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Minneapolis Area Senior Workers Association Newsletter
August 2012
In This Issue
August Membership Meeting
President's Monthly Note
Featured Board Member Of The Month
Save The Date - Fall Aging Conference
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Issue: #8August 2012

Go Team USA! And that doesn't just mean our amazing athletes - it means every one of us in the trenches of life, serving others, making life better, sharing the ups and downs. So go YOU!



Minneapolis Senior Worker's Association
Thursday, August 23, 2012
2:30 pm Registration/Networking
2:45 pm Business Meeting
3:00 pm Presentation/Questions
4:00 pm Adjourn

TOPIC:   Hospital Length of Stay and Observation Periods
Presenters:  Brenda Verbick and Jenifor Nelson   




Jenifor Nelson, RN, MS, ACM is the manager of the Care Management department at Mercy and Unity Hospitals. Her responsibilities include the Case Management and Utilization Management functions as well as supervision of the staff carrying out these roles in the hospital.


Brenda Verbick, MSW, CCM is the Director of Mental Health and Social Work Services at Mercy Hospital, a part of Allina Health, in Coon Rapids MN. Her primary accountability is the leadership of Mercy medical social workers and the inpatient and outpatient mental health programs provided at Mercy Hospital. Partial focus of her work involves supporting hospital initiatives related to length of stay, readmission reduction, and disposition planning.


Program Objectives:

  • Participants will understand the hospital's role and process in assigning an appropriate levl of care: Observation vs. Inpatient
  • Participants will understand the CMS rules related to hospital readmission rates
  • Participants will expand their knowledge of readmission reduction initiatives and its impact on their role within the community

Call the MASWA Program Co-Chairs: William Huseonica, Director of Marketing Chandler Place, 612-913-5390 or Vicky Willcox, Marketing Director of the Colony at Eden Prairie, 952-828-9500 with questions related to this program. 

Jones Harrison 

3700 Cedar Lake Avenue

Minneapolis, MN  55416


Certificates of Attendance (CEU) will be available.
Annual Membership fee $25.00 Guest fee $5.00
Beth Nemec

I don't know about you, but, the Olympics have taken up most of my time and attention over the past few weeks. I have enjoyed watching almost all of the sports. I wholeheartedly respect the athletes for the time, commitment and dedication that they have given to their sport and performance. They have worked so hard for this competition and strive to see that their hard work and sacrifice is rewarded with a medal - a gold one would be best.


It has allowed me to think about the work that we are doing with the seniors that we serve. Like the Olympic athletes, we also need to respect ourselves and each other for the commitment and dedication we give to our community. Many of us serve in multiple volunteer roles, work very hard at our jobs, put in countless hours and make sacrifices every day. So, today I encourage you to give yourself a pat on the back or give a few words of thanks and encouragement to a co-worker or peer. Congratulate them on a job well done. We are not typically rewarded with a gold medal - but we are rewarded by seeing the smiles of the people we touch each and every day.

Beth Nemec


Carol Hagberg  Carol Hagberg, Community Liaison for Visiting Angels, says she is grateful and proud to be part of the senior care professionals in our community. "I have met so many wonderful and caring people over the last few years and am continually impressed by their dedication and commitment to serving seniors."


Part of the Visiting Angels team since 2007, Carol's favorite part of her varied job is client care. "It is increasingly rewarding for me to be able to help clients and their families find the right solutions for their unique care needs. "


Carol's enthusiasm for her job also includes educating the community about senior home care. She enjoys participating in several related community and professional organizations to be proactive in recognizing, developing, and affecting senior care and available services.


Carol and her husband have two grown children and a four-year-old grandchild. "I treasure the time I am able to spend with family and enjoy going to the cabin for the weekend." She loves to garden, read, sew, etc. (Apparently she doesn't sit still very long!). Carol has a "can-do" attitude and enjoys accomplishing all types of projects.


Growing up on a farm near Lafayette, MN with 4 sisters and a brother, Carol has experience with a wide range of trades. "People are often surprised that I can do (and have done) simple plumbing, electrical work, roofing, and carpentry. I inherited that great quality from my dad when growing up on the farm."


Carol is passionate about life - caring for seniors, spending time with family, and getting things done. She is excited to be part of the MASWA Board as the Historian.


Welcome to the MASWA Board, Carol!


SAVE THE DATE - Fall Aging Conference

The Fall Aging Conference

"The Fringe: New Realities in Caring"


October 25, 2012


Earle Brown Center


Save the date for this year's Fall Aging Conference. Speakers include:

Matthew Sanford ("Aging and the Mind-Body Relationship")

Robin Bonifas ("Insights for Understanding and Preventing Senior Bullying")

Dr. Jerald Winakur ("My Patients, My Father, Myself: Ethical Caregiving in Aging America")

Teepa Snow ("Caring for People with Developmental Delay When Dementia is Part of the Picture")


See you there!




Guests SAVE $5.00 - Bring a friend for FREE to the next MASWA meeting on Thursday, August 23, 2012 at
2:30 pm at Jones Harrison in Minneapolis. All guests will be acknowledged in our next newsletter!!       
Offer Expires: 8/23/2012