Picture"



October 18th is the last day to register at Early Bird Discounted Rates for the Fall Aging Conference.  Click HERE to register on-line.



Beth NemecGreetings!


This month's President's Letter is a mixed bag -a request, an update, and a reminder.


A request: At our MASWA Board Retreat this summer, we discussed and decided to survey you - our members to better understand how to serve you better. The best way to do that is, of course, to ask for your feedback. In this newsletter issue, you'll find a link to a short survey that we encourage you to complete. It's your turn to be heard! It has only 10 questions so it should take five minutes or less to complete. We will then provide you with the results and make a plan to act on them. We really want to hear from you on what you find valuable as a member and what you would like us to provide for you in the future. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey today. Thank you!


An update: We are making progress on updating our website and hope to have a user friendly site for you by the beginning of the year. Thank you for your patience as we work on this project.


A reminder: The Fall Aging Conference is coming up - October 25th at Earle Brown Center. I encourage you to register and attend this wonderful event.   The conference committee has volunteered many hours planning this annual event. You'll hear interesting and informative speakers, collect a wide variety of information and resources from the exhibitors, and connect with colleagues. Returning attendees say they eagerly anticipate the conference each year. If you have attended for many years or if this is your first time - we will welcome you!


We look forward to your participation and feedback on these projects and events - thank you! Happy fall!

Beth Nemec

 Maura Albrecht, member at large, enjoys helping people. Having worked in the investment world for 15 years, she saw a gap in the services and resources offered to the growing elder population. With a passion for helping seniors remain as independent as possible, she founded Financial Wellness for You, LLC in 2007. Maura works with families in their home to identify what their financial resources are and how to use them to support aging wherever they choose that to be. She truly believes that a family's financial health is as important as their physical and emotional health.


Growing up in a large family in Bloomington MN, with 5 siblings, including a twin brother, Maura hasn't moved far. She lives in Burnsville and stays very busy with her 3 daughters and all of their activities. The family enjoys trips to the North Shore to visit the eldest daughter, a sophomore at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. Her middle daughter enlisted in the Marine Corp in August of this year and is currently in boot camp in Parris Island, SC. Maura is looking forward to her graduation in November and the opportunity to see her then. The youngest daughter is a freshman in high school and plays soccer for Lakeville South High School. Much of Maura's free time is spent on the soccer field!


Being a part of the MASWA Board has been both a privilege and a joy. Maura has been a member of the Minneapolis Senior Workers since founding her company and continues to be amazed at the wealth of information available to the senior community and the passion of those who serve.


We'll be accepting membership renewals for 2013 at the Fall Aging Conference.  As a reward for renewing early, you will be entered in a prize drawing for one of several Target gift cards. Membership renewals will be accepted during the lunch break at the registration table at the FAC. Please print the application from the link and bring it with you to the Fall Aging Conference.  Membership is $20 for the year.